News From The American Redoubt:

Trike flyer TTABS recently posted two great narrated flying videos that show some fantastic scenery deep in the American Redoubt: Spokane WA to Polson MT – Part I and Spokane to Polson MT – Part II – The Cabinet Mountain Crossing

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Chuck Baldwin’s son under corrupt local Gov’t attack in MT

article quote:

“According to the recorded voice of the drug task force officer, the reason the prosecutor’s office doesn’t like Tim is because he is a “constitutionalist,” his dad (me) ran for President in 2008 as a third party candidate, and Tim doesn’t just “go along” with the prosecutor’s office but actually defends his clients. The police officer referred to my presidential candidacy as some B*** S*** party. Actually, Mr. Drug Task Force Officer, it was the Constitution Party, which, in 2008, was America’s third largest political party.”

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A reminder to voters in the American Redoubt: The seating of some State Supreme Court Justices, Court of Appeals Judges, and District Judges will be decided in the upcoming Primary Election. (On Tuesday, November 4th, 2014.)

For example, in Idaho the incumbent seats currently held by Justice Joel Horton and Justice Warren Jones in Idaho are up for a vote.

In Idaho’s Seventh Judicial District, Judge Shindurling is stepping down. That open seat will be a hot race.

It is often difficult to pin down where judicial candidates stand on key moral issues. (Their web pages are usually full of wishy-washiness.) That’s not so in Montana, where incumbent Supreme Court justice Michael Wheat is being challenged by a solidly conservative and God-fearing man who homeschools his children: Lawrence VanDyke. – JWR

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News from Wyoming: Disgruntled employee steals train

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‘Zombie Bus’ strikes, kills 18-year-old at Idaho corn maze