Odds ‘n Sods:

From the New York Times Op-Ed page: Leafy Green Sewage    o o o There is an interesting thread over at The Claire Files: Gulch Housing–A Taste for the Primitive    o o o Our friend Kit in Missoula currently has some well-penned commentary–including some on the new Jericho TV series–at her blog site.

Odds ‘n Sods:

P.H. flagged this web page of scary stuff for us: Planning Scenarios. These are executive summaries created by the The Homeland Security Council planning group for the Department of Homeland Security, in 2004. The scenarios were developed “for use in National, Federal, State, and Local Homeland Security Preparedness Activities.”    o o o The bidding is still at $180 in the SurvivalBlog benefit auction for a fully tested and recently professionally calibrated U.S. government surplus Civil Defense CD V-717 fallout survey meter with remote sensing capability. The meter was donated by Ready Made Resources (one of our first and most …

Odds ‘n Sods:

“Florida Guy” pointed us to a neat new shotgun variant from Mossberg for the nautical types among us.    o o o A SurvivalBlog reader mentioned that he sells surplus VHF portable two-way radio that operate in the Multi Use Radio Service (MURS) allocated frequencies. These radios come complete and ready to use with antenna, battery, belt clip and drop in charger for only $49 each. Yes, they have a few scratches and they’ll have a sticker that covers the original emergency service department engravings, buy hey, just $49 for a 2 Watt transceiver is a great deal. MURS frequencies …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Mountain Brook Foods of Tracy, California has announced a special one month sale just for SurvivalBlog readers. From now until the end of October, the following discounts will be available for in-stock items only: 20% off Orders of $100 to $249 30% off Orders of $250 to $499.99 40% off Orders over $500, not to exceed $2,500. To place your order go to www.mountainbrookfoods.com. There you will see there full line of storage foods and books. Note, however, that their web site lists only their standard pricing. To get the SurvivalBlog October special pricing, enter “SurvivalBlog” as the coupon discount …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Cathy Buckle’s latest “African Tears” letter from Zimbabwe is a compelling read. (The letter dated Saturday 23rd September 2006). I am surprised that the the economy in Zimbabwe has not fallen into total collapse. For now, it is somehow managing to stagger along on inertia. Please pray for a change of government there.    o o o SurvivalBlog reader”Felix” mentioned this story: The Italian parliament has passed legislation allowing people to shoot robbers in self-defense.    o o o Reader S.H. mentioned another cool project at the MAKEzine blog: Geiger Counter Modification (a V-700 upgraded with digital readouts, etc.)

Odds ‘n Sods:

From Lew Rockwell’s site: Why Bush Will Nuke Iran, by Paul Craig Roberts    o o o Reader C.M. sent a link to a news story about a power failure in Bangladesh. C.M.’s comment: “Less than two days without electricity and a mob has formed to burn institutions. Fascinating how quickly it can all come apart.”    o o o As I predicted, silver and gold are starting to recover from their dips earlier in the month. Buy on the dips!

Odds ‘n Sods:

The Rabid One mentioned that there is an interesting thread of conversation over at The FALFiles Survival/Preparedness Forum about fallout meters and the small “personal” detectors such as Nuk-Alert.    o o o SurvivalBlog reader Stephen mentioned that there is some interesting commentary on derivatives down near the end of The Mogambo Guru’s latest posting.    o o o Reader Ben L. mentioned this article about more Nanny State encroachment: Breed Specific Dog Bans

Odds ‘n Sods:

In a recent newsletter article, economist Dr. Gary North commented: “We are at the cusp of Bernanke’s experiment: to reverse Greenspan’s era of monetary expansion without toppling the bubbles that this expansion led to. Can he do it? If he can, and if he does, then he is a wizard much more gifted than Greenspan. Anyone can inflate the money supply. The trick is to stabilize it without tanking the economy after the policy of inflation is a decade old. Paul Volcker could not do it, 1979-81. Greenspan never tried. For those of you who don’t remember January, 1980, gold …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Our friend Simon mentioned this article at WorldNetDaily: The city of Cooper City, Florida, has given itself the power to seize residents’ personal property in times of emergency.    o o o The bidding is still at $180 in the SurvivalBlog benefit auction for a fully tested and recently professionally calibrated U.S. government surplus Civil Defense CD V-717 fallout survey meter with remote sensing capability. The meter was donated by Ready Made Resources (one of our first and most loyal advertisers). This auction ends on October 15th. Please submit your bid via e-mail.    o o o The big sale …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader D.M. mentioned this site on anonymous web surfing. I personally recommend these tried and true tools: Anonymizer and StealthSurfer.    o o o I have a good friend that is an attorney who specializes in privacy, trusts, and incorporation. If you’d like to contact her, just send me an e-mail with “Trust Attorney” in the title, and I will be happy to forward it to her.    o o o Courtesy of “akfanatic” at the FALFiles, here is a U.S. Army web site comparing commercial portable water filters.

Odds ‘n Sods:

You gotta love Idaho: It has been proposed that every household in Greenleaf, Idaho have a firearm as part of a larger emergency preparedness requirements. Sounds good to me.    o o o Moriaty told me about a great site with articles and essays on Renaissance weapons.    o o o John the Bowhunter mentioned this amazing series of posts over at Archery Talk: A youngster has taken 77 big game animals with a 42 pound bow. With that bow he got penetration “to the feathers.” Notice the picture of the boy next to pro-gun and pro-archery rock-n-roll legend Ted …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Frequent content contributor Jim K. send a link to an article in New Scientist about “microdiesel”–a genetically modified bacteria that can churn out biodiesel. It looks very promising. Jim K. notes: “If this takes off, it will be a huge jump in the potential for energy independence. Note that it doesn’t require plant oils, instead using the large amount of plant waste that is a byproduct of all farming. It also cuts out the need for toxic chemicals that are used in biodiesel production, which is great both environmentally and financially. This is the first bit of good news I’ve …

Odds ‘n Sods:

MurrDoc mentioned that some very durable and water tight 25mm cannon ammo cans are back in stock at Sportsman’s Guide at what he called a “not-too-bad price.” See: Item JX – 6M106293 described in their catalog as a “25 mm cannon Shell Case” $11.97 each plus shipping.    o o o From The Australian: Modern Cities are More Vulnerable Than Old. (Many thanks to Felix for sending the link to this thought-provoking article.)    o o o Front Sight has just posted their 2007 training class calendar. I highly recommend the training there. The Memsahib and I have both trained …

Odds ‘n Sods

In response to the recent posts about off-road capable campers, Doc at www.bigsecrets.cc mentioned some very well made utility trailers, ATV trailers, and camper trailers–all in the same unit. He highly recommends them.    o o o Economist Dr. Gary North comments on the debt burden for the next generation. Sobering stuff.    o o o Once again, BATFE agents have re-interpreted both their agency’s standing rules and Federal law, as it suits their fancy. This time a field agent decided that a rifle parts kit, less a receiver, constitutes a “firearm.”

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader Jim K. sent this one: A bright kid put together his own flamethrower. Jim K. says “…and it seems to work like a charm.” My comment: If this could be done safely, it would be just the ticket for weed control. But where are the safety precautions? Where is the obligatory head-to-toe silver fire suit with hood and face mask? Where are his buddies standing by with fire extinguishers? Do not attempt this at home!    o o o Steve Quayle on Ammo Shortages and Price Increases    o o o Reader “Desert T” mentioned that there was an …