Weekly Survival Real Estate Market Update

…with “stepping down” in your comfort level and lifestyle only to later find yourself possibly in a more dire place of need and you would be “stepping up” from where you have landed as a result of such calamities. Have you paid attention to the real news and note what doesn’t make the .GOV- controlled news regarding property being destroyed and people having to move to FEMA trailer camps? This is nationwide, not just on the coastlines. [TS adds: For real uncensored new and commentary from all over the world try Blacklisted News instead of the big four government propaganda media outlets, FOX, CNN, NBC and CBS] Having our property destroyed was a very possible scenario for us back in 2004 having had to dodge hurricanes, Charlie, Frances, Jean and Ivan living in Florida. Though we were in the process of selling and trying to relocate, as we headed for

Four Letters Re: More Predictions for 2009, by Roger Wiegand

Mr. Rawles- In response to “More predictions for 2009”, reader Jeff K writes, “There has never, ever been hyperinflation with deflating real estate prices.”. This is simply false, and a surprisingly common misperception. Zimbabwe is hardly a ‘red hot’ market for residential (or commercial) real estate, yet that country is an example of extreme hyperinflation. When Turkey went through its period of massive inflation it too suffered declining real estate values. South America, plagued with inflation during much of the past century was also a black hole for real estate investment. Ditto for [much of] Africa. Weimar Germany, a famous example of hyperinflation in a modern, western state was, similarly, anything but an appreciating property market. What one may observe during a hyperinflationary event is the dramatically increasing cost of assets denominated in the hyperinflating currency. The real value of the domestic assets (such as real estate), however, is not…

Community Crisis Planning for Societal Collapse, by J.I.R.

…system? If so, a lot of people who don’t currently have exactly what they need, or anything that happens to be valued in your new economy, are going to die. (More likely, they are going to revolt and try to take the resources they need.) A free market is a wonderful thing, but it requires time, security and communication to form. You won’t have any of these. People who don’t have food won’t wait long enough for you to form a fully functional free market system, which could take months or years. Without perceived equitable distribution of “wealth” in the form of whatever your community members need, you will have violence and mayhem very quickly. A free market capitalist trade system will never get a chance to form without a precursor system to hold it up until it gets established. In my humble opinion (after seeing many different monetary systems…

Getting Real About Physical Training, by R.G.

…but with a 60-80 pound load, including clothing and not including weaponry, over broken terrain for an entire week, it is getting real about what may be necessary. Remember, things will not be as they are now. For bike travel, work up to 15 to 20 miles per day– five walking and dragging the bike cross country and 10-15 on the road. Don’t forget the trailer if you plan to use one. Detours, delays, hiding, and weather must all be factored in to calculations. Ninety miles on foot and 150 miles by bike in a week are realistic estimated distances. Thinking you can carry more than one week of food, fuel, and clothing is not getting real about preparations. There won’t be any motels, restaurants, or laundromats available. You may be able to do more, but what about the weaker members of your group. It is best to plan for

July 2020 in Precious Metals, by Steven Cochran

…the disputed border with China in the HImalayas. China has moved tanks and artillery into the region, as it tries to seize more territory to widen a corridor to Kashmir and Pakistan. FED & REAL INTEREST RATES One major tailwind for gold is negative real interest rates. Investopedia defines real interest rates as “Real Interest Rate = Nominal Interest Rate – Inflation (Expected or Actual)”. In a note circulated before the new highs, Commonwealth Bank of Australia’s Vivek Dhar said the fall in U.S. 10-year real yields has been the “most important driver.” A handy sign for real interest rates is the 10-year TIPS bond. So long as this key rate remains in negative territory, gold looks attractive as a safe haven with its 0% yield compared to Treasury bonds that actually offer a negative real yield. US DOLLAR The DXY dollar index spent a good part of July hitting…

The Year of the Snakes: 2025 Possibilities, by SwampFox

…Where I live, land is selling for amounts that seem insane to me, and it looks like everybody and their brother is building something. A home that would sell for $150,000 ten years ago is double that price today. That effectively prices younger buyers out of the market, and increased assessment values place an increased tax burden on current owners. This is not going to improve. Will the bubble burst? Economists do not agree on the issue, but some predict a collapse in the near future. See: Kevin O’Leary Says a Coming Real Estate Collapse Will Lead to ‘Chaos’ — Here’s What You Need To Know. While residential real estate is increasing in price, commercial real estate is upside-down. While the average citizen thinks mostly about residential costs, personal property taxes, and personal income tax, it is the corporate sphere that really drives the nation. Commercial property is a big…

August 2020 in Precious Metals, by Steven Cochran

…coaster ride, but they see the possibility of a lengthy consolidation phase in the short term. They mark $1,837 as support. Long term, they mark resistance levels at $2,075, $2,175, and $2,300. VanEck’s Joe Foster says that we could eventually see $3,400 gold, if this bull market echoes the 2009-2011 rally. Commerzbank notes that stocks hitting new all-time highs late in the month is keeping a lid on gold prices in a tight $1,920/$1,900 range. CITI sees gold hitting $2,100 in the near future. They say that negative real rates and a weaker dollar give gold a real shot at $2,300 over the next 12 months. RBC reminds people that gold started the year at $1,520. Hitting $2,000 so quickly means greater volatility going forward. DeGussa sees gold averaging $2,550 a year from now, and silver at $48. Hedge fund Bridgewater Associates snapped up $340 million worth of gold ETF…

Some Thoughts About COVID-19, by The Novice

…From nvic.org Modern medicine has been selling us vaccine for the flu since 1941, Let’s say 80 years, they haven’t been successful yet. I’ve come late to the party but we are slowly making progress. Get strength from the Lord. Ani https://www.forbes.com/sites/mishagajewski/2020/08/20/a-new-study-shows-children-are-silent-spreaders-of-covid-19/#178c10bc595b According to the latest studies, children, even asymptomatic ones, can have larger Covid viral loads than even adults sick enough to be in the hospital. Don Williams The measures were imposed because the explosion of deaths in Italy and New York City in March scared Homeland Security. New York City has only 2.5% of the US population but was having 33% of the deaths from this virus. With bodies being stacked up in improvised morgues/ freezer trucks. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/covid-19-s-death-toll-new-york-city-was-similar-n1236591 https://www.politico.com/states/new-york/city-hall/story/2020/03/25/nyc-morgues-near-capacity-dhs-briefing-warns-1268964 Because stupid Mayor Blasio was urging people to go out to the restaurants and Broadway shows. Ani @ One Guy The latest research is showing that many people have…

Relocating to The Yaak, by L.S.

…haven’t make this 81 year old guy look longingly to history, examining records of application of a bucket of tar and a gunny sack of feathers. Peter Lee Living behind enemy lines in Appalachia is right where we are suppose to be. God bless all on SB! Cows I currently live in a red California county. I considered moving to the redoubt many times in the past because of the laws being passed in this state, but I could never really pull it together. However, since covid and riots, real estate in the redoubt has skyrocketed, making it beyond my means. My new plan is to stay put for a couple years and wait until some of the new redoubt residents “impulse buyers” realize what real winter is, decide they made a mistake and look to relocate to Arizona, etc. I will then find a decent deal and retire there….

End-Times Survival Guide Pt. 1, by Robert Paine

This guide is intended for all those who walk in truth and all those who seek to find it. Brothers and Sisters, we most humbly present to you, a definitive End-Times Survival Guide and Ultimate Salvation! This is a comprehensive, end-times survival guide created to help you and your family prepare for the possible collapse of America and other end-time scenarios that show sign of manifestation. Most importantly, we desperately share with you a message that leads to ultimate salvation. We have a lot of information to share, so we will speak briefly about each topic; please be advised to do your own research and have your Bible ready. (Remember, the Bible is God’s authoritative Word and it’s the best survival book we have available.) Also—it should be mentioned—don’t rely on mainstream media when it comes to the safety of your family. Article Structure: -1. Urgent Message: There is a…

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods:

…However, if you compare the cost of this process to a fully weather hardened radio, this makes alot of sense. Venezuela Blackouts Caracas has entered the next phase of it’s economic collapse. A power outage hit parts of the Venezuelan capital forcing 10 subway stations to close. traffic signals and phone lines were also affected. It should be noted that infrastructure issues in the state are not uncommon now and are happening more frequently. Thanks to G.P. for the link. o o o Please send your news tips to HJL. (Either via e-mail of via our Contact form.) These are often especially relevant, because they come from folks who watch news that is important to them. Due to their diligence and focus, we benefit from fresh “on target” news. We often “get the scoop” on news that is most likely ignored (or reported late) by mainstream American news outlets. Thanks!…

VA Nightmares and Real Resources of Hope for Veterans- Part 1, by Informed Consent

…disinterested in the facts to really help) is a system that knows not love! Share Your VA Nightmares Publicly (Don’t Fear Reprisal) Have you had a VA nightmare experience? Feel free to share in the comments, as it is a powerful way for veterans and their families to actively expose the reality of such a broken system. First, it is a way to warn other veterans who may still believe that the VA really cares about them and is a safe, holistic place to get care. Second, it might be the only way to put down, for the record, the reality of a system void of compassion, void of excellence in medical care, and void of logic. Are you afraid to speak out against the VA? For instance, have you been threatened that your disability pay will be cut off if you do not comply with specific orders? Have you…

VA Nightmares and Real Resources of Hope for Veterans- Part 2, by Informed Consent

…amid chemicals, bioweapons and radioactive waste at Fort McClellan” Natural News https://www.naturalnews.com/052718_Fort_McClellan_veterans_toxic_chemicals.html “Direct Primary Care” to anyone seeking care outside the “typical” system. Many Veterans are paying out of pocket out of desperation for quality care. For all the doctors and nurses in your life…I hear the life-style of this work environment is drastically different in a most positive way and genuinely rewarding. Below is a map of the US locations and information about “DPC:” https://www.dpcfrontier.com/mapper https://www.dpcare.org “Ft. McClellan Health Act: The health hazards of PCBs” Fox News Health http://www.foxnews.com/health/2014/09/19/ft-mcclellan-health-act-health-hazards-pcbs.html “Using Traditional Chinese Medicine to Treat Lung Cancer” Asbestos.com https://www.asbestos.com/blog/2013/12/16/traditional-chinese-medicine-herbs/ Share Any Additional Resources for Hurting Veterans Please share any resources you may have for those Veterans who are hurting, especially Ft. McClellan veterans who are steadily losing hope that they will ever receive help. I know there are effective treatments outside the VA that have helped many Ft. McClellan…

Economics & Investing For Preppers

Here are the latest news items and commentary on current economics news, market trends, stocks, investing opportunities, and the precious metals markets. We also cover hedges, derivatives, and obscura. And it bears mention that most of these items are from the “tangibles heavy” contrarian perspective of JWR. (SurvivalBlog’s Founder and Senior Editor.) Today’s focus is on Peak Real Real Estate. (See the Economy & Finance section.)   Precious Metals: Gold Faces New Headwinds As Bond Yields Hit 7-Year High o o o A Bottom In Gold Price But Not THE Bottom   Economy & Finance (Peak Real Real Estate): It appears that with rising interest rates, most of the United States may have already reached to point of peak real estate–that is, the precipice of a housing market crash that may make the 2006-2010 real estate downturn seem mild, by comparison. As of this writing, I’m now recommending that my…

My One Month TEOTWAWKI Road Test – Part 1, by Maui Dan

…girl who brought me into a life with Christ as my savior. We have been married for 34 years with 3 wonderful daughters and one newborn grandson. Very blessed. My advice is choose your marriage partner very carefully. On preps one had better test them out. I am surprised the author didn’t research temps in AZ at night that time of year. A rated down to zero sleeping bag and a surplus wool blanket would probably provided the needed comfort at night to avoid waking up freezing. Layering with the right stuff is what you want, not a bunch of cotton clothes, which you sweat in and then get you cool. tz There is … I almost want to call it stupidity over the 2nd Amendment when DIVORCE is far worse. You will give up your gun when they pry it from your cold dead fingers? But whether it is…