Three Letters Re: Finding Prepper-Friendly Churches in The American Redoubt–Expanding The List

Hi Jim,
There’s a great local cowboy church called Gold Hill Church, near Deary, Idaho. It is not only prepper friendly, but even “dog friendly”. Another prepper-friendly church is the Community Church in Southwick, Idaho.

Also, I noted that one of the churches you listed in Bonner’s Ferry appears to be a Seventh-Day Adventist (SDA) church. As I grew up in that church and greatly admire much of the values of the SDA subculture, it always concerns me when an SDA[-affiliated] church does not let people know that they are really an SDA church. The books they list for sale are official books of the SDA church and are only distributed by the SDA church. I was on SDA Conference and Union Committees and know these books very well. Some SDA doctrine is not based solely on scripture, but is based on the complications from other sources by Ellen G. White, [who is] believed by many conservative SDA members to have been a prophet.

Great cover art for “Survivors”. I have put “Download the new Rawles novel” on my eCalendar for October 4th.

[Some deleted, for brevity, and OPSEC]. Regards, – L.S.


Dear Mr. Rawles,
Some churches in the American Redoubt region which fit the criteria, and are not listed on your blog site, are:

All of the foregoing listed Churches are members of the Confederation of Reformed Evangelical Churches (CREC). CREC are Reformed in doctrine, but allow individual churches to decide where they stand on issues on which Calvinists differ (such as infant baptism, infant communion, etc.). The various confessions to which CREC members hold are as follows:

  • Westminster Confession of Faith
  • American Westminster Confession of Faith
  • The Three Forms of Unity:
    • Belgic Confession
    • Heidelberg Catechism
    • Canons of Dort
  • The London Baptist Confession
  • The Savoy Declaration
  • The Reformed Evangelical Confession

May Yahweh bless you and your family. Shalom, – K.E.


Mr. Rawles,
The Tridentine Latin Mass (aka: Extraordinary Form) tends to gather Catholics with a strong emphasis on tradition and values. Expect to find homeschooling, strong family values, Bibles, free-markets, hard work, subsidiarity and a distaste of moral-relativism among these people; these values would be called “prepper” values anywhere else. See for locations and times. The Fisheaters web site discusses this topic in more depth.

Deo gratias, – A libertarian Catholic

JWR Replies: While I’ll never see eye-to-eye doctrinally with some key tenets of Roman Catholicism, I have several prepper friends who are Catholics, and I have no doubts about the sincerity of their faith in Christ, nor any doubt about their salvation. And BTW, not surprisingly, most of these friends attend Latin Mass churches..

SurvivalBlog readers might also be interested to learn that in the second sequel to “Patriots” (which I’ve nearly finished writing and that will be released in about 14 months) focuses on the epic cross-country journey of Ken and Terry Layton. Like some of my real-life friends, these fictional characters attend a Tridentine Latin Mass Church. Also, in my upcoming novel “Survivors: A Novel of the Coming Collapse” (the first sequel to “Patriots”, that will be released in October) Ian and Blanca Doyle are two key characters that are also Catholics.