Building a Security Camera System, by S.S.

I have been working for several years on building a security camera system. I have finally found a camera that I really like. Previously, I had tried a number of things that did not work very well: Old-fashioned NTSC cameras with coax to a PCI video card resulted in terrible video quality, no matter how much money was spent. Webcams of various types offered pretty good video quality but were limited by the length of the USB cable. The Toshiba IK-WB02A IP network camera were too much money for not very good quality imaging. I bought several of these at …

Letter Re: Dual Ring Village

Regarding the comments on the Dual Ring Village. Thank you for the comments and criticisms. Objections noted: Monolithic structures susceptible to urban fires. Fire breaks missing. Obsolete fixed fortification. Susceptible to bombardment, siege. These may be true. However, the outstanding features and functions of a dual ring village are not constrained to that of a defensive fortification against a military force. Engineering benefits The curved walls are self supporting, stronger than equivalent flat walls, and thus outperform rectilinear structures of the equivalent volume and surface area. The dividing walls further strengthen the inner and outer curved walls. The enclosed spaces …

Staying Warm In An LP/OP, by M.E.

Hugh, recently B.B. wrote asking for readers’ input on how a listening post/observation post (LP/OP) occupant can stay warm during extremely cold weather. His letter, and your reply, generated some self-reflection as I begin retirement in a few months after a 30+ year Army career, which spanned both active duty and National Guard service. During that time I served on active duty as an artillery forward observer to both Infantry and Armor companies and was branched Infantry for most of my National Guard service. I suspect that B.B. will find that his biggest problem will not be one of staying …

Three Letters Re: Keeping Warm in an LP/OP

Dear Hugh, Regarding Heating Concern in LP/OP, as a long-time member of the military with extensive deployment, outdoor, and survival experience, here is my humble response to the reader’s query on keeping warm in an LP/OP. LP/OPs come in all shapes, sizes, and budgets. I’ve typically seen LP/OPs in three levels: hasty, intermediate, and advanced. Regardless of which one is manned, they all share two traits– clear fields of fire/observation and keeping the soldier alert. Having frozen my backside off more than I have wished and as it addresses your question head on, I will focus on the latter. Exposure …

Three Letters Re: Heating Concern in LP/OP

Hugh, In response to the letter on Wednesday Feb. 5th regarding “Heating Concern in LP/OP“, I submit my thoughts. Indeed, those of us in Northern climates should be very concerned with keeping warm in a LP/OP during the winter months. When in the LP/OP, we typically have to stay put. Wandering off or doing laps around the property could allow those who would do your group harm to enter your property unannounced. The other important point is that an effective person in a LP/OP is also quiet. Having the upper hand in a tactical situation could very well hinge on …

Three Letters Re: Heating Concern in LP/OPs

HJL, Regarding the letter about the heating concern in your LP/OP, don’t forget that any heat source will cause the position to show up on IR or thermal scopes. For that reason, insulation (PAC boots and layers of coats, sweaters, and long johns) is better than heat sources. If you must use a heat source, string a thermally-reflective tarp over your position and camouflage it with snow. In essence you create a snow cave with the front open. While it will still show on IR, it won’t be human-shaped. Snow is extremely good as an insulator and as such masks …

Letter: Heating Concern in LP/OP

Dear Hugh, As we remain in a long lasting frigid winter in northern Ohio, I question how anyone could maintain long term diligence in a listening/observation post that is partially open to the elements. I struggle with ways to provide a heat source without compromising a tactical location. I have read survival blog for many years, but have not seen this important concern addressed. Perhaps you will find this a notable concern, and I request this be forwarded to the masses to solicit ideas for solutions. Thanks for your consideration. – B.B. HJL Replies: I’ve never served in the military, …

Letter: Shotgun Security

Dear Sir: I am writing to seek your advise and that of your readers. I live in a metropolitan area, in a nice “safe” suburb where “nothing ever happens”. I have recently become more active in preparing for crisis situations. I have also reevaluated my home security needs. I want to have immediate access to my handgun at night. At this point, if we had an intruder, I would have to get into my closet, open my safe, get my handgun and then try to successfully confront a threat. I have several small children, so leaving a loaded firearm in …

Letter Re: Tactical Solutions for Preppers, by The Grunt

Dear Editor, In Tactical Solutions for Preppers, by The Grunt I note “The Grunt” makes no analysis of his enemy. I think his tactical solutions are fine if facing a disorganized mob bent on looting. The proposed solutions are passive and do not address the patrolling that will be necessary if facing a more cunning enemy. If an active and sophisticated threat exists in your AO, an active defense/offense may be necessary. Also, I think early in TEOTWAWKI, the enemy will be our hyper-militarized law enforcement that has become a “hammer looking for a nail”. The authorities may view professional …

Letter Re: Short Term Conflict Versus Long Term Conflict

Hugh, First of all, welcome to the blog. I was impressed by your credentials and have enjoyed reading your comments these past few days. However, I do have a bone to pick. Gee, no grace period? In the Friday, Jan. 24 issue of SurvivalBlog you said, “If our civilization reaches the point of collapse, the lawlessness will, by necessity, be relatively short lived.” In a devastating collapse, I would expect a couple of waves of large-scale “die-offs” fairly early. I think that this is where your theory comes from. However, to say that lawlessness would be short lived doesn’t take …

Defending Your Neighborhood, By M.M.C. and D.K.

Bugging out to a more defensible location, away from the big cities and the anarchy that will be taking place there, is what everyone talks about. Unfortunately, the vast majority of us do not own or have access to such a redoubt or refuge. Even if we have a place to go to, defending in place in our neighborhood may be the first thing we need to do before setting out on the road. For most of us, a neighborhood defense may be our best hope, especially if the roads are clogged with evacuees just trying to get away from …

Tactical Solutions for Preppers, by The Grunt

As a sound and forward thinking prepper you should already be on your way to some level of sustainability in the event of some kind of social breakdown.  The food, water, medical, and sanitation needs are boring, but important enough that without them-anything else doesn’t really matter.  As readers of this blog I sincerely hope you’ve utilized the vast wealth of knowledge available here to develop your own systems of storage, rotation, and skills development.  So with all of that as a foundation, I pose a question.  With your family, your plans, and your supplies all depending on you for …

Who Shall Protect Us?, by Shepard Humphries

Imagine you and your family are asleep in your home and at 2am you hear a downstairs glass window breaking.  You hear voices laughing and cursing, saying that they are going to F-Up you and your family.  Based on the historical length of violent encounters, you know that this whole violent situation will likely be over in 1 to 3 minutes. This is not a pleasant scenario, but I am setting the stage for you to do a mental exercise.  I will not give you solutions; rather you will.  As Gavin DeBecker describes in his must-read book, “The Gift of …

The Leader’s Recon: Planning the Homesteader’s Defensive Battle Space, by Tim R.

Today, I did a leader’s recon (reconnaissance) of my small homestead.  While I was in the infantry, I would plan my future ground defense by walking the terrain with my small unit infantry leaders.  Today, I did the same, minus the team leaders.  Twenty years in the infantry, and now several years retired, and now I look at how I am going to protect my family and defend my rural homestead.  I feel that the day may be coming soon.  President Obama stated that our nation’s deficit does not concern him.  This nation is on a mad printing spree, conjuring …

Letter Re: Could America’s Pot Growers Start Growing Opium Poppies?

Dear Jim, I thought I would let you know about something interesting going on in the Gold Country of California. Some SurvivalBlog readers may be aware that the North San Juan Ridge, aka “The Ridge” is highly populated with homesteaders, [near Grass Valley, California,, in Nevada County.] Since the soil is poor, and there are many squatters or people on largely undeveloped land, few make sufficient money from growing food for themselves, so turned to growing [marijuana, commonly called] pot.   In the old days, pot was illegal and the Fed and State CAMP task force would survey and raid …