Letter Re: Advice on Elective Surgery

A few  years ago I found I had cataracts in both eyes.  Not too bad — I could still see to drive and shoot — but enough that open sights became more difficult and oncoming headlights a bit of a problem at night.  Slowly they got worse, until I was 20/80 in my left eye and not much better on the right (shooting!) side.  Like many folks I am reluctant to get treatment until it’s absolutely necessary.  I put it off, in part because getting the new flexible lenses cost $2,500 more per eye than insurance would pay.  Finally I realized that sophisticated procedures like this might not always be available.  I decided to get it over with.

I had my left eye done in December.  Within a week I was 20/15 in that eye.  I still use readers for fine work up close, but from arm’s length to forever, I have better vision than I have had in years.  The first thing I noticed was how bright the world is.  I had my right eye done yesterday.  I am already seeing better than before the operation, although it will be a few days before we know how much better.  The doctor says there is every reason to expect comparable results, 20/20 or better.

The bottom line is that many of us are probably putting off operations that would improve our quality of life immediately because they are not yet 100% essential.  I suggest that you bite the bullet and take care of them while you still can.  TEOTWAWKI is not the only thing that could soon put these treatments out of reach. – Randy in Maine

Letter Re: Avoid Becoming a Refugee

Hi Jim;
To tie in with your recent comments, the excellent Western Rifle Shooters blog linked to an article on refugees.

Though the article was brief, it had some good information. While the goal is to never become a refugee in the first place, in some cases it cannot be avoided and it pays to know what to do in such a case.

I was particularly inspired by the links to some “off-road” gear carriers. The first is a home-built model and is quite simple while the other is a German-engineered commercial model.

I have given a good bit of thought into what I would do in a true grid-down situation, such as EMP, when motorized transportation is not available. Our retreat is about 40 miles away if accessible via freeway, but about 60 miles if back roads are taken. While many of our supplies have been pre-staged at the retreat (where someone lives year-round), there are things we will need to take with us should we have to Shank’s Mare it.

For this reason, I do have a two-wheeled bicycle trailer that has been modified to be attached to a backpack frame, placing the weight on the hips and shoulders. After seeing the aforementioned German model, I have some new ideas I want to try. A homemade version of their design would be very straightforward to build.

However, this is a last-resort option. If the time comes to bug out, I’m planning on driving first, biking next, and walking only if there is no other choice. Thanks, – Jason R.

Letter Re: American Ingenuity–Oil Filters for Firearms Suppressors

Good Day, Mister Rawles.

Thank you as always for the good work you do. I was trawling around on the interwebs and came across this DIY suppressor solution. This may be old news to some but for everyone living in nations where suppressors are banned (or far too heavily regulated) then this is absolutely vital viewing.

The fitting displayed is what would be registered as the suppressor in this instance, but I can think of a few particular plumbing fittings at the local hardware store that I might be needing in the near future. For home renovations of course…

Kind regards, as always. – The Apple Islander

JWR Replies: Readers in the United States are warned that failure to pay the $200 Federal transfer tax could result in an eight year felony prison sentence. Don’t risk becoming a felon and losing your right to own guns and your right to vote for life. Pay the silly tax.

Economics and Investing:

G.G. flagged this: Bank’s idea for tackling the financial crisis: six bicycles. The article begins: “The Bank of England considered buying bicycles so that its officials
could continue to move around in the event of a full-scale financial meltdown, the former City minister disclosed last night.”

San Bernardino seeks bankruptcy protection: San Bernardino, facing the possibility of missing payroll, becomes California’s third city in weeks to authorize a bankruptcy filing.

FHA bailout inches closer – FHA defaults surge 26 percent while upping mortgage insurance premiums to make loans more expensive. Foreclosure starts outnumber foreclosure sales 3 to 1.

RBS sent this: Wall Street’s latest sucker: Your hometown

Also from RBS: Rising costs push California cities to fiscal brink. Throughout the state, local governments are slashing services to avoid bankruptcy. For some, it’s too late. [JWR’s Comment: Just wait until the Fed is forced to abandon ZIRP. When interest rates rise, then the real pain will begin. Tangentially, for some insight just compare San Bernardino’s lavish glass-encased City Hall building with these humble structures, in Iowa. FWIW, I’m not reading many news stories about municipal bankruptcies in Iowa…]

Items from The Economatrix:

Moody’s Downgrades Italy Two Notches

Housing Is Not Out Of The Woods Yet:  Former FDIC Chief Bair

New Foreclosures Jump 9% in 2Q

How Your Bank Account Could Disappear

Odds ‘n Sods:

More evidence of the mainstream’s acceptance of survivalism (or at least “prepping”): the National Association of Safety Professionals (NASP) is offering this class: Survival of Societal Collapse

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Part of Cody (Wranglerstar)’s new do-it-yourself video shorts series: Leatherman Wave Secret Function Revealed. This is a great series.

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New reporter? Call him Al, for algorithm.

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The commander of the military’s new U.S. Cyber Command said digital attacks are evolving from disrupting network functions to destructive strikes.

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Loose Lips Sink Ships. Here is some quite good OPSEC advice from an Air Force wife that has aa few implications for preppers: Six Surprise OPSEC Don’ts

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?
The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, [saying],
Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.” – Psalm 2:1-3 (KJV)

Field Dentistry Basics, by Tom Loomis DDS

The two procedures that make up Field Dentistry are fillings and extractions. Field Dentistry is defined as providing your own dental care when there is no other way; probably due to collapse of our health care system along with the rest of our fragile economy and civilization due to the disastrous economic policies of our “leaders”, a terrorist attack, or some other reason.

Fillings can be easy or complicated depending on the size of the cavity and the surfaces of the tooth that are involved.  Starting with the simplest- a one surface cavity in the chewing surface of the tooth, here is how it can be fixed.  A dental instrument called an excavator is used to remove decayed tooth and any debris that is in the tooth.  The instrument has small spoon shaped ends that have an edge and will remove decay easily, but sound tooth structure is harder and the difference is easily detected after a little experience.  Once the decay is removed, a filling is placed.  This is where the difference in Field Dentistry and office dentistry is pronounced.  In an office under a controlled environment, a composite filling that will last many years can be placed.  This requires the ability to etch, dry the surfaces, place bonding agent, light cure it, place composite, light cure it, and finish it down using the drill to shape it to match the bite of the patient.  These steps are close to impossible to accomplish in the field without electricity.  There are battery powered devices for part of the procedures mentioned, but not for all.  If the cavity is not kept dry during most of the steps, the composite won’t bond and the filling will either come out or leak and get decay around it very soon.

Here is what can be done in Field Dentistry.  The cavity is dried with a cotton pellet.  A Temporary Filling Material (TFM) such as Cavit is placed in the cavity using a Plastic Filling Instrument.  The instrument is made of stainless steel.  It got its name when the first white fillings were called plastic fillings.  The instrument has a paddle shaped end which is used to carry the TFM to the cavity and placed by putting the TFM in by pushing it into the cavity with a simultaneous wiping motion against the edge of the cavity.  The TFM has a consistency before setting similar to toothpaste but a little more viscous.  It is sticky and will stick to the instrument instead of the tooth without the above mentioned technique.  The other end of the Plastic Filling Instrument has a flat condensing end and is used to make sure there are no voids in the material by condensing it into the cavity.  It is also used to shape the TFM to match the original anatomy of the tooth surface.  The margins where TFM and tooth come together are important and should be well adapted because any gaps here will reduce the quality of the filling and shorten its life.  Gaps increase the possibility of recurrent decay.  After the filling is placed, the patient bites and grinds shaping the filling to the patient’s bite so there won’t be any high spots.  After this is accomplished the TFM can be smooth by wetting your gloved finger in the patient’s salvia and rubbing it across the filling.  If you have a cotton swab, it can be wet and used the same way.  The patient should then wait at least an hour before chewing to allow the TFM to harden.  It hardens on exposure to moisture, so drinking liquids is OK, just no chewing.

Though TFM is not made to last nearly as long as composite fillings, its ease of placement and forgiveness of mistakes in placement make it a very good material for Field Dentistry fillings.  It could last about six months, and if small sometimes longer.  Cavities between the teeth are treated in a similar manner in Field Dentistry, but placement of the TFM will be more difficult.  TFM sticks to teeth well when soft, but it doesn’t have much adherence when set, so the shape of the cavity needs to help in retention of the cavity.

The best material for Field Dentistry fillings is a zinc oxide powder eugenol liquid material that sets much harder than TFM.  Directions that come with the kit are followed in measuring and mixing, then the material is placed like TFM.  It sets in a few minutes after mixing, so adjustment to the patient’s bite needs to be accomplished before it sets as much as possible.  Once it sets, if it is high and interferes with the patient’s bite, it must be shaped with an instrument called an Amalgam Carver.  This has a disc shaped end and a sharp pointed spade-shaped end and can be used to carve off any part of the filling that interferes with the patient’s bite.  If the filling is high, it can created worse problems than a cavity, causing excess pressure on the tooth, and also tooth grinding or clenching that creates pain in the TMJs (Temporomandibular Joints) both of which are worse that having a cavity.  THE TMJs are the joints right in front of the ears on both sides.  The zinc oxide-eugenol mix is a little more technique sensitive, so the best Field Dentistry kit will include both it and TFM along with the necessary instruments.

Having the correct materials and instruments and knowing how to use them are critical in effective Field Dentistry.  Dental School takes four years after college, but learning some of the basics is much better than having no idea of what to do when dental care is needed. The instruments mentioned above are stainless steel, the same as I use in my office, and can be autoclaved repeatedly.  A pressure cooker-canner makes a good autoclave. The excavator and amalgam carver can be periodically sharpened using a stone that is used to put a final edge on a knife blade, because like a knife they get dull with use and should be fairly sharp.  An excavator is sharp enough when it will carve off a little bit of fingernail when scraped across the flattest part.

Long after all filling materials are gone, teeth can be extracted when necessary.  We will be back to the level of dentistry of the nineteenth century when teeth were extracted because there was no alternative.  Extracting teeth should not be done with anything except forceps that are made for that purpose.  The shapes of the beaks may look like pliers, but they are different, and the difference is critical.  The forceps are made to grip the tooth as far down on the root as possible to give the best leverage.  Pliers and vise-grips will crush the tooth and break it off most of the time and should not be used unless they are all you have; but be aware of their limitations.

I have been in dental practice for 31 years.  I will have at a minimum for Field Dentistry in my kit the following:  1) Basic Kit for fillings, re-cementing crowns and bridges, and treating some toothaches, 2)Extraction Kit with three forceps, a curette, and an elevator, and 3) a Zinc oxide-eugenol kit for fillings.  These are compact in their roll-up nylon holders and even in a mobile situation on foot they won’t take up much room in my pack or weigh too much to carry with me.

If you have ever had a toothache, you know how important it is to have it treated.  The pain is so intense it interferes with camp security and even regular camp chores.  Don’t neglect Field Dentistry in your preparations.

Instruction on extracting teeth is planned for a future article.

Preparing for Emergencies with a Special-Needs Child, by F.J.

Prepping for emergency situations is always a difficult task, especially when considering various limitations that you and your family may have (including financial restraints, locale features and challenges, health of your household members, your network of family and friends-or a lack of a network, etc.)  As for my wife and I, we have the added burden of preparing with a loveable, huggable special-needs child in mind.  As the numbers of children with physical, mental, and/or neurological difficulties continue to rise in this country, a growing number of preppers will need to consider the issue of sustaining a special-needs child through difficult times.  Even those that do not have special-needs children in their care may feel compelled to aid a relative or friend who does care for such a child when the time arises.   While I base many of these ideas upon the needs of my family and child, they may be helpful in starting or perfecting your own preparation plans to assist your special-needs child during times of peril.

In this article, I use the term “medical professional” to refer to persons that provide medical & healing services.  This may include, but is not limited to, medical doctors, naturopaths, chiropractors, nutritionists, psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors, pastors, massage therapists, and/or anyone else that is competent in treating and healing the human body and mind.  I also use the term “medicine” to refer to pharmaceuticals, vitamins, minerals, supplements, foods, and/or other resources that can treat or heal the human body and mind.   As a believer in medical freedom, I advocate for the right of a parent or authorized caregiver to treat their child with the medical services of his or her choice that is in the best interest of the child’s health and well-being.

Preparations to Consider for the Child

First, the parent or caregiver of a special-needs child must be able to comprehend how to treat the issues that the child faces when a medical professional is not available.  In treating our child, we looked to find medical professionals who (a) were not married to “traditional” western medicine, but looked to a number of healing methods, (b) willing to listen to our concerns, and (c) could explain to us the problems that our child faced.  These professionals, from the first visit, developed a plan with us that we could use to treat our child.   While we are not experts in medical treatment, they made sure that we understood enough in order to facilitate the healing process for our child.  If you or someone you know has no idea what to do in order to help your child during a time when a medical professional is not available, contact your child’s practitioner in order to set up such a plan.  It is also important to have this information available to others in case you are unable to provide the treatment yourself.

In addition, you need to stockpile any needed medical supplies and equipment that would help you execute the treatment plan for your child.  Of course, some medicines or supplies have a short shelf life or storage concerns that can make stockpiling difficult or impossible.  In such cases, it can help to consult with your child’s medical professional to develop alternatives supplies and/or equipment that can be stored and used in these situations.  While the alternatives may be less effective that the preferred medicine or medical supply, it can help the child maintain some normalcy until the preferred products are available again. 

Maintaining a strong immune system for your child would make the transition to an emergency situation easier.  Some special-needs children are more susceptible to infection and illness than normally developing children.  Eliminating unnatural “foods,” providing proper vitamins and minerals, and regular physical and mental activity can help prepare your child for potential diseases that may occur during or after an emergency.  There are various tests, some inexpensive, that can measure items such as your child’s nutritional levels, toxicity, and food allergies; these can be starting points to strengthening your child’s immune system.  There are also a number of medical professionals that are experienced in proper nutrition and supplementation for special-needs children.

Speaking of nutrition, you should also plan to meet the special dietary needs that your child may have.  In our own food storage, we only keep products that our child can also consume.  While this somewhat limits the variety and quantity of our foods (due to increased costs for these products,) we will not have to worry about him eating food from our storage that he is allergic or sensitive to.  It also ensures that there is a substantial amount of food available for him.  While this method of food storage may not be preferable or practical for all, you must ensure that your child has a sufficient amount and variety of food to survive during an emergency situation.  You may also consider growing foods that are earmarked for your special-needs child.  Being forced to feed your child food that sickens him or her may be worse than not feeding your child at all. 
Toileting of special-needs children must also be considered by the prepper.  Some special-needs children may not be toilet-trained and will require diapers.  This requires not only an emergency supply of diapers, but also means of diaper disposal, especially if there is no garbage collection available.  Other items to consider storing would be baby wipes (or some other method of cleaning waste from skin,) skin protectants such as oils or petroleum jelly, diaper rash treatments, and materials to eliminate diaper pail scents.

Grooming and bathing can also be a challenge for special-needs children in emergency situations.  Cleaning my child with a washcloth from a sink, for some reason, causes him to “freak out.”  He also has issues with water being poured on top of his head (making hair washing a challenge.)  If your child has challenges related to grooming and bathing in normal conditions, it would be beneficial to determine how to best approach the changes that may occur when there is no running water, no power, no hot water, etc.  If possible, practicing different methods of grooming and bathing ahead of time can help you determine the best courses of action to take when the situation arises.

You must also remember that your special-needs child is still a child.  As such, you should plan to have games and activities that he or she can play despite the circumstances of the emergency.  This can include books, board games, music from battery-powered radios or MP3 players, coloring books, or anything that can bring a smile to your child.  Consider in advance what materials you would need, including those things that can be used in a no or low-power situation.  If possible, consult with your child; he or she can even help you pick out those things that can bring a smile in an otherwise miserable situation.

Preparations to Consider for Yourself and Your Household

In preparing for your child’s needs during emergency situations, you must also plan for how your special-needs child can affect you and your other family members (and vice-versa.)   The family dynamic can change during these times.  Your family may move to a new location.  Other persons may come to live with your family.  A prominent family member may be forced to leave the home due to other obligations (such as military orders.)  Tragically, one or more family members may themselves become incarcerated, incapacitated, missing, or dead.  Special-needs children may have reactions to certain people either being in the home or away from the home.  Some special-needs children have difficulty adjusting to new situations or surroundings.  While it is difficult to adequately plan for these scenarios, discussing these issues with your child, spouse, family members, medical professionals, and others that can provide informative advice may help you become mentally prepared to assist your child through these and other potential changes.
Your plan for operational security should include the potential actions of your special-needs child.  Our child screams whenever he is happy.  He screams whenever he is upset.  He is difficult to keep quiet and still, even when he thinks he is being quiet and still.  Plan for ways to maintain operational security, even if it may be an inconvenience or stressful to your child.  Please note, I am not advocating any forms of abuse; however, you have an obligation to ensure the safety of your family, including your child when the situation warrants.  Think about and discuss with other household members what needs to be done when dangerous situations require hard decisions to be made.  Be sure to consider the potential consequences of the actions that you may take to maintain operational security.

I’ll be honest: Raising a special-needs child is very stressful during normal times.  When the situation becomes abnormal, our stress level will elevate, no matter how prepared we may be.  Caring for someone who needs a higher level of care may cause a caregiver to direct a higher level of frustration towards that child than is warranted.  This is something that you should prepare for both mentally and spiritually.  Consult with your spouse, relatives, or other potential caregivers for respite time during emergencies.  Have times of prayer and spiritual reflection.  Write down your thoughts and feelings.  Be open to others about how you are feeling; don’t be afraid to talk about what is going on inside of your mind.  If you come to a point of wanting to harm your child, whether physically or mentally, do what it takes to remove yourself from the situation.

In Conclusion

This is by no means a plan that meets the need of many that care for children with special-needs.  I do hope that it can be of assistance for those who may not have considered what actions to take during emergency situations, or at least provides points to ponder upon.  Hopefully I can learn from the tips, ideas, and suggestions of others as well.  Please feel free to provide this information not only to those who care for special-needs children, but also to medical professionals, teachers, and others who encounter them.   The better that we parents are prepared, the better the outcome will be for our children when we do encounter a life-changing event.

Letter Re: Offline Satellite Maps

Mr. Rawles,
While trying to automate my Google Earth into an offline cache, I found this blog.
As it turns out, this man has described ways to load several types of maps offline, including topo maps and Google Earth.
To download Google Earth offline, you will need software from a companion site (free to use, $20 to donation) called Dr. Regener
I am now in the process of creating high resolution offline Google Earth caches that can be placed onto an external thumb drive and viewed as needed without access to the Internet. – Dan in Florida

Letter Re: Residential OPSEC With Utility Workers

Hi Mr Rawles,
Another tactic used by house burglars is to break in to your car.  They will steal your garage door opener and your registration.  They clip them together for identification.  Then a few days later when your car is gone they drive up, open your garage door, enter, close the door and break in to your home.  Unseen, they can load up and leave.  We found this out when our car was broken into. They dumped the glove box for the paper work, and didn’t take the radio.  Luckily they didn’t find the garage door opener.  When we reported the crime the police filled us in on what was going on.  Now we keep the garage door openers with us.

Another trick on the garage door is to make a hole in the door, then reach in with a stiff wire [with a hook formed on the end] to pull the door’s emergency release cord.  The easy fix for that is to cut the cord so there is no handle on the end.

Have a good day. – Karl G.

Letter Re: Extending Battery Life

Hi Jim,
Just finished reading the post on extending battery life.  The writer hit it on the head when he talked about pulse charging batteries. As a matter of fact there is a company out of Hayden, Idaho (in the American Redoubt) which makes microprocessor-controlled desulphating battery chargers.  John Bedini has been designing these chargers for many years, and has now made them commercially available.  His company is called Energenx.
I have three of his heavy duty chargers for use on Trojan batteries. The chargers have a charge cycle and a desulphate cycle where they charge and discharge several times to bring the life back to the battery.  There is a lot of research behind his patented process.
As long as the battery is not physically damaged, and the specific gravity cell to cell is close to the same, then these chargers will restore life to your battery bank. Trojans are notorious for the center cell on the 6 volts dying first, and it has restored several of mine. – T.C. in The Pacific Northwest

Economics and Investing:

Want Precious Metals? Forget Mines, Go to Landfills. (A hat tip to Diana V. for the link.)

C.D.V. sent this: As More Cities Go Broke, Is Muni Crisis Finally Here?

G.G. sent this: Arizona Police Bust The Biggest Counterfeit Coupon Ring Ever

Also from G.G., a piece about Ka-Bar: Inside The Company That’s Made Knives For The Marines Since World War II

Items from The Economatrix:

Mish’s Global Economic Trend:  Global Collapse in Auto Sales Coming Up

Why The LIBOR Scandal Matters:  Destruction of Confidence to the Nth Degree

Was Gold Manipulated Like LIBOR Rates?

Odds ‘n Sods:

The Cato Institute investigates: Where Are The Libertarians? Predictably, the American Redoubt States ranked well. (Thanks to Joe W. for the link.)

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Cougars Are Making a Comeback in America

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We recently got our first set of Jarbox Totes from Pantry Parutus. What a clever invention! These are sturdy and stackable, and even American-made. I’m sure that we’ll be getting a lot of use out them. The only problem is that now I can see that I need to order three or four more sets…

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I hope that you get your storage corn meal squared away, before prices skyrocket: Disaster Declared in 26 U.S. States as Drought Sears Midwest. (Thanks to K.A.F. for the link.)

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A snippet of conversation from the Rawles Ranch dinner table:

Avalanche Lily: “Our new batch of hens is starting to lay.”

#3 Son: “How can you be sure?”

Avalanche Lily: “The eggs are smaller, and they are greenish.”

#3 Son: “Oh so, those must be from Araucanas or Americanas, right?”

Avalanche Lily: “They’re Araucanas.”

Jim: “If we were real survivalists, then we’d be raising Sarah Conners.”

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

"The will of the people is the only legitimate foundation of any government, and to protect its free expression should be our first object." – Thomas Jefferson

Notes from JWR:

I will be the keynote speaker via teleconference this coming weekend at Charlotte PrepCon. This is an event for North Carolina and South Carolina preppers. The conference will be held on July 14, 2012 in Ft. Mill, S.C. (near Charlotte, N.C.) Phone: (800) 704-1862 for details.

Today we present another two entries for Round 41 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include:

First Prize: A.) A gift certificate worth $1,000, courtesy of Spec Ops Brand, B.) A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, and C.) Two cases of Mountain House freeze dried assorted entrees in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources. (A $350 value.) D.) a $300 gift certificate from CJL Enterprize, for any of their military surplus gear, E.) A 9-Tray Excalibur Food Dehydrator from Safecastle.com (a $300 value), and F.) A $250 gift certificate from Sunflower Ammo.

Second Prize: A.) A Glock form factor SIRT laser training pistol and a SIRT AR-15/M4 Laser Training Bolt, courtesy of Next Level Training. Together, these have a retail value of $589. B.) A FloJak FP-50 stainless steel hand well pump (a $600 value), courtesy of FloJak.com. C.) A “grab bag” of preparedness gear and books from Jim’s Amazing Secret Bunker of Redundant Redundancy (JASBORR) with a retail value of at least $300, D.) A $250 gift card from Emergency Essentials, and E.) two cases of Meals, Ready to Eat (MREs), courtesy of CampingSurvival.com (a $180 value) and F.) A Tactical Trauma Bag #3 from JRH Enterprises (a $200 value).

Third Prize: A.) A Royal Berkey water filter, courtesy of Directive 21. (This filter system is a $275 value.), B.) A large handmade clothes drying rack, a washboard and a Homesteading for Beginners DVD, all courtesy of The Homestead Store, with a combined value of $206, C.) Expanded sets of both washable feminine pads and liners, donated by Naturally Cozy. This is a $185 retail value, D.) A Commence Fire! emergency stove with three tinder refill kits. (A $160 value.), and E.) Two Super Survival Pack seed collections, a $150 value, courtesy of Seed for Security.

Round 41 ends on July 31st, so get busy writing and e-mail us your entry. Remember that there is a 1,500-word minimum, and articles that relate practical “how to” skills for survival have an advantage in the judging.