Odds ‘n Sods:

Cali DOJ Releases Personal Information Of ALL Firearms Trainers To Unknown Party – G.P. o o o SAF Attorneys File For Summary Judgment In Seattle Records Lawsuit – D.S. o o o Cooking with Aluminum Foil – Why It’s Not a Safe Option – DSV o o o N.S.A. Gets More Latitude to Share Intercepted Communications – G.P. o o o Proposed Arizona Law Would Ban College Classes About White Privilege – H.L.

Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog reader MTA sent in this link: Cyndi’s Catalog of Garden Catalogs Mail Order Gardening Resources o o o Study Shows Americans How Criminals Are Getting Guns In Chicago! – B.B. o o o It looks like the Holman Rule has been revived in the broader package of rules for the 115th Congress. – D.S. o o o I think the “left” will regret coining the term “Fake News”: WaPo Did Not Tell Whole Story on DC National Guard Chief’s Resignation – DSV o o o New Orleans considers gun-spotting cameras. The cameras would be able to pick up on …

Odds ‘n Sods:

You must delete your personal information from this scary site now! – DSV HJL notes: it was fairly easy to remove my own information, but Mrs. Latimer took considerably longer. There were only two variations of my name and she had nearly 14 variations listed. o o o H7N2 news: City quarantines hundreds of cats amid bird flu outbreak – W.C. o o o America’s Least Populated Counties Listed by Population Density o o o Welcome To The Smallest Town in America… Population: 1 (YouTube video.) o o o Finding Fearless – Women Self Defense Training Series

Odds ‘n Sods:

Japan researchers warn of fingerprint theft from ‘peace’ sign – DSV o o o These Are The Top Global Risks For 2017 According To The World Economic Forum – H.L. o o o Police Support Gun Rights over Gun Control by 3 to 1 Margin – D.B. o o o Verizon threatens to cut off your service if you don’t change your plan – DSV

Odds ‘n Sods:

Land of the Free: Michigan man issued parking ticket in his own driveway o o o Airport Shooter Converted to Islam, Identified as Aashiq Hammad Years Before Joining Army – W.C. o o o US-Funded White Helmets Exposed in Al-Qaeda Plot that Poisoned Water of 5 Million Syrians. It is bad enough they contaminated the water supply, but they control the area so no one can go there and fix it. Same with electricity. Civilization is easy to destroy and easy to keep from being rebuilt if you are dependent on it. – T.Z. o o o Finally! The US …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Pat Cascio informs us that the “news” announcer cited the wrong state yesterday. Washington is the state in trouble with the anti-second amendment onslaught after the elections. o o o 10 fire types for outdoor survival – G.P. o o o All of the talk about “Universal Background Checks” seems to overlook two key points: First, private party sales of USED guns in INTRASTATE commerce is completely outside of Federal Jurisdiction, under the Commerce Clause (which controls INTERSTATE commerce.) Second, a universal background check would presumably stop someone from legally handing out (gifting or selling) guns from their personal collection …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Who’s attacking the Drudge Report? – DSV o o o Be careful about who you choose to repair your computer: The FBI Is Apparently Paying Geek Squad Members To Dig Around In Computers For Evidence Of Criminal Activity – C.F. o o o Reader H.L. sent the link for Comcast outage map which is pretty interesting. There are a number of services monitored if you navigate to the home page. o o o NM Hunting Guide, Client Wounded on Mexico border. – W.C. o o o Pat Cascio, SurvivalBlog’s Senior Product Review Editor, has informed us that Oregon’s Attorney General, …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Over at Zero Hedge: Americans Couldn’t Wait To Ditch These 10 States In 2016. (None, of course, were in The American Redoubt.) o o o My thanks to everyone who has made Ten Cent Challenge subscription donations for 2017. Please note that the PayPal address to use is: james@rawles.to o o o I noticed that the InfoGalactic free online encyclopedia has moved to a much faster server, making it much easier to use. – JWR o o o Eight vegetables you can buy once and then grow forever – G.P. o o o Staying Off Grid When “Nearly Everything Is …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Please ask eBay to ban this seller of counterfeit knives. They have been selling fake Rawles XL Voyagers for weeks, under the Seller ID “lms536”. And also this seller: “hzfa0662”. Thanks! – JWR o o o I spotted this unusual new listing over at our SurvivalRealty spin-off site: Redoubt-Ready Complete Container Homes. – JWR o o o Hack Attack on Drudge Report a Sign of Chaos to Come o o o Police union: Baltimore at ‘tipping point’ because of too few cops on streets Dallas and other major cities are having the same issue. Additionally several states are experiencing major …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Michigan deputy charged with firing shot that hit teacher, then trying to cover it up – T.P. o o o Boom: Record 27 million guns bought in 2016 – G.G. o o o Fascinating new .22 silencer. Single-use and quite effective. “Sterile” for covert ops. $0.50 apiece. Will be interesting to see the ATF try and regulate these. It may even drive the gun-grabbers crazy too. – J.N. o o o Utah Cliff House and Acreage to be Auctioned on January 21st – P.S. o o o Obama’s Disastrous Legacy – J.R.

Odds ‘n Sods:

The Titanic Sails at Dawn: Warning Signs Point to Danger Ahead in 2017 – B.B. o o o Heads up: NOW is the time to buy Forever Stamps – price increase on Jan 22 from $0.47 to $0.49 o o o 17 Prepper Uses For Used Motor Oil (Editor’s Note: Be aware that used motor oil is classified as a carcinogen.) – J.N. o o o From the Desk of Mike Williamson, SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large: New survival community So, it’s not a “community”; it’s a “real estate promotion”. $1000 a month isn’t bad at all for that much secure …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Archers to the rescue in Madrid as boars invade urban areas o o o Christians Most Persecuted Religious Group in the World – C.L. o o o 4 Children Killed after Pesticide Sprayed Under Home, 6 More Hospitalized – DSV o o o Obama the Modern Day Haman: Will He Hang from the Gallows He Built for Israel? – J.R. o o o The coming crackdown on Free Speech

Odds ‘n Sods:

These doomsday shelters for the 1% make up the largest private bunker community on earth. – G.G. JWR’s Comment: Survivable, (short term) yes. Defendable? Perhaps. Cost effective? Probably not. (Since they will be leased, not owned.) o o o Beware, folks! There are now counterfeit Rawles XL Voyager knives being produced in mainland China. Note that there are four different blade styles for these Rawles fakes—and Cold Steel only made one style. And they never used D2 steel! Fake, fake, fake! Please report these to eBay when you see them advertised, and of course never give the counterfeiters any of …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Over at Commander Zero’s blog: Winter Vehicle Stuff – Pt. I o o o Governments Around The World Shut Down The Internet More Than 50 Times In 2016 – Suppressing Elections, Slowing Economies And Limiting Free Speech – H.L. o o o Man points (Canadian Style): Barehanded man punches hungry Cougar to save his dog – T.P. o o o From Full Spectrum Survival: Feminine Hygiene On The Homestead And When The SHTF – Natural Pads, Systems Of Use And More o o o What most countries do when they are in debt up to their neck and do NOT …

Odds ‘n Sods:

US Retaliates Against Russia For “Hacking The Election”: Expels 35 Diplomats, Unveils Sanctions o o o One of my buddies who is an expert on civilian drones just recommended this one: The Autel Robotics X-Star Premium Drone with 4K Camera, 1.2-Mile HD Live View. He said that it is ideal for video bloggers (vloggers) and for anyone who is seriously into making home/ranch/travel videos. – JWR o o o Headline: Soros: Trump is a “Would Be Dictator” Who Threatens the New World Order. JWR’s Comment: The psychological term for this is Projection. It is George Soros—the self-admitted former Nazi collaborater—who …