The Survival Rucksack (Backpack) – Part 2, by FDG

(Continued from the October 6th posting) Let’s talk about each of these priorities individually. Security: Safety and protection from predators, either two legged or four. Safety also from natural disasters such as wildfire, storms, earthquakes, etc. Consider the tools needed for the job. Shelter: Since we are speaking of this in the context of the Survival Rucksack, in my opinion, your shelter needs to be the kind carried on your back. Remember the tortoise? So what to carry? My first choice is the Bivvy Sack. It should be made out of Gore Tex or some other high quality breathable material. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Yesterday, I visited a coin show in Sacramento, California. With the recent dip in silver and gold bullion prices, there were some eager buyers in attendance. Three different dealers all told me essentially the same thing: They think that we are witnessing perhaps the last big dip before the bull market resumes, to propel gold past $800 per ounce. Buy on the dips!    o o o Michael Z. Williamson mentioned this web page on a flu prevention breakthrough: a modified flu designed to fight the flu.    o o o Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke says: Baby Boomers will …