Odds ‘n Sods:

According to Bill Bonner, editor of The Daily Reckoning, house price over-valuation is not unique to the US. In the U.K., Bonner said, house prices are 20% overvalued. He opines that Britain is one of the three most vulnerable to a house price crash/correction (after New Zealand and Denmark).

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By way of SHTF Daily come this article from Australia: US rate cut decried as ‘socialism for Wall Street’

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Reader Dave F. told us about an interesting new bullpup stock available for M1A and M14 rifles. If they provide a decent trigger pull (which, from what I have seen, is one of the most common failings of bullpup stock conversions), then this stock might be worth the price.

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T.A. in Indiana found a video on how to take apart a lantern battery which typically sells for $5 or $6 and get 32 AA batteries out of it.