Letter Re: Home-Made Super Cat Alcohol Stoves

Dear Mr. Rawles,

First, I would like to commend you on your “Patriots” novel. It is a “must read” for any American who believes in our Constitution and Bill of Rights. I bought the book a few months ago and have read it twice so far. The “crunch” scenario outlined is self-evident today, and a very real possibility.

I have never been of the “survivalist” mindset, however with the NWO now upon us – and my becoming ‘awake” as to the threat of the NWO and TEOTWAWKI – I am starting my preparations in earnest. Your book, and others, are now quickly becoming part of my reading in order to catch up on what I have to do to protect my family and myself when the Schumer hits the fan.

I have read many articles on your blog and the internet regarding what the contents of a G.O.O.D. bag should carry. Of interest is the subject of portable cooking stoves. I have found a quick and free option for a lightweight and portable “camp stove” that I would like to share. It is called the “Super Cat” Alcohol Stove found at the Jim Woods Base Camp web site. This “stove” is simply a cat food can that can easily be transformed into an denatured alcohol (or similar) fueled cooking stove that is a simple to make, takes up minimum space, and is fueled by easily carried and procured denatured alcohol. I find that carrying one or two of these stoves in a zip-loc bag takes up minimal space in a backpack. Denatured alcohol is readily available, and can be cached for future use in large quantity. The downloadable PDF file for the “Super Cat also shows the various ways that that the fuel can be carried in small containers for a backpack. There are also downloadable files on a windscreen and stove stand that are also easily self-fabricated.

I know that most of the folks that read your blog are more prepared than I am at this point, but I feel that all options should be presented for evaluation and testing in order to find out what best suits their needs. And the best thing about the “Super-Cat” is that it is free!

Thanks for your Patriotism and everything you do. – W.M.