Note from JWR:

Today is a sad date in American history. Unfortunately, Islamic extremism isn’t likely to go away anytime soon, so there could be many more such red letter days. Just be prepared, regardless of what the terrorists throw at us.

“Zeroing In” Your Bugout Bag, by SF in Hawaii

Last week my wife told me that another couple had gotten reservations at the cabins at Haleakela State Park for the Labor Day Weekend. We would hike across the crater floor, then down the Kaupo Gap. These are hard to come by and since we were invited, I felt we had to go. Great, a chance to try out my bug out bag. I gave my feet a liberal and prophylactic spraying of anti-fungal medication (a ritual I would end up doing every morning on that trip) and put on my Bug-Out Bag (BOB). Before we left, I unscrewed the …

Letter Re: Advice on Compact Solar-Powered Refrigerators for Insulin

Sir: I am a Type 2 diabetic. I think that diabetics like me, and even more so Type 1s (those with onset in childhood) will be at particular risk in the event of a catastrophe, whether it is localized, national, or global. What is your recommendation for a method to keep insulin refrigerated in a long term so-called “Grid Down” situation? A solar powered fridge? Thanks, – Ron in Alabama JWR Replies: I recommend the Engel brand 12 VDC refrigerators sold by Safecastle. A modest-size photovoltaic power system, such as the 520 watt 4-panel packaged “cabin” system produced by Ready …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Russell mentioned that The History Channel has started a news series: Mega Disasters.    o o o Kyle D. pointed us to this piece: The Western War Against Barbed Wire    o o o Reader Jon D. recommends the 1997 Reader’s Digest book: Back to Basics–How to Learn and Enjoy Traditional American Skills. (ISBN 0-89577-086-5). Jon notes: “Over 450 pages packed with diagrams and knowledge covering everything from building an outhouse to candle making.” Even though it is out of print, used copies can often be found through or on dreaded eBay.

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“For six years, the Bush administration has kept America safe from another terrorist attack, allowing the Democrats to claim that the war on terrorism is a fraud, a “bumper sticker,” a sneaky ploy by a power-mad president to create an apocryphal enemy so he could spy on innocent librarians in Wisconsin. And that’s the view of the moderate Democrats. The rest of them think Bush was behind the 9/11 attacks.” – Ann Coulter