Odds ‘n Sods:

The U.S. The government is asking for public comments on the USDA‘s NAIS animal identification/tracking scheme. Please give them a piece of your mind. (For some background on the NAIS plan, see The Memsahib’s article.)

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A Category 5 Hurricane Landfall in Miami Could Cost Insurers Up To $130 Billion

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There is currently an interesting thread of conversation about wind generators over at The Claire Files.

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North Korea is about to test an ICBM capable of reaching the US

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To compete with the Canadian Maple Leaf, the U.S. Mint will soon release a .9999 Fine “Buffalo” gold coin. These new one ounce coins will be available for ordering next week, and deliveries begin in early July. The mint decided that there was sufficient market demand to produce both the .9167 fine “hard” American Eagles, and “soft” .9999 fine Buffaloes. To prevent damage, the “Buffs” will be individually encapsulated. The only downside is that this will make them more bulky to store than Eagles. Why .9999? In some markets such as India, investors prefer pure gold bullion coins rather than circulating bullion coins with hardeners added. Such coins are more easily usable for conversion to jewelry or for industrial use.


Jim’s Quote of the Day:

"Personal honor, decency, and courage are the basis of any successful civilization. Moral and virtuous citizens form the rock of any successful society. Toleration of, and eventual encouragement of, corruption, iniquity, and sleaziness unfailingly mark the decline of a civilization." – John Farnam

The U.S. in 1906 Versus 2006

I generally ignore most of those ubiquitous thrice forwarded pieces of Internet trivia and humor, but I thought that the following one was worthy and would be of particular interest to SurvivalBlog readers in the U.S.:

The year is 1906. One hundred years ago. What a difference a century makes!

Here are some of the U.S. statistics for the Year 1906 :

The average life expectancy in the U.S. was 47 years.

Only 14 percent of the homes in the U.S. had a bathtub.

Only 8 percent of the homes had a telephone. A three-minute call from Denver to New York City cost $11.

There were only 8,000 automobiles in the U.S., and only 144 miles of paved roads.The maximum speed limit in most cities was 10 mph.

Alabama, Mississippi, Iowa, and Tennessee were each more heavily populated than California.With a mere 1.4 million people, California was only the 21st
most populous state in the Union.

The tallest structure in the world was the Eiffel Tower.

The average wage in the U.S. was 22 cents per hour. The average U.S. worker made between $200 and $400 per year. A competent accountant could expect to earn $2,000 per year,
a dentist $2,500 per year, a veterinarian between $1,500 and $4,000 per year, and a mechanical engineer about $5,000 per year. More than 95 percent of all births in the U.S. took place at home. Ninety percent of all U.S. doctors had NO COLLEGE EDUCATION! Instead, they attended so-called medical schools, many of which were condemned in the press and the government as “substandard.”

Sugar cost four cents a pound. Eggs were fourteen cents a dozen. Coffee was fifteen cents a pound. Most women only washed their hair once a month, and used Borax or egg yolks for shampoo. Canada passed a law that prohibited poor people from entering into their country for any reason. The five leading causes of death in the U.S. were:
1. Pneumonia and influenza
2. Tuberculosis
3. Diarrhea
4. Heart disease
5. Stroke

The American flag had 45 stars. Arizona, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Hawaii, and Alaska hadn’t yet been admitted to the Union. The population of Las Vegas, Nevada, was only 30.

Crossword puzzles, canned beer, and ice tea hadn’t been invented yet. There was no Mother’s Day or Father’s Day. Two out of every 10 U.S. adults couldn’t read or write.

Only 6 percent of all Americans had graduated from high school. Eighteen percent of households in the U.S. had at least one full-time servant or domestic help.

For the year, there were about 230 reported murders in the entire country.

Letter Re: Stocking Up on Stanley Knife and Saw Blades

Dear Mr Rawles,
Congratulations on a great blog, which I have just discovered. I am in the U.K. and am probably one of the few people here who has a copy of “Patriots”… a great read.
Two things it may be worth mentioning to your readers:
I haven’t seen mentioned before the importance of stocking up with small tool consumables — I am thinking of Stanley knife blades, “Olfa” type snap off blades, hacksaw blades and especially jeweler’s/gunsmith’s saw blades (who will want to make their own 3/0 saw blades WTSHTF?).
You might also note the importance of keeping the traditional manual equivalents of those power tools which will quickly become useless [in the event of a grid down situation]– such things as crosscut and rip saws, planes, “yankee” screwdriver with bits, carpenter’s brace with bits, sharpening stones, cold chisels. These things should be in everyone’s essential kit, and kept well maintained.With Thanks, – “Mr Lessogg”

Odds ‘n Sods:

Japanese canned bread: Bread that comes in a can and stays fresh for up to three years

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SurvivalBlog reader C.K. recommended the book Marion And His Men or The Swamp Fox Of Carolina. It is the true story of Francis Marion, an American Revolutionary War hero. Marion was the basis for Mel Gibson’s role as “Benjamin Martin” in the movie The Patriot

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The folks at The Daily Reckoning (one of my daily “must reads”) quoted a very telling letter from one of their readers about the U.S. housing bubble: “When you mentioned Las Vegas real estate woes, I’d like to comment further,” begins a letter from a reader. ‘I am a Phoenix real estate agent and March 2005 there were 5,000 houses on the market, March 2006 there were 35,000 houses on the market. Today there are currently 40,000 houses on the market. Staggering!'” If you don’t already subscribe to The Daily Reckoning , then I highly recommend it. Subscriptions are free.

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The month-long global stock meltdown cost investors $2 trillion. Stock prices seem to be rebounding (along with commodities prices), but it was still a stomach-churning few weeks.

Are You Serious About Surviving?, by Doc

Recently Paul Harvey mentioned that hospitals are making some expensive upgrades. It seems the standard operating tables, which are rated to hold a five hundred pound patient, are not sturdy enough. The standard doors, at forty two inches wide, are not wide enough to accommodate today’s obese patients, so they are being widened. Hydraulic hoists are being installed. Longer hypodermic needles are being ordered to penetrate thick layers of fat. Even the toilets are being reinforced.

I sincerely hope this does not apply to you, but the painful truth is, if you are so large you can’t fit through your front door, you are not going to survive any emergency. One of my friends, now deceased of an obesity related heart attack, broke his foot simply by walking across his living room floor. At more than 450 pounds, he could not walk even half a block. Simply walking to the car exhausted him.

I’m not trying to be cruel here, and I do sympathize with the overweight. With all the excitotoxins and appetite stimulants in today’s foods, it is difficult not to gain weight, no matter what you do. This area seems to be taboo among survival and preparedness writers, but it is critically important to your survival chances that you get in shape. I’m not talking winning marathons or iron man competitions here, just getting rid of the excess weight and getting some sensible exercise. My friend died while sitting at his computer, not running for his life in some emergency. Even if he had a helicopter to take him to a well-stocked cabin in the Canadian wilderness, it would have done him no good. All the firearms in the world would have helped him not one bit. A library full of hunting and survival books and videos and DVDs would have been useless. My friend dug his grave with his teeth.

It is not like me to point out a problem and not offer a solution. Here is my secret weapon against obesity: You may recall the grapefruit diet that was so popular decades ago. Recent research reveals that grapefruit contains an ingredient that aids in weight loss. Please read that last sentence carefully, because it does not say that grapefruit causes weight loss, only that it aids in weight loss. You can’t chase down a pizza with grapefruit juice and expect to do anything but gain weight.

The secret recipe could not be simpler. Simply mix half pineapple juice and half grapefruit juice, to make a one cup drink. That’s all there is to it. The combination of those two juices is a very powerful and fast appetite suppressant, and it usually hits me before I finish the glass. While it works anytime to fight the urge to eat, the best time to use it is before the bedtime snack. You know the one I am talking about, the one nobody admits to enjoying. Food taken before bedtime is not needed to fuel the body, because the body is at rest. That meal goes straight to your fat deposits. If you can eliminate that meal alone, you will most likely lose weight.

Don’t expect any ten pound a week miracles with this drink. Slow steady progress is the key to success. Then you will give your other preparations a chance to help in the event of an emergency. – Doc at www.bigsecrets.cc

JWR Replies: Thanks for mentioning diet and exercise. I concur with you wholeheartedly. I should emphasize those more in my writings. My apologies if I heretofore haven’t sufficiently emphasized them. Indeed, a key part of preparedness is physical fitness. The rigors of a post-collapse world may be too much for some SurvivalBlog readers, unless they demonstrate the determination to control their weight and get plenty of exercise. For those of you that are overweight and out of shape, start making some changes today. Eliminate junk food from your diet. Eat healthy catabolic snacks. If you are stuck behind a desk at your job, then at least get out on your lunch hour for a daily walk. Make that walk part of your daily routine. (It is a good idea to set the calendar on your PC with an alert pop-up message.) Park your car at the far end of the company parking lot. Use the stairs instead of escalators and elevators. Join a fitness club. Buy smaller plates. It is little things like these, collectively, that will gradually make you trim and fit. It just takes some discipline.

Letter From England Re: Gun Buy-Up Programs

Hi Jim,
I have to support you in your view of Gun ‘Buy-back’ schemes. When the law changed over here in the UK in 1996 and the private ownership of handguns was made illegal the government put in place a scheme where all handguns were to be handed into police stations and the owners were given what the government called ‘fair recompense’. This took no account of the market value of the firearms handed in and most were overvalued. So what happened was that many people were spending their time buying cheep handguns and immediately going to a police station handing in the weapons just purchased and making a profit. I heard of several people who made over £10,000 (GBP) in profit doing this. So why not take advantage of schemes like this and if you have, or can get hold of, any cheap weapons hand them make a profit, and put the money to a better use.
Allied to the illegality of many weapons in the UK, semi-automatic rifles (made illegal in 1987) and handguns (from 1996), crimes committed in which firearms have played a part have increased by over 1000%. Making firearms illegal only removes them from the hands of the law abiding people not the criminals, especially as breaking the law tends to be part of the job description of a criminal. (If you are going to break one law why not break another especially if it will help you get away with it.) Also, illegal firearms are ridiculously easy to acquire, and relatively cheap, in the large cities in the UK if you have the contacts. Regards, – Ross

JWR Replies: I would only recommend taking advantage of schemes like these, under the following circumstances: 1.) You can “donate” guns anonymously (no record of sellers name), 2.) You sell only junker guns with no practical value, 3.) You receive cash rather than amusement park or movie coupons, and 4.) You immediately invest the cash generated into practical/tactical guns, ammunition, and accessories. That would warm my heart!

Odds ‘n Sods:

Kentucky farmers and ranchers voice their distrust of NAIS.

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The 2006 Kansas wheat harvest is down 23% from last year. Stock up, now. Buy f rom your favorite storage food vendor before prices increase. We recommend Ready Made Resources (one of our first and most loyal advertisers) and Nitro-Pak (one of our affiliate advertisers)

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From a recent Reuters wire service story on the bankruptcy rate in the U.S.: “More than $300 billion in ARMs [Adjustable Rate Mortgages] are subject to interest rate resets this year and that figure is expected to reach $1 trillion in 2007, according to DB Global Markets Research.”

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I’ve noticed that the readership of SurvivalBlog in Europe is picking up substantially, and it is quite widely dispersed. I guess that I’d better start covering European issues in greater depth. Does anyone there care to join us as a correspondent? (Strictly for the glory, since I can’t afford to pay a writer. In fact I’m barely keeping my own family fed.)

Note From JWR:

It is gratifying to see that we’ve had 462,000+ unique visits to the blog site and that our readership is still steadily growing. Many thanks for spreading the word. If you haven’t done so already, please mention SurvivalBlog to your friends, co-workers, and members of your congregation.

The “Quotes of the Day” that will be posted for the next nine days were all suggested by Dave of Captain Dave’s. Be sure to visit his site. There is a wealth of free information there!

From David in Israel: Storing IV Fluids, and Desperation Alternatives

Regarding the article “Practical Skills for Surviving TEOTWAWKI, by Free Rifleman”: Intravenous (IV) fluid (normal saline) is inherently non-pyrogenic, pH stabilized, made of non-degrading substances, and packaged in a tough sterile wrapper. The biggest worry is that the packaging or drug ports may go bad from sunlight exposure. Check for sinkers or floaters discoloration or damage once you open the sealed outer bag. If you are really worried use a loop with a filter needle. Survival use of IV fluid usually implies a life is at serious risk so discretion would likely weigh toward use of a properly stored and packaged expired bag. (One data point: The International Space Station (ISS) does not rotate IV fluid until years past expiration. The ISS only stocks six liters. ISS planners say that they would use sterile-filtered water from ISS plumbing and NaCl mix to refill IV bags. Note: The following reference data is for EMERGENCY/DESPERATION ONLY and HIGH SKILL WARNING!!! – PARAMEDIC AND UP WITH APPROPRIATE TRAINING ONLY!!! From a physician at the Mile High clinic in Colorado who consulted for NASA on ISS medical issues suggests even in a wilderness situation to micro-filter (particulates), boil (sterility), and salinate with (un-iodized much preferred) NaCl at 0.9% (same as human blood, tears, etc) infuse preferably through one or two filter needles in your loop.
The reason I even post this medically sound but legally dangerous information is for educational purposes. If there is a skilled practitioner who in the course of treatment runs out of current dated IV fluid, then alternatives are at hand. Thus, it is possible that a life which is in the balance might be saved. Above all, use discretion!

Letter From Michael Z. Williamson Re: Firearms and Survival

Dear Jim,
The current thread on fighting in a post-disaster environment makes me recall just before Y2K, when set up at various gun shows.
I told another dealer I had enough ammo, and he half-jokingly said, “You can’t have enough.”
I believe my quote was, “After I shoot the first forty, the rest will move on or call for artillery, depending on who they are” An invading army won’t be scared of your rifle. And a roving gang will want easy pickings.
Had things come to a disaster, my wife and I were resident managers of an industrial facility. I figured to block the drives with cinder blocks or cars, pretend the site was empty, and stand by with a shotgun and carbine at the door. If the crowd moved along the road, I’d ignore them. Only if they sought to enter our attached apartment would I have fired. My guess was that someone on guard (We’re both vets) with weapons, armor and helmet would deter most, since it would be obviously an attack on a defended position for little gain.
And yet, there actually was one attendee who insisted his survival plan was guns and ammo and “Just take what I need from those who didn’t prepare.” I gently suggested that with food, a running water supply, medical gear, sundries and hard cover, I was prepared to hold him off until he ran out of ammo or food and had to retreat. He apparently hadn’t considered that having a gun wouldn’t make him Lord of All He Surveyed.
The goal in surviving, as Heinlein noted in his excellent young adult novel “Tunnel in the Sky” is to stay alive. Not conquer (conquest is how many of these disasters start), not crusade. Just survive.
I’m fortunate enough to have the skills, money and time to have built several hi-tech small arms. But I also keep shotguns and old bolt [action] guns around–they’re easier to fix in the garage with good scrap steel, and robust. While I want a crank-fired, belt-fed Browning 1919A4, at 400 rounds per minute and 30+ pounds plus tripod, it hardly makes sense as a “survival” weapon. It may be a “rebellion” weapon, but it’s still of limited use in all but a few circumstances. It’s an indulgent toy. At the same show, a gentleman was selling what may have been the ultimate survival rifle–a pre-1899 Mosin-Nagant and a case of 7.62 x 54R ammo for $150, cash and carry. I should have grabbed some spares. – Michael Z. Williamson