Mr. Rawles,
I had been planning to get a pellet gun for some squirrel problems here at my home. But after reading Will T.’s response to “How to Butcher a Squirrel” I instead bought some Connibear 110 traps. I got the traps via mailorder and set them last night following Will’s advice. I used paper towels coated with peanut butter as bait. I came out this morning and to my surprise there was already a dead squirrel hanging in the trap. These traps are very simple, discreet, and efficient. Thanks! – Paul B.
JWR Replies: A key advantage of the Connibear trap is that it is a true “killing trap” that usually kills almost instantly. Thus, unlike a traditional leg hold trap, you are less likely to attract opportunistic predators, or to the draw the ire of soft-hearted neighbors and visiting relatives.