Odds ‘n Sods:

Simon M. mentioned that following Mossberg’s lead, the newly-minted “we’re conservatives, honest!” management at Smith & Wesson has jumped on the “survival kit” band wagon. They now offer “Disaster Ready” kit packaging for four variants of their Glock-like Sigma Series 9mm and .40 S& W pistols. Simon says: “I see that the kit is missing a good knife and a holster. I hope there is a good flint in the Pocket Survival Pack. Now if they did one of these [kits] based on there M&P15 (AR-15) that would be a bit better.” As previously mentioned in SurvivalBlog, S&W already offers …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Ralph H. pointed us to this article: Cheap solar power poised to undercut oil and gas by half   o o o Mike in Seattle recommended this “must read” piece at The Market Oracle: US Housing Market Crash to result in the Second Great Depression   o o o SurvivalBlog reader Doc Holladay notes: “A possible relocation area is the vicinity of the Big South Fork National Recreation Area in Kentucky/Tennessee. This is about as isolated as it gets east of the Big Muddy.”

Odds ‘n Sods:

I just had a phone conversation with my brother. He mentioned that a power surge in the local utility lines caused $220 in damage to his washing machine. It seems that microcircuits are ubiquitous in household electronics and appliances. Its not just your computer, televisions, radios, and and stereo that are at risk. Your automatic bread maker, your washing machine, and perhaps even your dishwasher use vulnerable microcircuits. His advice: Spend $100 and buy a few high quality surge-arresting power strips. Even better would be the Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) variety that automatically trip in the event of a brown-out. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Wow! Have you noticed the spot prices of silver and gold in the past few days? If you think that you’ve “missed the boat” on precious metals, you are wrong. I still predict that spot silver is heading past $40 per ounce in the next few years. I’ve said it many times, but it bears repeating: Diversify your investments into precious metals, especially silver.   o o o An alternative for those of you that live in gun-grabbing Nanny States: .50 Caliber Air Rifles. BTW, these might be a nice addition to every survival gun battery, since they will allow …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Two different readers mentioned this short essay by Peter Schiff on U.S. indebtedness and the encroaching foreign ownership of U.S. corporations: Selling Our Cows To Buy Milk   o o o “J Eagle” mentioned that MSN Money has a current article listing property tax rates by state. This is an important data point to consider when choosing a state for a retreat or for retirement.    o o o Our correspondent in Brazil recommends the survival novel “Wolf and Iron” by Gordon Dickson. Used copies are often available dirt cheap on Amazon.com.

Odds ‘n Sods:

S.F. in Hawaii found a web page about a very interesting “castle” monolithic dome home. S.F.’s comments: “Nice view from the roof. And the little holes for a rifle?. Good commanding view and a bulletproof/fireproof concrete home, to boot “   o o o Thanks to Ben L. for sending this news story: More from inflation-ravaged Zimbabwe: Mugabe Throws Lavish Birthday Party as Zimbabwe’s Infrastructure Crumbles. My comment: Clearly, times were much better back when the city now dubbed “Gweru” was called “Gwelo.” Remember Rhodesia!    o o o Homeland Security analyst Stephen Flynn: U.S. not prepared for the next …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Jason in North Idaho pointed out this article: Mogadishu’s fathers turn to the gun — again. Jason’s comment: “It looks as if the Africans know that the only way to guarantee one’s safety is to take the responsibility into their own hands–and I notice that the elitists want to change that.”   o o o We could see this one coming from the now Democrat-controlled congress: H.R. 1022: To reauthorize the assault weapons ban. Note that unlike its predecessor, this law would include a total import ban on 11+ round magazines, regardless of year of manufacture. If this legislation troubles …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Mike the Blacksmith flagged this piece: Study sees harmful hunt for extra oil    o o o Keith mentioned: A draft UN treaty to tackle any future giant asteroids heading for Earth is to be drawn up this year. Keith’s comment: “An interesting story, may be more likely to happen than Peak Oil or Sudden Climate Change, at least this is not as complex.” Meanwhile, NASA’s JPL dropped the impact risk of CA 19 (a one kilometer diameter asteroid due to approach Earth in 2012) from Torino Scale 1 to Torino scale 0.   o o o Rob at $49 …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Readers Scott S. and Gokuryu both mentioned this article: Saudi-Based Al Qaeda Group Calls for Attacks on Oil Facilities Worldwide to Cut Off Flow to U.S.   o o o “The Werewolf”–our correspondent in Brazil–sent us this bit of emerging technology: Pinpointing land mines with ultrasound beams.    o o o RCP mentioned this article: Grocers Prep For Pandemic Run On Food

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader Alfie Omega recommended some very sobering observations from Peak Oil guru James Howard Kunstler. Yes, he’s coming from a left-of center political perspective, and the timing of Hubbert’s Peak may be decades (or more) premature, but this is still worth pondering.   o o os Those RFID chips just keep getting smaller and more numerous. Now Hitachi has announced a nascent RFID dust.    o o o JB in Tennessee spotted a disposable toothbrush with self-dispensing toothpaste in the handle called Fresh ‘n Go. JB notes: “It is advertised as good for about two weeks use, but I find …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader CM flagged this piece: Flu pandemic could choke ‘Net, force usage restrictions. CM’s comments: “I came across this article in LinuxWorld and thought it meshed very well with your thoughts on lean supply systems. Everything’s great when the critical people continue to show up to work and system disruption or damage can be limited. As the article states, no one can war game out exactly what those critical people will actually do in a real Crunch.”   o o o David in Israel recommended this inspiring story of survival, from World War II.    o o o Mike F. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

A scary video on binary explosives. I can now see why US and UK transportation officials recently got so anxious about allowing any cigarette lighters and any liquids aboard commercial airline flights.   o o o For those of you considering a “blue water” or “brown water” bug out, Bob at Ready Made Resources mentioned that he has in stock just one high capacity PUR-Katadyn Model 35 MROD-type desalinator that has been freshly factory reconditioned. It produces 1.5 gallons of fresh water per hour. These are normally around $1,500 each. Ready Made Resources is selling this one for the bargain …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Frequent content contributor Michael Z. Williamson found an amazing web site, by way of an Internet discussion on asthma. Mike notes: “It seems a bit extreme by modern standards, and I hope I never have a need to try the traditional cure.”    o o o By way of our friend Noah at the DefenseTech blog: British SAS troops use a commercial gravy mix to darken their skin for Middle East infiltrations.

Odds ‘n Sods:

I don’t know how I overlooked it for so long, but I should have mentioned that there is a great web resource on post-Peak Oil living at Life After the Oil Crash (LATOC), hosted by California attorney Matt Savinar. They also have their own Forums, which are quite active. See: The LATOC Forums.   o o o Mike F. sent this article link: Mystery Ailment Strikes U.S. Honeybees. Apiary expert “The Bee Man, Jr.” tells SurvivalBlog: “The CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder) is a real and devastating threat to our nation’s food supply and economy. At this time, there are few …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Another indicator of inflation ahead? SurvivalBlog reader Bill H. notes: “A trend that I have not seen mentioned on your web site, apart from gold and silver investment, is that [fine] “art” is going through the roof. Most of us cannot afford to invest in art, myself included. However, we can still see the writing on the wall when the moderately wealthy are flocking to acquire art at record prices. You don’t have to buy thousands of pounds of gold when you can pay $20 million for a painting that will only appreciate. That’s a fairly extreme example, but you …