Letter Re: The Importance of Spare Parts and Maintenance for Preparedness

James Wesley: One subject that I think is under rated in preparedness discussions is spare parts. We all are focused on our armaments and basic survival materials to the detriment of being able to continue to use our tools and equipment when they inevitably break. Even in the best-case scenario of a sever depression spare parts will be often unavailable through normal channels. A good example of this is to be found in cars. When I was young in the ‘50s and early ‘60s there was an abundance of cars made in the late ‘20s and ‘30s in remarkably good …

Letter Re: Highly Productive Home Gardens

Jim, Take a look at the YouTube videos on the Dervaes family. These folks are a bit granola crunching and leftist/idealistic for me, but there is a great deal to be learned from their efforts. 6,000 pounds of produce from 5,000 square feet of yard is pretty impressive. Admittedly, they have a 365-day growing season and no deer to worry about, but we are adapting the strategies for our own situation. I do agree with them that producing your own food is a profoundly subversive act. If the link does not work work just go to YouTube and then search …

Letter Re: Backpackers of the Apocalypse: Selecting and Ultra-Lighting Your Bug-Out Bag

Hello Mr. Rawles, I would like to comment on the recommendations for Bug Out Bags: Do not include an axe. It is a crude cutting device prone to making copious whacking noise while in use. Bugging out must be accomplished almost silently… But do carry an Ontario 18″ Machete . It cuts branches up to 1.5 inches thick in a single cut when sharp. My Ontario Machete is now more than 30 years old. It has been thoroughly used during military operations and during a tour of duty in Africa with the Peace Corps. Get a good flexible sheath with …

Why Survivalists Should Buy Local Organic Food, by Chad L.

I know the name of the woman who raises the chickens that lay the eggs that I eat. Do you? I know about her daughter’s college plans and her vacations and how she got into the business of raising chickens. This might not seem so important from a survivalist perspective, but I think it is and I’ll explain why in the following paragraphs. Now think about where you get your eggs. Chances are they come from a big chain grocery store. That means they are raised in a huge factory farm, staffed by underpaid workers of questionable legality, and overwhelmingly …

Good Fences Make Good Neighbors: Reinforcing Your Retreat for Long Term Survival on the Cheap, by Q.T.

We’ve all heard that particular proverb. For those of us reading this venue, we all have a specific mindset that probably keeps that at the forefront of our minds. We have our space. We have our preps. We have spent time and effort placing a lot of emphasis on keeping ourselves one step ahead. So how do we keep out everyone else?. Better yet… how do we keep prying eyes out? Still best, how do we create our sanctuary without drawing any attention to ourselves whatsoever? We can build a fence, but a fence can be cut. Fences cost money. …

Letter Re: How to Spot a Front Sight Graduate

Jim, I get e-mails from Front Sight students all the time reporting to me how they often draw a crowd at shooting ranges as people marvel at their marksmanship, speed, and gun handling. The question they are always asked is, “Where did you learn how to shoot like that?” Of course they respond with “Front Sight!” Well here is a twist on that experience from someone who recently e-mailed me: Dr. Piazza, I just wanted to send you this e-mail and let you know about an experience I had several months ago. I work part time at a shooting range …

Letter Re: Home-Made Super Cat Alcohol Stoves

Dear Mr. Rawles, First, I would like to commend you on your “Patriots” novel. It is a “must read” for any American who believes in our Constitution and Bill of Rights. I bought the book a few months ago and have read it twice so far. The “crunch” scenario outlined is self-evident today, and a very real possibility. I have never been of the “survivalist” mindset, however with the NWO now upon us – and my becoming ‘awake” as to the threat of the NWO and TEOTWAWKI – I am starting my preparations in earnest. Your book, and others, are …

Two Letters Re: Backpackers of the Apocalypse: Selecting and Ultra-Lighting Your Bug-Out Bag

Hello Mr. Rawles, Thanks again for this blog; it’s my nightly reading before bedtime. Regarding the letter from John the Midwestern Hiker, here are some other possibilities/opinions about bug-out bags. Naturally, edit as you see fit, should any of this merit mentioning…. Because I live in a large metropolitan area in the eastern US, I try to remain prepared for just such a bug-out event. I know approximately how much time I would need and how much fuel I would need in order to arrive in “Free America”–my fuel tank is never less than 3/4ths full. I have at least …

Letter Re: Where to Find Quality-Made Hand Tools?

Hello, Let me tell you about an experience I had the other day and my frustration. I recently purchased some tools from Sears and got the “higher quality” Craftsman brand. One of the items purchases was a bow saw. I did not look closely at the quality of the item purchased because I thought to myself, “It is a Craftsman, they have a life time warranty.” Well, a few months later the saw broke because of bad construction. Some little nubs that were punched through the very thin sheet metal that held the saw blade in place. It does not …

Backpackers of the Apocalypse: Selecting and Ultra-Lighting Your Bug-Out Bag, by John the Midwestern Hiker

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary to get out of Dodge, a decent respect for the integrity of one’s spine demands that every item in your bug-out bag be submitted to a candid evaluation. Forgive me for cheekily paraphrasing the Declaration of Independence, but it does make a point that every preparedness minded individual needs to consider: if and when you need to get out fast with only the items you can carry on your back, what are you going to take, and what are you going to carry it in? The first major consideration that …

Letter Re: That Leaking Body in Your Living Room

Sir, There have been innumerable discussions on this web site, and others across the internet, about the mindset, preparations, training and physical responses to the use of deadly force. Every gun owner (or would be owner) has had to ask themselves if they have what it takes to kill another human being. We all know the argument. When it comes down to life or death, you or them, could you pull the trigger? Let’s assume, for the sake of this segment, that your answer is yes. Now let me present you with a hypothetical situation: It’s TEOTWAWKI. Infrastructure is nonexistent. …

Old Frontier Forts as Alternative Bug Out Locations?, by R.D. in Wyoming

I wish to present an alternative prep situation that I have not really seen talked about on your blog and at other other sites. First a small bit of biographical background and anecdotes to explain my reasons for what I (now recently we) are doing. Ten years ago, I retired from the military (26+ years, Life Scout (in a younger form) and an ex-scout leader (both Boy and Girl Scouts), fixed income with a part time job, never lived at one address longer than three years (requirement of military lifestyle), hobbies oriented to colonial/fur trade eras (see anecdote), recent earnest …

Letter Re: Some Practical Lessons From Daily Concealed Carry

Jim, I am on my third concealed carry license and have been carrying at least one concealed weapon every day for about 15 years. I have learned a number of lessons I thought I would share with AceHigh and any other recent CCLs holders among your readers. First, choose a gun you can carry all the time because a small gun in your hand is worth two big guns back in your safe. Wearing a gun only sometimes means that you will sometimes be unprepared. Wouldn’t you feel really stupid I the one time you needed your gun you didn’t …

Disaster Preparedness–Of Lists and Preparation in Depth, by Ed C.

I would like to offer my own experiences in the hopes that they may provide some small amount of practical advice to others. Here in Oklahoma, of course, we face tornadoes, but many do not realize we have also suffered from paralyzing ice storms – three within the past ten years. Lessons gleaned from practical experience are: Have inventory lists; Have ‘Oh-Schumer Lists’ of items and chores for each type of contingency situation (tornado, flood, ice storm, etc.) Prepare ‘in depth’ for each major need, such as heat and light, food, water, shelter, and protection Calmly think through scenarios on …

Two Letters Re: Livestock for Survival

Jim: I would like to clarify a point in the article, "Livestock for Survival" by Bobbi A. Regarding hens going "broody" – Probably not. There are very few breeds in which the hens will sit on their eggs, and even among broody breeds (such as Buff Orpingtons, which I raise) only a few hens will become broody. The broodiness trait has been intentionally bred out of chickens because a broody hen does not lay eggs. If you plan to raise your own chicks, have an incubator and power source as a backup. Also, a suggestion: I have made arrangements with …