Economics and Investing:

GG sent us this: Gold bugs at last have their perfect trinity

Also from GG: The American peso. JWR Adds: As I’ve mentioned before in the blog, 72 is the crucial level to watch for in the US Dollar Index (USDI) . Anywhere south of there for more than two weeks could signal a collapse in international confidence in the dollar.

Mike W. flagged this piece by Caroline Baum: Inflation ‘Cure’ Exposed When In-Laws Move In

Also from Mike W comes this Wall Street Journal article on self-employment: Ready to Be the Boss?

From HPD: Jesse’s Café Américain: Bernanke’s Wager with the US Bond and Dollar

Items from The Economatrix:

Rising Unemployment Raises Threat of Social Crisis

Unemployment 20% Higher in Democratic Strongholds

Californians Revolt, Slash Governor, Officeholders’ Pay 18% Arnold asks for $6B bailout, may set precedent for other states

Governator Proposes Terminating Welfare Benefits For California Residents

Recession Suddenly Humbles High Tech Sector “When Google is laying off you know something is going very wrong.”

Novel Ideas Surface for Bank Execs’ Pay They arre moving away from stock options (I wonder why?)

G8 Leaders Urge Oil Price Stability

China Economist: Yuan Should Be Regional Currency to Rival Dollar

Investors Await Housing, Consumer Confidence News

Are Liberal Arts Degrees Worthless in This Economy?