Odds ‘n Sods:

The U.S. is “Not Ready” for the Threatened Venezuelan Oil Embargo

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The NRA‘s Institute for Legislative Action reports that the ponderously-tiitled “U.N. Conference to Review Progress Made in the Implementation of the Programme of Action to Prevent and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects,” will begin Monday, June 26. See the Stop the UN Gun Ban web site for details. Call and e-mail your congresscritters and remind them that their oath to defend the Constitution includes the Second Amendment. The US needs to opt out of this hoplophobic UN meddling!

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SurvivalBlog reader Jim K. recommended this article: Record Meteor hits Norway A good thing that it wasn’t in downtown Oslo!

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Jim K. also mentioned this interesting web page: The $200 Machine Shop

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The scarce and desirable U.S. Army Long Range Patrol (LRP) Freeze Dried Entrees are back in stock at www.freezedryguy.com. I’ve heard that they now have Beef Stew, Beef Teriyaki, and Chicken & Rice. All are fresh 2004 production. They have a very long shelf life. For more info, see www.freezedryguy.com (They are indeed available to order, even though the web site still says “Out of Stock”.) You can also call: (530) 265-8333. Order soon, since their last batch or LRPs sold out almost immediately.

Note From JWR:

The high bid in the SurvivalBlog benefit auction (for a fully stocked M-17 Advanced Medical Bag/Rucksack) is at $250. Special thanks to the fine folks at Ready Made Resources, who kindly donated the kit. Please submit your bids via e-mail. This auction ends on the last day of June.

Letter Re: Updated Nuclear Weapon Targeting Data?

1) To reiterate the basics, the primary concern with a nuclear attack on the USA is fallout — since the other major effects of nuclear bombs (blast, thermal radiation,etc) are relatively limited in extent.
You are probably safe if you are 8+ miles upwind from a nuclear detonation of 1 MT or less, provided you don’t blind yourself by looking directly at the nuclear detonation. Fallout, moreover, is generated by nuclear strikes at ground level. But many nuclear detonations would be made 4000 feet above a target [“air bursts”]– in order to maximize the blast effect — and such air bursts do not generate fallout to any significant extent.
1) The highest priority targets for nuclear strikes on the continental United States are our Minuteman ICBM sites. (In order to reduce the damage from our counterattack.) Unfortunately, however, such an attack would generate massive fallout clouds because of the need for hundreds of ground strikes to destroy hundreds of underground Minuteman silos.
(Note that only Russia has the forces to mount such an attack — I believe China only has roughly 15 ICBMs. Note also that Russia’s missile forces are declining.)
Your blog entry of January 16, 2006 had a link to a report from Nukewatch which noted that our Minuteman sites are being reduced from 1000 missiles to 500 missiles. Note, however, that the remaining
500 missiles will continue to be deployed in the three existing Minuteman “nests” [a.k.a. “missile fields”] around Minot Air Force Base (AFB), (Minot, North Dakota), Malmstrom AFB (Great Falls, Montana) and F.E. Warren AFB, (Cheyenne, Wyoming).
2) Each of those three nests cover an area roughly 60 miles by 100 miles around the commanding AFB, as shown in the three maps in the Nukewatch report to which you linked.
It would still take hundreds of ground strikes to reduce each nest–which would still result in huge fallout plumes reaching to the East Coast.
See the FEMA 196 map — these major fallout plumes are shown in red.
Since the three decommissioned Minuteman nests were the easternmost of the sites, then the length of the major fallout plumes (shown in red on the FEMA 196 map) would shrink toward the west. For example, since the fallout plume from Minot AFB, North Dakota would no longer be enlarged by the plume from the decommissioned Minuteman nest in Grand Forks, North Dakota, then the major fallout section of the Minot plume (shown in red on the FEMA 196 map ) would probably reach only to western Michigan vice upstate New York. Note that upstate New York would still receive some fallout from Minot but it would be at more moderate levels (yellow shading vice red on the FEMA map.) Similarly, the red plume from Malmstrom AFB (Great Falls, Montana) would probably only reach to Iowa (vice western Pennsylvania as shown on the FEMA 196 map) , since it would no longer be enlarged by the plume from the decommissioned Minuteman site around Rapid City, South Dakota. Finally, the red plume from F.E. Warren AFB (Cheyenne, Wyoming) would probably reach only to western Kentucky (vice New York City) because it would no longer be expanded by the plume from the decommissioned missle nest in Missouri. So the net effect of the Minuteman cutbacks is to lower the fallout expected to be deposit on West Virginia, Virginia, and Pennsylvania. Surprising, huge classified bunkers intended to shelter government leaders have been publicly exposed in that area: Mount Weather in Berryville, Virginia. Raven Rock in Pennsylvania. The Congressional refuge under the Greenbriar Hotel in West Virginia. (Only our esteemed political leaders would put a shelter for global nuclear war under a five star hotel.) It is the fallout clouds [kicked up by grround bursts] that make survival in the states east of Montana-Wyoming-Colorado and north of latitude 36 degrees problematical.
Note moreover that daily shifts in the jet stream affect where those fallout plumes would be deposited. For example, Today’s map of the stream indicates that much of the fallout from a strike on the F.E. Warren AFB nest –if the attack were made today — would be deposited on Oklahoma and eastern Texas, rather than toward the east as shown on the FEMA 196 map.
3) What has changed since FEMA 196 is that missile nests in Missouri, South Dakota, and Grand Forks, North Dakota have been decommissioned. This would cut the size of the major fallout plumes (shown in red on the FEMA 196 map ) by roughly half.
The locations of both the active and decommissioned Minuteman nests in the above states can be seen by going here and selecting one of the “Dense Pack” states (shown in red)
4) Some of your readers have suggested that targets with economic value (oil refining area, cities,etc.) will be hit with air bursts or neutron weapons in order to kill people but save material. As I noted,
Little to no fallout is generated by such attacks. But I think it more likely that Russia would hit many of our cities with ground bursts in order to generate fallout. That would deny those economic resources to US survivors in order to prevent America from recovering and ever becoming a future threat. So probably the East Coast from Norfolk, Virginia north to Portsmouth, New Hampshire and 100 miles inland would be in trouble even without the massive fallout plumes from the three Minuteman nests. As would the areas immediately east of the major West Coast cites.
5) There are many other point targets (e.g., airports with runways strong enough to handle B-52s ). As I noted earlier, for any one such target, you are probably safe if you are 8+ miles upwind from
the target. If you are downwind from one or more targets for which ground strikes are likely, then you have to estimate the likely fallout plumes, amount of deposited radiation at your location,
and the amount of fallout shelter you will have.
6) But fallout would also kill off wildlife and many farm animals. Plus even mild nuclear winter would hurt crops, as we’ve seen in past eruptions of volcanoes. Moreover, much of the massive fallout from an attack on the Minuteman nests would cover the prime food growing areas of the Midwest. So famine would be likely. As you have noted, the high population density in states east of the Mississippi would make survival difficult. – Don W.

Two Letters Re: Stocking Up on Prescription Medications

Mr. Rawles:

I have found no problems in getting the meds I need in bulk. I simply do not use the insurance. If you have co-pays, your co-pay generally is the cost of the medication. Do some calling to Costco and Sam’s [Club] (in the state of Florida you do not have to be a member to use the pharmacy.) [JWR Adds: I believe this is true nationwide under a Federal law that assures universal access to pharmacies.] Ask for the cash price and at least for generics you will be surprised to find out how inexpensive they can be. Then have that sympathetic doctor write the scrip for however many you want. I bought a bottle of 2000 Tetracycline after 9/11 for $20 from Costco. And you can tell the pharmacy you do not want to use the insurance and there is no law that says you have to.
Also do not discount the help of a sympathetic veterinarian. They will not likely write anything that\ cannot be used on animals but you would be surprised what you can get. Imagine you had to treat a huge tank of koi with erythromicyn. If you buy it at the pet store the price is outrageous but if you have cultivated a vet- they can write a large bottle that you would be able to grind up and drop in the pond.
I have a few bottles of other things that might be useful as well. You can get a bucket of the active ingredient of robitussin at Costco, the same with their generic loperimide,these items would be great if
one had a bad case of bird flu or regular and you needed symptomatic treatment. Also just ordered a huge container of generic silvadene. I found a recipe for oral rehydration that you can make in the kitchen. I buy their bottles of generic Benadryl: 400 for $3.69. keep it simple and use your head.
There are other ways to get antibiotics as well. If you have a doc, call on the weekend- saturday morning and have an ear ache or a sinus infection and I have yet to have a doc refuse to call in a a scrip. Also
if you are going to be traveling for an extended period out of the country they are likely to write you one to carry with you as well. I went to England and the doc wrote me a cipro and another for my sinus
which sometimes gets infected. Now I could just have as easily not been traveling…. – Granny Woman


Dear James,
In order to get a very nice stash of antibiotics, you must begin to think compassionately about your fish. Everybody reading this blog is of course planning to someday start a nice survivalist fishpond and needs to get bottles of pharmaceutical grade, gel capsules, of fish antibiotics, that just happen by coincidence to be packaged in pills in dosages identical to what humans take. But that is sheer coincidence, and you are buying this for your fish of course, because the bottles say “not for human consumption” by law, even though they are what humans take already, and there are tons of doomers out there using them who swear by them, though of course you are-as I said-only getting them for your fish- or dogs.
Do a google search under Veterinary supplies. I was happy with California Veterinary Supply and Liz there assured me that the products are stored in climate controlled buildings.

See their site for the many antibiotics that they stock. Plus flagyl for giardia. Plus fungal. Plus other nice medical things. For your dogs and fish of course.
Here are some human dosages, just since we are on the subject, just so you know, since your dog weighs as much as an adult and I just want to be helpful.

DISCLAIMER – I am not a doctor, I found these dosages online or used them with pharmacy products for humans.
My MD dermatologist uses Keflex, some use amoxy or doxy….
Keflex 500 mg 2xdaily, for 3 weeks
Doxy 100 mg 2x daily, 3 weeks ( I had a horrible sun sensitivity reaction and hate the stuff, but my primary MD prefers it for Lyme disease.)
Amoxy, 500 mg 3x daily, 3 weeks
Keflex 250 mg, 2Xdaily
MYCOPLASMAL PNEUMONIA (if your dog has asthma, you might want to get this)
Tetracycline 500 mg 2x daily, 10 days
( preferred is Biaxin 500 mg 2 x daily for 10 days, or one 6 pack of zithromaz-azithromycin)
Amoxy 500 mg 3x daily 2-3 weeks ( I had it really bad)…..my kids were only on 250 mg 3 x daily for 2 weeks.
GIARDIA: (“Beaver fever”) Flagyl: not sure of the dosage, you’d better check. But if you’ve ever had giardia you better think about this. I’ve had it three times and was in bed for a week. I am of course only thinking of my dogs and fish, not me. Hope this helps. – Lyn

Letter Re: Great Depression II What Will it Be Like?, by Buckshot


Kudos to Buckshot for a well written and timely article on a possible next Great Depression. Those who doubt that it could happen again only have to consider present day Zimbabwe, which is suffering over 1200% inflation as I write this.
Many good books and articles have been written about the Great Depression, but nothing drills home the brutality of it like a photo album from the period. Warning: This link is not for the squeamish, or those in denial. – Doc at www.bigsecrets.cc

Odds ‘n Sods:

Wow! Because of a temporarily stronger dollar, someone in New York just kicked the slats out from under the spot price of silver, pushing it down more than 10% in one day, to under $9.90 per ounce. Meanwhile, gold tumbled more than $35 per ounce. As I’ve stated before, it is best to buy on these dips. This correction is a great buying opportunity before the metals bull resumes his charge. This is essentially a second chance for everyone that felt that they had “missed the boat.” Just don’t hesitate, because I suspect that this is the deepest dip we will see for quite a while.

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Frequent SurvivalBlog content contributor R.B.S. spotted this great site on economics and investing: UrbanSurvival.com. It is dubbed “A One Man Business & Financial Newspaper.” It is written from a Elliott Long Waver’s perspective. Great stuff. By all means check it out.

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From SurvivalBlog reader Steve H.: A specific N95 mask recommendation

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The World Bank reports: Less than $384 million spent on combating Asian Avian Flu out of the $1.9 billion that had been pledged

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“People are always blaming circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can’t find them, make them.” – Mrs. Warren’s Profession, Act 2 – by George Bernard Shaw

Note From JWR:

As you’ve probably heard, my novel “Patriots” has been out of print since late 2004 when the publisher went out of business. In the past year, prices for the book have risen to the range of $35 to $70 plus postage for even used copies. I am pleased to report that I found a dealer that still had a few cases left, and I was able to buy some of them from him. For a limited time, I am offering autographed copies for $35 each, or $32 each if you buy three or more, or $30 each if you buy 10. (Up until recently, I had sold these for $50 each!) These prices are postage and tracking paid (via Book Rate) to U.S. addresses. These won’t last long. See my mail order catalog. for ordering details.

Letter from David in Israel Re: Expected Near Future Prices for Precious Metals

Just a hint to my SurvivalBlog friends, if I had cash in the USA, then I would start buying gold now, and continuing to dollar cost average into the market since it may still go lower than Au @ $600 and Ag @ $11.02. Both are good investments for long term hedge/wealth preservation. Proviso for the record: I would never make a suggestion or advise in financial matters since that carries personal legal risk.

I suspect that we are witnessing the final metals manipulation before Euro conversion of some oil trading and inflation driven dollar devaluation. Do some web searching and find out how sales and bogus leasing of gold reserves by central banks to funds has been theorized to have manipulated gold markets for many years, pummeling prices.
As always beans then hardware a few bullets and then some gold/silver, cover your mundane survival stuff before making an expensive hobby with gold coins or gadget guns.
Don’t expect to be able to get too much survival stuff off of your gold gains as prices for this gear will likely rise as well, but be watchful of deals from the uninitiated. Try to do business as far from home as possible as you don’t want to break from your Grey Man “nothing to see here” image.

JWR Replies:
I agree that gold and silver are great investments in the current economic environment. Of the two, I prefer and recommend silver for anyone that has sufficient vault space. At the current price of just under $11 per ounce, silver is a screaming buy! After the summer doldrums, I expect precious metals to break out substantially to the upside.

Three Letters Re: Updated Nuclear Weapon Targeting Data?


Perhaps this will be a good point from which to begin your research:
Projected US Casualties and Destruction of US
Medical Services From Attacks by Russian Nuclear Forces

Regards, – Christian W.


The short answer is that most of the targeting information on the old 1960s era maps that Bruce Beach incorporated in his book are still valid. Sure, the Russians and the Chinese know what sites are decommissioned and not worth wasting a nuke. Critical infrastructure (dams, oil and gas fields with storage facilities, large grain silos, food distribution warehouses, etc) is targeted by enhanced radiation
air burst devices (neutron weapons) to preserve the equipment but destroy the personnel. Likewise, the population centers and active military bases are targeted by such enhanced radiation devices. The deep penetration devices that produce the preponderance of fallout are targeted on hardened silos and military command centers deep underground.
Russia and China have shifted emphasis from land based ICBMs to sea and air launched stand off cruise missiles….and they are using guidance technology conveniently provided to them by Bill Clinton and his administration. They now have state of the art guidance thanks to Loral Communications and enhanced radiation micro nuke warheads thanks to pilfered files from Sandia Labs and Lawrence Livermore [National Laboratory]–pilfered by foreign agents, assisted by the the Clinton administration.
Though they have shifted targeting to get more bang for the buck, decommissioned military sites that have runways capable of being used to support bombers and fighter/interceptors are still targeted….but so are civilian airports with runways and fuel depots capable of supporting such bombers, fighter interceptors, or hastily reconfigured 747,757,767,and 777 airliners. Boeing puts hard attachment points in the wings of civilian airliners so they can be rapidly reconfigured to carry air launched cruise missiles. [JWR Adds: Reference, Lawrence? I hadn’t previously read anything about this.] Anyway, the old 1960s era targeting maps will still give the survivalist a good idea of where not to be when TSHTF. Regards, – Lawrence


Hi Jim,
Regarding Rourke’s recent letter to SurvivalBlog on updated nuclear weapon targeting data: I’ve been collecting thousands of pages of the old, original US government documents on civil defense, sheltering, and targeting info for the past 10 years or so…some of which goes back to 1942. I also have a very high interest in creating an updated targeting database, based on open source info and the original, unclassified documents that have become available in recent years, such as the Nuclear Attack Planning Base 90 report, which can now be found at the FAS web site (my site as well). I obtained FEMA 196 years ago, and made sure Bruce got copies of that and many other reports years ago, and also created the PDF version of 196 for digital download of the entire book, which can be found on my web site, along with hundreds of other PDF documents.

I have had one of the original targeting lists online for many years as well, at www.survivalring.org/cd-targets.htm and ask for input regarding updates on this page. Currently, I’m redesigning SurvivalRing.org to use a database driven design, versus the static html version as it has been since inception, and with the update, will be adding data systems that allow instant online updates (as well as site user updates) of data just like this. Adding online mapping ( i.e. Google Maps) into the equation brings a whole other level of info refinement.

Regarding Bruce and Shane, I’ve been working with both of them since pre-2000 for building, creating, and sharing info just like this. I’m hoping we can continue to work together in the future to get information and prepping data out as widely as possible.

We all know that the possibility of all out thermonuclear war is a mere fraction of what it was during the real heat of the Cold War, but the possibility of multiple terrorist nuclear detonations or warheads or dirty bombs is truly the worst fear of the current, and future, administrations. As with 9/11, [Hurricane] Katrina, and other catastrophic events have recently shown us, there is no defense from massive disaster, only recovery. And when it comes to the government, a very slow response to immediate need for help. And, yes, here I know that I am preaching to the choir.

Having a starting list as the Feds have provided, and updating it with current and known changes, to create a new possible target list, is a very high need for all US citizens. Unfortunately, in all my latest research, I have not found any reference to any updates to unclassified target lists. The 1990 printing of FEMA 196 seems to be the end of the road, and all other target documents predate this booklet. High Risk Areas (TR72) was the basis for NAPB90, and 196 was the consumer follow up.

So…this area of interest should most definitely be followed up, and a project started to produce an updated mapping of safe areas in the continental USA. It all depends on getting enough folks to decide to work on it. Anyone interested? Contact me at SurvivalRing.org. – Rich Fleetwood

Odds ‘n Sods:

A report from Boston, Massachusetts about another futile gun buy-up program (I refuse to call them “buy-backs” since the government agencies and/or liberal do-gooders never owned these civilian guns.) Does anyone honestly believe that criminals are turning in their guns under these programs? This is just more liberal feel-good politics. How nauseating.

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Bubblewatch: 10 Cities Where House Prices Will Deflate. Also, don’t miss John Rubino’s commentary on the expected ugly denouement of the U.S. bubble.(As quoted at Financialsense.com.)

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Doc at www.bigsecrets.cc spotted an article about some of the current desperate measures to stay alive in hyperinflation-ravaged Zimbabwe, as reported in www.ZimbabweSituation.com (scroll down to the bottom of the page): “Hungry entrepreneurs in the making are resorting to selling rodent meat in Zimbabwe. One such man is catching rats and mice in the bushy areas on the outskirts of Bulawayo (Burnside). Roasting the rodents rats and mice, spiced with salt and chilli powder, he then commutes to the western suburbs of Makokoba and Luveve where he fetches between $75,000 to $ 100,000 [Zimbabwean dollars] per mouse/rat. People are so desperate to eat meat that business is thriving. Beef is retailing at $790,000 per kg in most butcheries around Bulawayo.”

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“At least once every human should have to run for his life, to teach him that milk does not come from supermarkets, that safety does not come from policemen, that "news" is not something that happens to other people.” – Robert A. Heinlein

Note From JWR:

Today we present another article for Round 5 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The writer of the best non-fiction article will win a valuable four day “gray” transferable Front Sight course certificate. If you want a chance to win, start writing and e-mail us your article soon. Round 5 ends on July 31st.

Practical Skills for Surviving TEOTWAWKI, by Free Rifleman

In our circle of survivalist friends we need hard skills. Just knowing that the proverbial Schumer is going to hit the fan is not enough. Depending on the severity, preparing for the worst-case scenario may involve a library of skills. Being diverse on skill sets is an advantage. My own list of skill sets are diverse, the advantage is, realizing it is never diverse enough and constantly branching out. Very few Electricians are Gunsmiths. Very few Farmers are Paramedics. Very few Chemists are Ranchers, and so on. To maintain an even balance of capabilities, I have taken the liberty to divide skills into three main categories:
Security: The number one capability is to maintain a certain level of security. Probably the most discussed area on survival-related blogs today.
Short-Term Survival: The largest number of skill-sets reside in this area; Food, Shelter, Medical, to name a few areas. Most Survivalists have concentrated their efforts in this category.
Sustenance: The ability to repeatedly sustain survival and overall survivability. These skills come from experienced practitioners in the specific field.
Breaking these categories into actual skill-sets is helpful if you want to see what areas are strong points within your circle of friends and which areas could use improvements.
Several scenarios will help classify the type of retreat and needs based on the number of families, amount of preparations, and size of real estate covered. It is my recommendation the land is as large as possible, combining several good neighbors to form a tract of teamwork, if possible.
Combining with neighbors is not done at the last minute; this should have begun years in advance. Multiple families preserving multiple properties collectively with a few trusted friends thrown into the mix is optimum. It provides a larger pool of resources.

I would like to begin by listing a few basic skills I believe will be invaluable should there be what all of us refer to as TEOTWAWKI. Dividing these skills into categories, I have developed a weight of value based on several factors. First, Security is foremost, but cannot stand as the sole preparation. Second, a Short-Term Survival plan. Third, a Sustainment phase to carry on the first two.
(No one reading this will agree on the order listed, so I will go alphabetically)
Auto Mechanic (Engine non-specific) – Vehicles break down. Not everyone knows how to fix automobiles. Having a good general knowledge and reference material on your own vehicle is a must. Next to that, having the right tools and even the right parts will be hard to come by. As an avid 4-wheeler, I like to keep spares of what breaks the most, but I still have to frequent the auto parts store from time to time. Having an agreement with a friend that has a junkyard is also an alternative, but some things will need to be stocked up. Belts, U-Joints, Filters, Spark Plugs, Fuel Injectors, Glow Plugs… They will all go bad sometime. (Medium – High Priority)
Butcher – As a kid I worked in a local meat market. I can tell you, customers know when there is a new butcher. It takes years of experience to understand the types of meat, how to cut them, and what part belongs to what is definitely needed. Having a good understanding and some experience with your livestock’s anatomy, will prevent wasted meat, and will prove useful to those around you. (High Priority)
Chemist – This may sound unusual, but knowing Chemistry makes life off the grid much easier. There are chemicals that will make the most difficult task, seem effortless. Additionally, Being able to test mixes of fuels, determine the condition of gunpowder, test water for contaminants, or treat water for drinking. A Chemist will be a valuable asset. (Medium Priority)
Cook – Specifically someone learned in cannery techniques and food preserving and storage. Most of us can cook, but can you go from a warm hide to preserved meat in a day? Jerky is useful and provides protein in small, measured amounts over the course of the day, doesn’t require a fire, and is lightweight. (Medium – High Priority)
Doctor – A Doctor has obvious value to a group of like-minded individuals. There will be injuries. People will get sick, maybe sicker. Surgery may be required. It may be an ugly operating room, but if you live, that will be all that matters. Doctors that have operated in austere conditions have commented on what items were the most needed. There is even a book available in PDF called Survival and Austere Medicine which is a good resource. Just don’t find yourself performing operations like they did in, “Spies Like Us”! (Medium Priority)
Electrician – I know, what will you need an Electrician when there is no power in a grid-down scenario, right? Well, for starters, an old junked car may be used to recharge batteries for absolutely necessary power. Maybe a surgery in progress, even. Either way, the ability to wire or rewire existing items to suit various needs vital to our technologically advanced lives, an electrician would definitely be of value. (Medium Priority)
ER Nurse or EMT / Paramedic – In the years of Army service, I found that the Army’s Combat Lifesaver Program to be genius. On the field of battle, there never seems to be enough medics, ammo, or chaplains. Well, since going through EMT Training at a local Community College is less than $100, and equipment needed is about the same, why not? Maybe even volunteer at the local Fire Department and get your goody bag filled by the county or township? My bag is filled with items deemed beyond the expiration date, but most of us know those are there for legal reasons. The only thing I wouldn’t fool around on is IV Fluid. Your group could even start your own blood bank if you were able to maintain proper temperatures with the help of our great technological advances in solar and wind power. I have a friend that specifically married his current wife, who happens to be an ER Trauma Nurse so she could treat him for gunshot wounds and sew him up. Weird, but functional. I recommend, that as many people go to the EMT Training as possible. Go to the recertification to keep yourselves up to date on techniques, too. (High Priority)
Farmer – Now this one is obvious. There are folks who claim they will never need outside resources, but they are fooling themselves. Every Farmer in your area should be the most pampered individual around. If you stock up on seed and help him, he will always have work, protection, and you will not go hungry. This is another collectivist effort that must be in the works BEFORE things go bad. Otherwise, you are another neighbor wanting something. There is no such thing as a one-way friendship, there has to be some sort of mutual benefit. It is the very basis of commerce. He may need security or transportation of much needed items, so break out the road warrior, we’re taking this milk to town… (High Priority)
Gardener / Botanist – For the folks who have limited space, or the foul weather creates so short a growing season, any gardener will be able to provide enough green thumb to get folks started. I hate to see any plant I’ve started, die. Imagine if it were next years starter crop and now dozens of people will go hungry. Yeah, it could be that bad. That pressure could cause you to kill all the plants. Reading ahead, talking with hobbyists, can actually get you enough knowledge to keep your family alive. I remember spending a bunch of money to get my daughter started, and we got an unexpected frost that killed all our labor… she was heartsick, but I was cataloging the feeling in the back of my mind… if that was to feed our family, we would be eating bark. These skills have escaped our generation, and someone will end up paying the price. (High Priority)
Gunsmith – Guns break. When you least expect it, even the most reliable firearm can fire poorly, or act uncharacteristic of what is the norm. A Gunsmith is nothing more than a mechanical problem solver. With a little training, some good common sense, and a library of resources, most firearms can be restored to original or better condition using the principles of a gunsmith. Always cut on the easiest part to replace or buy. The fact that someone can maintain what most folks will refer to their rifle as the number one tool for their safety, livelihood, and survival, makes these skills very beneficial to have. (High Priority)
Lawyer – More bizarre, I know, but someone that is knowledgeable of the law can be useful. I am referring to the laws that are based on man’s existence. Referring to a Libertarian definition, I am speaking of laws maintaining mala in se, things that are wrong in and of itself. Not things prohibited because of some crooked politician convinced people it was bad and made it into a law. In the event that our feet are still planted on this earth as things calm back down, someone that has a working knowledge of law will be there to help rebuild. During times of calamity, a lawyer can serve as a bridge between neighborly disputes or disagreements within the same faction. Even act as a judge in some cases. I do believe in order, I would just prefer to keep to myself, but there will always be disputes that a few people can go to have both sides presented and make a judgment. If someone working for you were stealing, would you kill him? Or, would you have him repay or pay restitution? These issues will become a factor as time goes on. (Low priority)
Machinist / Blacksmith – Today, there are always good jobs for anyone capable of operating machining equipment. It is a skilled labor. The ability to make parts or tools that people require to live will always be a valuable skill. The key issues will be how will this task be performed in a grid down scenario? I have seen foot operated lathes that take longer, but would be better than the alternative of not having a certain item. It may be that you would be modifying a part for a different application, or actual firearm or automotive fabrication.
Onto the blacksmith, the next mode of transportation that we know could be horseback, again. If you can shoe a horse, you will always have work. Even so, if you own horses, you should have a plan to perform this delicate operation on your own, should the urgency to move be too great. The use of horses as pack animals in mountainous regions will be a great method of supply movement as well as retrieving meat from a hunt. (Medium – High Priority)
Oil Refinery technician – This may be a weak stab, but should you live in an area that oil is available, or you have your own oil well, (I’ve seen a lot in Oklahoma and Texas) they could attempt to create their own refinery capability without all the crazies trying to take over the main oil refineries. Additionally, this individual would have the task of determining the types of fuel, octane ratings and what type burns better in what vehicle long with a mechanic. Multi-fuel engines could possibly be the way to go in a Schumer hits the fan scenario. (Low Priority)
Rancher / Ranch Hand – Nothing beats an end of the world scenario like eating steak and potatoes while the world is starving. Maintaining land and cattle would be a chore when others are hungry, which provides one of the two highest barter-able items. Food. Having a neighbor for a rancher, or even spreading fences across property lines within the group, may provide enough land for everyone to contribute to the feeding, raising, breeding, butchering, and preparation of beef. It could prove very profitable, and it is much easier to work on a half full stomach. Some land is already prepped if it was originally ranch-land, others will have to do a little work, or have them graze elsewhere with the agreement on the beef while they barter the deal. (Med-High Priority)
Reloading hobbyist – This probably sounds farfetched, but ammunition is not cap and ball anymore. If you know how to reload and have the components, have spares. Also, make sure you have a lead melting pot in case jacketed bullets become non-existent. It shouldn’t be your first loads, but it is better than throwing rocks. You can hard quench them, to give them the characteristics of a jacketed bullet. The key is to over plan on ammunition. I tell my friends that unless they have enough ammo, their newly built FAL is an expensive club. Don’t count on cases of surplus ammo just floating around, but if they are, cache them for barter later if they do not fit in your arsenal.
Reloading is enjoyable, and you can make your shots count more if you hand load properly.
(High Priority)
Small Engine / Generator Mechanic – This type of worker would be very useful in a grid-down scenario. People will need to run tractors, farm implements, and regular power consumption for Generators and the large welding machines mounted on the back of my trucks you see today. They are fairly simple to work on, but require a general knowledge and learned skill before ruining a $7,000 welder through the trial and error method. (Medium Priority)
Solar / Wind / Hydro Power technician – Interestingly enough, more people are interested in living off the grid now, more than ever. This may be an excellent business opportunity that would carry over to being advantageous to you and helping you be free of any grid-down scenarios. One note of caution, the looters of New Orleans were targeting the sound of generators to determine who may have supplies available. (Medium Priority)
Veterinarian – It is a fact that animals get sick and die. It is never advisable to eat an animal that died from a disease. Cold weather, adverse conditions, and possible outbreaks we have not seen for over a hundred years could become the destroyer of an entire herd. If an animal is sick, it may be your only source of food and there may not be anyone to help you. Much like the dead plants, the ability to nurse an animal back to health knowing a bit about the vegetarian science is a must. Most ranchers pay a vet, but some will pick up a lot on their own. If you are a beginner, pay for the vet, learn what you can, maybe go to school and learn a class or two, while gathering valuable materials for the future. If you have no plan of raising livestock, it can still be a barter-able skill.
Welder – Farm implements break all the time. Almost every Farm or Ranch has a welder. Most schools offer a welding class or two, some even offer certifications. If you have the ability to move the equipment around and can develop an old skill, I would highly recommend this art of mending things like new. It helps out as a second job and is always of valuable, just in the equipment alone. Want to convert a CONEX into a bunker / cache? Rent a Bobcat for a day and weld on a more solid way to secure the doors, and you have a poor man’s retreat. If all you can afford is to put together a job-site box, it will also serve as a poor man’s cache site. With a welder, you are only limited to your imagination. Barriers may be a future enterprise. People who want controlled access in and out of their property may want a display for outsiders that they are to be left alone. [As I saw in n a tour in Korea], the South Koreans use dragon’s teeth in areas such as rivers to slow down the north at what are called phase lines. They use rock drops on roads to turn a tight area into a kill zone. Welders may always have work. (Medium Priority) The following fall into a similar category, so I lumped them together, but they are all valuable individually and any combination of these have a place in a small group:
Retired or experienced Infantry / Combat Arms
Retired or experienced Military Intelligence
Retired or experienced Special Forces (indigenous teacher of tactics)

Under the category of Security there are a variety of skill sets that can provide all around coverage and others that are very specific. Military service by itself does not necessarily qualify someone to head a raiding party, for instance. Combat experience and Combat Arms tactics combined with extensive defensive planning is a great place to start. Anyone who has trained tactics to indigenous personnel, such as Special Forces, definitely hits a valuable dollar to train Americans trying to fend off undesirables or a tyranny, for that matter. They are the Swiss Army knife of soldiers and bring a good amount of know-how to a retreat. The ability to determine enemy courses of action based on tactics, terrain, weather, and type of equipment strengthens any defense. If a group were able to assist an attacker into using one of these courses of action through the use of fortifications and changes to the landscape, this group has now created a kill-zone, where they can inflict the maximum amount of damage based on their capabilities while preventing the attacker from inflicting damage on their own. Canalization of movement is optimum for the defender, especially when the defender is operating within a limited piece of real estate.
Anyone who has conducted physical security of bases or cities would be knowledgeable of a good defensive strategy. Like other readers have mentioned, security comes in layers and the earlier an adversary is discouraged, the better. Obvious visual signs of a defender will discourage the un-initiated, but those hell-bent on access will require more convincing from the defender. The more layers instituted, the more opportunities to send an adversary packing.
In the event this is a weak area for your retreat or several retreats spread over an area, someone with proven preparation of the battlefield skills and defensive perimeter setup. Retired Officers or NCOs from a Combat Arms, Intelligence, or even better, both, would definitely fit the bill. Planning this is only effective if there are personnel to carry it out. Rifleman can create a very long-range perimeter based on a long line of sight placement using terrain as an advantage. Determining courses of action will help in massing firepower where it is most needed.
The following is a list of skill set combinations that will make a community secure and survive. (“Trigger puller” is non-descript, on purpose):

EMT / Paramedic / Nurse / Doctor
Farmer / Rancher / Gardener
Veterinarian / Cook
Electrician / Mechanic
Welder / Generator Mechanic
Gunsmith / Reloader
Machinist / Blacksmith