Odds ‘n Sods:

From the isle of chestless men: English cops refuse to carry guns. “…one in eight officers would not be prepared to carry a gun under any circumstances, despite the threat of a Paris-style attack in Britain.” Britain’s leaders have, over three generations, destroyed the English gun culture. This is the predictable and pitiable result. I wonder, will there ever again be an England. – J.N.

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Study: Venezuelans lost 19 lbs. on average over past year due to lack of food – G.P.

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9 Ammo Storage Tips Every Gun Owner Should Know – DSV

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Phony Baloney: The 9 Fakest Fake-News Checkers – DSV

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The CIA Vs. The Presidency: This Is Not The First Time

Hugh’s Quote of the Day:

“The times call for courage. The times call for hard work. But if the demands are high, it is because the stakes are even higher. They are nothing less than the future of human liberty, which means the future of civilization.” – Henry Hazlitt

Kahr CT40, by Pat Cascio

I’ve been a huge fan of Kahr , since I laid my hands on the first one I ever spotted in a gun shop. The double-action only trigger pull on their handguns is second to none; it is butter smooth. Some have described the trigger pull as the Rolls Royce of DAO triggers, and I’m not about to argue the point either. The one “problem” I have with any of the Kahr handguns I get in for testing and for writing an article on is that I simply can’t return the samples; I end up purchasing them eventually, because I like their guns so much.

My youngest daughter gave me a Kahr CW45 about three or fours years ago as a Christmas present. I also purchased a second one from the local gun shop, because I loved the way the gun felt and operated. A couple of years ago, my wife and two daughters gave me a Kahr CW9 for Christmas; it was another winner. The only problem I had with it was that it did require slightly more than 200 rounds through it before it operated 100% of the time. Then again, Kahr recommends you fire at least 200 rounds through their guns to insure they operate 100% of the time. This particular gun really needed that break-in period for some reason; most of the Kahrs I’ve had worked 100% right out of the box.

This brings us to the Kahr CT40, which is a fairly new model in the Kahr stable. I ran across this one, which is used but as-new, at the local gun shop I haunt. The asking price was just too low for me to pass it up; I’m so weak. The CT40 is chambered in .40 S&W, and this model holds 7+1 rounds. The grip is ever so slightly longer than that of the CW9 series of pistols. I’ve found that the CW9 and my CW45 are just right, when it comes to fitting my hand and providing great concealment. To be sure, Kahr handguns are designed to be some of the best pistols that are easy to operate and conceal.

The CT40 has a 4” long barrel with a length of 6.5” and a height of 5.12”, and it is only 0.94” wide. It is slim. The gun weighs in at only 21.8 ounces and has a stainless steel slide and black, textured polymer frame. The sights are the bar/dot, with white dot on the front sight and bar on the rear sight, which is very fast to pick up. The gun only comes with one magazine, but spares are readily available, and you should always carry a spare magazine with any autoloading pistol.

In the past, I tested the Kahr CM40, and I got one from Kahr for an article. I also purchased another one. These are outstanding concealed carry pistols, and I carried one or the other in an ankle holster for quite some time. They are much smaller than the CT40, with a shorter barrel and being shorter in the grip area. Then again, they only hold 5+1 rounds. The one “bad” thing with these little guns was that they were punishing to shoot, and if you didn’t have a firm grip on the guns there would be feeding problems. However, if you had a firm grasp when firing, the guns worked perfectly.

The CT40 is quite a bit bigger than the CM40 was. It’s longer front to back and top to bottom. I was looking forward to giving it a good workout and considered carrying it on a daily basis with a spare 7-rd mag. Here’s where things got a little “complicated”, in my humble opinion. The CT40 is, as mentioned, longer and taller, and it hurts when it comes to concealed carry; the gun is just a little bit bigger than I wanted to conceal. Oh sure, I’ve carried much larger handguns concealed without any problems, and there were no problems carrying the CT40 concealed either. However, Kahr is known for small, concealable handguns, and in my humble opinion this one is kind of like the proverbial red-headed step-child. It just doesn’t work for me as a small handgun, even though it is small, and it isn’t quite big enough to fill the roll of a full-sized handgun either.

I certainly understand where Kahr is coming from with the CT40; those who want to carry more ammo in the handguns wanted something like this. However, to my thinking, I’d rather carry a round or two less and go with the Kahr P40, CM40, or CW40. I don’t mind giving up a round or two for a lot better concealed carry handguns, especially when I’m carrying at least one spare magazine for the gun. Maybe it’s just me, but we’ll see.

From Buffalo Bore Ammunition, I had their 140-gr Barnes TAC-XP all-copper hollow point standard pressure ammo and the same in 125-gr, but both are really stout loads. I also had their 155-gr and 180 gr JHP +P loads, which are very hot loads. From Black Hills Ammunition, I had their 155-gr JHP load, 180-gr JHP load, and their 140-gr Barnes TAC-XP all-copper hollow point load. So, I had a fair selection of ammo to run through this CT40.

The good news is that I had zero malfunctions with any of the ammo tested, and in all I fired 300 rounds through the CT40. There’s more good news. The recoil was easily handled because of the much longer grip area, compared to the CM40, CW40, or P40. I didn’t really expect the recoil control to be all that much more manageable, but it was. I was totally surprised that with the slightly longer gripping area the gun was very easy to shoot, all things considered. The 155-gr and 180-g JHP +P loads from Buffalo Bore were a bit snappy to say the least, and I wouldn’t shoot a steady diet of this hotter ammo through the Kahr CT40. However, all the other loads aren’t bad at all in the CT40.

Accuracy testing was conducted at only 15 yards, resting the gun over the hood of my pickup on top of a rolled up sleeping bag. I was getting groups all around three inches, if I did my part, and that is outstanding accuracy from a “small” handgun in a hot-stepping caliber like the .40 S&W. The Black Hills 140-gr Barnes TAC-XP all-copper hollow point gave me some groups a little bit below 3”, and that’s nothing to complain about, so it was the accuracy winner.

I carried the CT40 for several weeks and changed holsters. Both were leather holsters from Blackhawk Products , made in Italy and outstanding concealed use holsters, plus a great buy. So, I was giving the CT40 a fair shake when it came to concealing it. However, for whatever reason, this gun didn’t resonate with me. I’d rather carry my CW45 or my CW9 instead of the CT40. There wasn’t anything wrong with the gun; it functioned 100% of the time, and I loved the DAO trigger pull. However, there was just “something” about the gun that didn’t appeal to me. It’s the first Kahr ever like this.

I ended up selling the gun back to my local gun shop, and there it has sat for several months now. The guys at the gun shop tell me what I already knew. When a customer would ask to handle the gun, they all said it was too long and that they wanted something shorter in the butt region of the gun for better concealed carry. So, it wasn’t just me with this complaint. I’m thinking that, for once, Kahr didn’t hit a home run with the CT40, but they still got onto third base, and that’s not bad.

When I think about Kahr handguns, I think of guns that are easy to conceal– not too big and not too small– but “just right”, as Goldilocks once said. That extra round in the 7-rd magazine just makes the gun a little bit longer than should be for someone who wants a concealed carry gun. I’m sure it will appeal to a lot of shooters, but when a gun sits on the shelf at my local gun shop for more than a few weeks, there is a problem, and the CT40 still sits there. Again, there’s nothing wrong with the gun; it performed great and was easy to control, even with the hottest .40 S&W loads I fed it. But this one just wasn’t ringing my chimes.

– Senior Product Review Editor, Pat Cascio

Book Review: Krav Maga Tactical Survival, by D.R.

Published by Tuttle Publishing
ISBN: 978-0-8048-4765-0
5 parts, 224 pages with index

Between active shooters, the rise in violent crime, and the outbreak of “undocumented shoppers”, many Americans are taking an interest in learning how to protect themselves and their loved ones. This takes many forms, as some people devote their time and money to storing up resources and equipment, others to training with armed and unarmed combatives, and some to both. Any serious practitioner in unarmed combatives will likely have heard of the discipline of Krav Maga. Since Imi Lichtenfeld started training the Israeli military in “contact combat” in 1944, Krav Maga has become increasingly popular among the international community. With instructors all over the world spreading the word of reality-based self-defense, it’s not hard to imagine why that is the case. One such instructor is Gershon ben Keren, a 5th degree black belt in Krav Maga and the head instructor at Krav Maga Yashir in Boston, MA. In addition to providing training to civilians, law enforcement officers, and military personnel, he has also written a few books on the subject of unarmed combat.

In his latest book, Krav Maga – Tactical Survival, ben Keren goes in-depth on the subject, covering not only specific techniques but also important physical and psychological concepts that would be useful for self-defense and martial art practitioners of all levels. Every technique in the book is explained step-by-step and accompanied by pictures of the technique being preformed at actual speed, making it easy to understand and emulate the techniques in your own training. He also provides in-depth instruction on how to preform individual strikes, such as the hammerfist, palm strike, or elbow for those who are new to training or are unfamiliar with such combatives.

In addition to striking, the book also covers self-defense scenarios, armed assaults, unarmed assaults, and throws/pick-ups. Beyond combatives, one of the most important concepts taught in the book is how and when to de-escalate a situation before it erupts into a violent confrontation. Having to de-escalate or avoid a fight is the most likely situation a person will encounter, and it doesn’t take years of training to learn how to do it.

With his Master’s degree in Psychology, he gives insight into the way people perceive conflict. He writes: “When this happens, their mamilian or limbic system takes over; this part of the brain understands social interaction through displays of dominance/posturing and submission, just like a dog or wolf.”

I highly recommend this book to self-defense and martial arts practitioners, as well as those who have an interest in beginning to train. Keep in mind that no instructional book will be an adequate replacement for training with a good instructor, but Krav Maga – Tactical Survival should provide an excellent auxiliary resource for you during your training.

Recipe of the Week: Old Bay Crab Cakes, by MCA


  • 2 slices white bread, crusts removed and crumbled
  • 2 tablespoons mayonnaise
  • 2 teaspoons OldBay seasoning
  • 2 teaspoons parsley flakes
  • 1/2 teaspoon prepared yellow mustard
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 1 pound lump crab meat


  1. Mix bread, mayonnaise, OldBay, parsley, mustard, and egg in large bowl until well blended.
  2. Gently stir in crab meat.
  3. Shape into 4 patties.
  4. Broil 10 minutes without turning, or fry until golden brown on both sides.
  5. Sprinkle with additional OldBay, if you like OldBay.

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Useful Recipe and Cooking Links:

Do you have a favorite recipe that would be of interest to SurvivalBlog readers? Please send it via e-mail. Thanks!

Letter Re: License Plate Reader & OPSEC


That was a good article and timely. Recently I took pictures of a couple cars to sell on the Internet. I covered the license plates with duct tape for the photos for OPSEC. I pulled the tape off after I was done, and two days later I noticed a very nice dirt film obscuring the letters exactly where the tape was. So just a 3 cent piece of tape placed on different letters or numbers and then removed will collect road film and make your plate unreadable and easy to explain or rub off if you’re pulled over. – B.C.

Economics and Investing:

Here’s a brand new report from Chris Martenson explaining why we are now living under the biggest financial asset bubble in history. Yet, those in power responsible for creating it are doing their utmost to downplay the risks and soothe the masses with a false “everything is fine” narrative. Make no mistake, though; when this bubble bursts, it is going to be unimaginably destructive: The Mother Of All Financial Bubbles – A.T.

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$XAU Retesting the 200 Day Moving Average

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This Is One Of The Big Reasons Why So Many Families Are Feeling Extreme Financial Stress

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The Unthinkable Just Happened in Spain: Six Central Bankers And A Financial Regulator Get Dragged To Court!

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SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Odds ‘n Sods:

What’s inside: A Beretta 92 clone cut in half with a waterjet. Interesting to say the least. – T.P.

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Why Was the FBI Investigating General Flynn? – D.S.

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California exit? What these people haven’t realized is 45.8% of California is U.S. government federal lands and not the State of California’s: ‘California is a nation, not a state’: A fringe movement wants a break from the U.S. – DMS

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Taking your Prepper Team to the next level. We want the ability to make longer range intra-team communication plus the ability to monitor many channels. More info on CampingSurvival.com Repeater Pack – T.J.

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Here’s A Rundown of All the Looting and Robbery Incidents That Occurred During the Oroville Evacuation – B.B.

Household Basics in TEOTWAWKI- Part 3, by Sarah Latimer

I’m continuing my journey to consider some of the pantry basics (beyond meat, eggs, dairy, grains, fruits, and vegetables) that I will want to have available in the event of TEOTWAWKI. I am resolved that I will ideally be able to make these items myself but in researching them I know I may find it necessary to either store them indefinitely in large quantity and have some alternatives available, and/or have a local/regional source for obtaining in barter.

So far, I’ve dug deep into the use, science, history, manufacturing, and storage of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and discovered that I will need to store it until the mines for soda ash are activated and some basic manufacturing and distribution of baking soda begun again. I also learned that there are a few alternatives to baking soda, though they’re far from ideal. Pearlash (potassium carbonate) is one of those. Pearlash is a bit troublesome to make and has a bitter aftertaste, plus I’m curious about the health implications. According to King Arthur Bread:

On this side of the Atlantic the early colonists were blessed with hardwood forests as far as the eye could see. Aside from being a logical building material and fuel, hardwoods provided another important resource, ashes. Ashes were a major export two hundred years ago, both to Canada and Britain. They were valuable for sweetening gardens and providing lye for making soap. They were also a source of potash and its derivative, pearlash, another creative leavening agent.

To make pearlash, you first have to make potash which itself is made from lye. To make lye, you pass water through a barrel of hardwood ashes over and over until an egg can float on the residue. (To make soap you boil this “lye water” with lard or other fat until it is thick, pour it into molds and harden it into cakes.) To make potash, you evaporate lye water until you have a solid.

Pearlash is a purified version of potash. It is an alkaline compound which will react with an acidic ingredient such as sour milk, buttermilk or molasses to produce carbon dioxide bubbles, the very same thing that yeast produces. Pearlash was used primarily in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries but because of its bitter aftertaste, it not only did not replace yeast but was eventually replaced by saleratus.”

The above website has summarized information on other quick bread alternatives that I also found in my research elsewhere. You may enjoy reading it. I found this website’s information about baking powder interesting as well. However, I do not use double-acting baking powder, due to the neurological health risks of aluminum, which is an ingredient in double-acting baking powder. In this, I very much agreed with the website and appreciated their suggestion for people concerned with this factor to make their own single-acting baking powder using baking soda and cream of tartar. My recipe is slightly different and depends upon the food in which it is being used. King Arthur Flour says,

Since baking powder does tend to lose its leavening powder after a while, rather than being caught empty handed, it’s useful to have baking soda and cream of tartar around in separate containers. Then you can make your own baking powder in an emergency. These are both available separately at your grocery and, separated, have an indefinite shelf life. To make the equivalent of 1 teaspoon of double acting baking powder, mix 1/2 teaspoon of cream of tartar with 1/4 teaspoon baking soda (two parts of cream of tartar to one of baking soda). This single acting backing powder will work very successfully but you must remember that when you use it, get whatever you’re baking into the oven right away.

Then, last week, I shared some of uses for, health benefits of, and methods for making vinegar as well as shared resources for learning more. Details for making apple cider vinegar were given. We’ve used several types of vinegar this week, and I’m so glad to have it on hand! After reading more about vinegars, I’m now intrigued with someday trying to make new kinds of vinegars than the usual apple cider vinegar. Maybe I’ll try some rice vinegar or eventually get brave enough to venture into wine vinegar or even balsamic vinegar! If I want to have it indefinitely, I need to know how to make it. So it needs to go on my “to be learned and practiced before TEOTWAWKI” list.

Spiritual Nourishment From This Week’s Pantry Item- Yeast

There is great wisdom in the Bible verse found in Deuteronomy 8:3 “And he humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord doth man live.” Our family regularly gives thanks to God for our food and even specifically for the bread that He provides, because everything we eat comes out of the ground or was fed by what comes out of the ground and is sustained by the water and the sun provided by our Creator. Life itself is from Him! Furthermore, He gave us His Word so that we might have abundant life.

His Word teaches us and the Word who became flesh (Jesus/Yeshua) and who died to fulfill the covenant that redeems us also models for us how we are to live. He used bread and leavening in His teachings as well as wine (which is made with yeast/leavening also), and I want to talk about bread and leavening a bit as part of my lesson on pantry prepping because I just cannot pass up the opportunity to share something far more valuable than physical food. I pray that this spiritual food takes hold and is meaningful to you to nourish your soul before we move on to the physical.

“But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.” Romans 8:9-11

In Deuteronomy 8:3, bread is referenced as a means for sustaining life. I have a few family members who, when fresh bread comes out of the oven, behave as if their lives are dependent upon consuming that warm, fresh bread and say they could almost live on it. I happen to know that one is a meat and potatoes guy, too, and I may be slightly exaggerating their enthusiasm over the bread, but we all most certainly look forward to it coming out of the oven and expect to have it with our dinners. There is something so very attractive to fresh yeast bread, and when it is made from fresh whole, healthy grains it contains a wealth of nutrients and fiber and even protein to sustain us. Even fresh, unleavened bread is very appealing. Freshness matters a great deal! When my daughter told me about a restaurant she enjoys recently, her comment was simply about their fresh, hot rolls rather than their entrees or desserts or anything else. Stale bread is nothing to talk about, but fresh baked bread sure is. We all know that stale bread requires a considerable amount of addition flavor, such a garlic, herbs, and parsley, and effort to make it tasty or useful in the form of croutons or breadcrumbs.

Jesus is our perfect example of Godliness and righteousness. He was humble and meek but not the tiniest bit ignorant or weak. He began to teach the teachers at a young age and was a carpenter’s son who braided a wipe to drive out the money changers from the Temple’s Court of the Gentiles, where they had no business occupying, transacting business, and certainly not interfering with/distracting the worship that was supposed to be carried on in this area (though the Pharisees/Sadducees did not permit it). Jesus was fresh in staying true to the instructions of the Word and lived it as the “Word made flesh”. He was life-giving and life-sustaining, and as His followers, we are to be about that work also!

Jesus was obedient to consume the unleavened Passover bread and remember the redemption of the Israelites when God heard their cries and delivered them from the oppression of Egypt. Before the Israelites left Egypt, they were instructed to rid their homes of leavening. We are taught that this removal of leavening signifies a cleaning of our hearts to humble ourselves before God and to seek out the most remote parts to repent of any hidden sin or rebellion or pride that might be hidden and as we go about our “Spring Cleaning”. We should leave our state of oppression in sin (Egypt) and enter into God’s fresh kingdom through Jesus’ redemptive work with a pure heart, and we should periodically re-examine every remote part to clean out anything that might be growing in hidden places, such as rebellion or pride or any injustice. It is a good and practical physical exercise to clean and most definitely an excellent spiritual one to clean our hearts! I have found that when I take the time to think and pray, God is faithful to expose their hidden parts that need light shined on them so I can repent of them, make restitution, and adjust my way to move forward in freedom and hope. It’s such a delight to receive this forgiveness and release that bondage that I sometimes didn’t even know had crept into my life.

Historically, all of the people who chose to leave Egypt with Moses and honor the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were instructed to annually clean their homes of leavening and for seven days eat only unleavened bread in remembrance of this salvation. The Feast of Unleavened Bread, which begins with and follows Passover, is one of the instructed feasts of the Lord that Jesus and His apostles kept, and it is unleavened bread that is also used at Passover and that Jesus used as He asked His disciples to remember Him when they ate of it. So, clearly, there is great significance in unleavened bread as a reminder to us of our salvation and particularly of our Savior and His sacrifice for us as the Passover Lamb!

“And Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will shew to you to day: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to day, ye shall see them again no more for ever.” Exodus 14:13

The word “salvation” in the above verse is the word “Yeshua”, which is transliterated to “Jesus”, though it is not capitalized in the AKJV translation for a reason unknown to me. The Hebrew language does not have upper and lower case, so this appears to me to have been at the discretion of the translators. It touches my heart to think of Jesus, each year of His life, remembering the Passover with His family and with His friends and disciples, listening to and reading the Scripture where His very name is used to declare the freedom from the people’s oppression in Egypt, and to know that in the future He would be the Lamb slain to fulfill the covenant of redemption that the first Passover Lamb only signified. He followed the commandment to keep the appointed times, including Passover and the Feasts of the Lord, including the Feast of Unleavened Bread.

The Feast of Unleavened Bread

The basic instructions regarding removing the leavening and the Feast of Unleavened Bread were that it was for seven days, and everyone, whether born in the land, of the bloodline, or a stranger, needed to participate in order to worship God:

“Seven days shall there be no leaven found in your houses: for whosoever eateth that which is leavened, even that soul shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel, whether he be a stranger, or born in the land.” Exodus 12:19

…to begin in Abib (the spring), the 15th of Nisan:

“The feast of unleavened bread shalt thou keep. Seven days thou shalt eat unleavened bread, as I commanded thee, in the time of the month Abib: for in the month Abib thou camest out from Egypt.” Exodus 34:18

“And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the feast of unleavened bread unto the Lord: seven days ye must eat unleavened bread.” Leviticus 23:6

…for God’s people to remember all the days of “thy life”:

“Thou shalt eat no leavened bread with it; seven days shalt thou eat unleavened bread therewith, even the bread of affliction; for thou camest forth out of the land of Egypt in haste: that thou mayest remember the day when thou camest forth out of the land of Egypt all the days of thy life.” Deuteronomy 16:3

…one of the three feasts God commanded all the men appear at the Temple with an offering for Him:

“Three times in a year shall all thy males appear before the Lord thy God in the place which he shall choose; in the feast of unleavened bread, and in the feast of weeks, and in the feast of tabernacles: and they shall not appear before the Lord empty:” Deuteronomy 16:16

… Jesus and His disciples and apostles kept the feast and Passover:

“Now the first day of the feast of unleavened bread the disciples came to Jesus, saying unto him, Where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the passover? And he said, Go into the city to such a man, and say unto him, The Master saith, My time is at hand; I will keep the passover at thy house with my disciples.” Matthew 26:17-18

…Jesus referenced the deeper meaning beyond remembrance of the symbolism of leavening and applied it to two largest religious organizations of the day:

“Then Jesus said unto them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.” “How is it that ye do not understand that I spake it not to you concerning bread, that ye should beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees?” Matthew 16:6,11

We keep our homes clean and should also keep our hearts clean, because a little sin grows and spreads, just like yeast. The lesson from these teachings about yeast relate to how yeast grows. A little pride and power can grow until we can find ourselves adding to God’s Word in ways He did not intend, like what we read occurred with the Pharisees and Sadducees. We, too, must be careful not to become boastful and arrogant in our traditions or thinking so as to become stale, old, harsh, and man-derived in our worship or theology but rather can approach fresh, alive, and humble in complete submission before our God and true to His Word.

Remember that nothing we store or purchase or even learn is guaranteed to bring about our security. Everything is at God’s mercy, including our memories, physical abilities, and the ability to focus on tasks. Some of our friends who have not so long ago faced hurricanes have shared with us their lessons learned. More recently, we have seen and prayed for those around us affected by various tragedies caused by heavy snows collapsing buildings and leaving people homeless and/or unemployed and floods damaging bridges and homes. Then, just in the last week or so we have watched and prayed over Oroville, California’s dam and the in-coming storm, “Lucifer”, (what an awful name!) which is threatening heavy rains that could push the lake and dam beyond limits, causing potential massive damage and even great loss of life. I feel compassion for those who have had to be evacuated and returned, and those who have lived with the anxiety over the condition of the spill way and worried that if they leave too soon thieves will take their home’s remaining possessions. The National Guard is now there, I hear, but they’ve caused other concerns with misinformation that caused panic. Remembering all of this, we do what we can and we remain humble in not only our physical preparedness but also in our faith and relationships. None of us is the perfection of Jesus, except for receiving His forgiveness and cleansing power. We must pursue righteousness and seek to walk in His ways!

Once we have taken the time to go through the exercise of a spiritual spring cleaning to repent of pride and any hidden sin and we get back to the basics of His Word and putting Him above all others in our lives and in our minds, as God demands in the first portions of His Ten Commandments, we will begin to have a fresher and closer relationship to our Creator. Life then becomes sweeter and more abundant and we are able to spread joy, love, and hope.

Yeast is itself not sin, as God instructed for leavened bread to be given as a sacrificial peace offering in His tabernacle/temple; however, it is the properties of yeast– the rapid growth and spread to affect what is around it– that is similar to sin, which festers and grows and spreads to have greater affect upon the sinner and others around the sinner, especially when it is allowed to remain in dark, hidden places. It is these very properties of rapid growth and spread to affect what is around it that make yeast useful for bread making and brewing. So, next week I’ll share more about God’s creation of yeast, a little history, and how to capture and use wild yeast.

Two Letters Re: License Plate Readers & OPSEC

James and Hugh,

A while back I saw a guy wearing an IR LED hat, to defeat cameras: How To Fool Facial Recognition Cameras and Video …. Plate covers will get you caught; taking out or burning your bulb out will likely get you pulled over and searched if the police decide they are having that bad a day; having no lights out is best. This might help. – F.M.

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Another (mostly) legal way to block your plate is to get one of the receiver hitch “baskets”. Some fold up when not in use and block plates just enough. Some can be modified to block plates. – W.A.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Former Trooper Who Took $70k In Drug Bust Money Remains President Of School Board – T.P.

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SurvivalRealty.com has a new featured property that’s a great example of a modern off grid homestead, on the remote Yaak River in northwest Montana.

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State trooper in hot water over calling ICE – D.S.

JWR’s Comment: This incident is just one more reason for Eastern Washington’s counties to seek partition from Whacko Western Washington.

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Publishers are hiring ‘sensitivity readers’ to flag potentially offensive content

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Homeschoolers Revolt Against Republican School Choice Bill – DMS