Note from JWR:

Please hold off until October 4th to order my new novel “Survivors: A Novel of the Coming Collapse”. By concentrating all of the orders on the release day (the “Book Bomb Day”), I hope to help propel the book into Amazon’s Top 100. Thanks! OBTW: Yes, at $15.98 it is priced higher than “Patriots“, but this is because it will first be released in a hardback binding. I’ve seen the cover artwork, and it is stunning. (The publisher should soon be releasing the cover art for promotional purposes. I’ll post it then.) The Kindle edition will sell for $10.99. I …

Jim’s Product Review: Taylor Freelance Pistol Magazine Extensions

One of the drawbacks of owning an HK USP Compact .45 ACP is that the largest standard magazine for it holds just 10 rounds, and to date, none of the magazine makers produce anything larger. This puts the HK at a disadvantage to guns like the Glock Model 30. (Which can of course accept the longer Glock M21 magazines that hold 13 rounds.) Sadly, since they use substantially different frame form factors, the HK USP Compact .45s cannot accept the fatter HK full-size USP .45 ACP magazines, which are made up to 12 round capacity. But now, after a bit …

Knives, Blades and Needles, by Dr. Bob

There are some things in life that you just can’t go cheap on, and there are others that you can. This is an area that is mixed. As many other posts and reviews will tell you, a good survival knife is an invaluable tool that you absolutely cannot go cheap on. Going to Wal-Mart and buying the “Made in China” cheapo knife is going to potentially hurt you WTSHTF. Don’t do that, please don’t. But, with medical equipment, price does not equal performance. Most medical equipment is dirt cheap because it is nearly all disposable these days. That’s okay, medical …

How I Test and Evaluate Firearms and Knives, by Pat Cascio

Over the years, I’ve had a lot of folks ask me how I got into writing about guns and knives – I also wrote for American Survival Guide magazine for quite a few years, on survival-related topics. I also have folks ask me what my methods are for testing knives, guns, gear, etc. So, I thought I’d take this opportunity to give you all the skinny on this. I’m no expert on anything – I only consider myself a serious student in many things, guns, knives and the martial arts come to mind. Remember, you are getting an opinion from …

Economics and Investing:

I couldn’t help but notice that the spot price of gold jumped $30 per ounce at the opening bell in Asia on Monday morning. (Which was Sunday evening, Rawles Ranch time.) Get ready for a very scary ride in all of the markets this week! Reader J.D.D. sent this: World Financial Officials Hold Emergency Call to Discuss U.S. Credit Downgrade[JWR’s Comment: “Call in the tailors for an emergency meeting!” cries Les Empereur Sans Culottes.] Four links from G.G.: Two bank closures on August 5th bring total for 2011 to 63 banks. (One of them was inside the American Redoubt.) Marc …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Over at Off The Grid News: One Man Living His Off-Grid Dream. (He relocated from New York to Montana.)    o o o F.J. spotted this over at LifeHacker: Make an Emergency Candle Out of a Tub of Crisco. (Don’t miss the humorous comments with a description of a bacon grease candle.)    o o o For just one day, Monday August 8, 2011 Backyard Food Production is offering a 38% discount for SurvivalBlog readers on their DVD Food Production Systems for a Backyard or Small Farm. ( has notified them that they have to reduce my inventory – so …