Odds ‘n Sods:

P.H. flagged this web page of scary stuff for us: Planning Scenarios. These are executive summaries created by the The Homeland Security Council planning group for the Department of Homeland Security, in 2004. The scenarios were developed “for use in National, Federal, State, and Local Homeland Security Preparedness Activities.”

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The bidding is still at $180 in the SurvivalBlog benefit auction for a fully tested and recently professionally calibrated U.S. government surplus Civil Defense CD V-717 fallout survey meter with remote sensing capability. The meter was donated by Ready Made Resources (one of our first and most loyal advertisers). This auction ends on October 15th. Please submit your bid via e-mail.

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Readers J.H. and S.H.both mentioned that Monday’s Wall Street Journal had a front page article about Continental Airlines. They are moving into a bunker that formerly belonged to a millionaire Texas oil man, for relocation during an emergency. The story was soon picked up by the Yahoo mail-list Coldwarcomms and Cryptome.org.