Note from JWR:

Today we present another entry for Round 22 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The contest prizes include: First Prize: Two transferable Front Sight  “Gray” Four Day Training Course Certificates. This is an up to $4,000 value! Second Prize: A three day course certificate from OnPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. Third Prize: A copy of my “Rawles Gets You Ready” preparedness course, from Arbogast Publishing Round 22 ends on May 31st, so get busy writing and e-mail us your entry. Remember that articles that relate practical “how to” skills for …

Responding to a CBRNE Event, by J. Paramedic

CBRNE is an acronym for Chemical-Biological-Radiological-Nuclear-Explosive events. [It is most commonly spoken “Sea-Burn”] This article gives a general guideline for responding to such incidents, geared toward the individual or small group with basic medical/trauma care abilities and little to no rescue capability. Some details about each type of event are also included. Note that I am a paramedic; my training is geared toward that venue, and this essay reflects that. However, many of the same principles are relevant to anyone forced by circumstances to respond to such incidents, not just public safety personnel. Deliberate Attacks Versus Accidents Most CBRNE events …

Mexican Flu Update:

SurvivalBlog reader Laurence W. wrote to warn that it is premature to post early estimates that the Mexican Flu is mild. “It may or may not be. There are not enough data points yet to speak authoritatively. All one can correctly say is that it is too early to tell.” He cited recent some well-informed discussion threads in the Flu Wiki Forum and the Forum. Reader Laura C. recommended visiting the US Archives Online Exhibit of 1918 Flu. Photographs and Letters. 141 Cases, 19 States “The World Health Organization is warning of an imminent pandemic because scientists cannot predict …

Economics and Investing:

Three more failed banks taken over by regulators. (Thanks to Laura H. for the link) Items from The Economatrix: US Families Rely on Handouts in World’s Richest Country Flu Heightens Mexico’s Economic Sickness Government Nervous About Stress Test Results S&P Downgrades Seven Dubai Businesses US GDP Poised for Epic Collapse US Empire Built on False Prosperity Collapsing The Impending Mother of All Oil Shocks Credit Crisis Bank Stress Tests: If You Believe the Banks are Recovering… “They allow Goldman Sachs to bury the fact that they left December out of their financial results deep in their footnotes. Shockingly, Goldman lost …

Odds ‘n Sods:

A back-door multinational gun registration scheme, complete with extradition for violators.    o o o Ron in New York recommended this: When the Power Goes Out, Grab a Gun First    o o o Employee Steals $12 Million in Gold From Queens Jeweler. And she high-graded it one piece at a time, over the course of decades. I guess this rules out trying to convince a jury that it was just a brief lapse of judgment.

Letter Re Advice for College Students Living Abroad

Hi, I’m a student from Singapore studying overseas in Australia and I’m also a Christian. I have been following your blog for quite awhile, and there are some things I would like to ask. First, what advice can you give to students studying overseas? As a student, I stay on my own in a rented place, and probably will have to move every six months or so, so stockpiling food and goods are only feasible for about a month or two worth of food, as I will have to shift everything I own on my own to my new place …