Odds ‘n Sods:

Mayors Feel Misled, Quitting Bloomberg’s Gun-Control Group Comment From JWR: I hate to sound so endlessly perturbed about millionaire former Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s flawed political plaything called Mayors Against Illegal Guns, but the whole concept of his cabal really grates me. Granted, mayors are entitled to hold personal opinions, but that is not what they are elected to do. They are public servants hired to administrate legislation and rulings from city councils, who represent the will of their masters, the voters. They are NOT legislators. They are paid administrators elected to do our bidding. They are not tasked with envisioning …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Obama’s ATF is planning a nationwide gun registry. – B.B. o o o A Primer to the Clothing the New England Patriots of 1775 Wore. Interesting read on types of clothing, uniforms, and social norms concerning civilian and military dress as well as grooming during the time of the Revolution. – T.P. o o o Climate Change Debate: A Famous Scientist Becomes a Skeptic – A.D. o o o Video: Travelling security: Defeat Dishonest Baggage Handlers. – A.D. You will be amazed and completely disturbed by how easy it is to break into luggage and leave no trace. If you …

Odds ‘n Sods:

In the haste of the day, it’s always good to take a break and enjoy some fantastic scenery. This video of some stunt paragliding is absolutely amazing, both this beauty of the stunts and in the scenery. – J.S. o o o The Real Gun Violence Issue. Most of it is gang-related. Most of the gangs are in our inner cities, and our President, along with the rest of the so-called “mainstream media”, simply refuse to address any of it. – J.W. o o o Barack Obama and the Monsanto Betrayal – H.L. o o o Japan Jails Man for …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Russian Military Recruitment Video Embraces Dark Side | Video | TheBlaze.com – G.P. o o o Arizona court overturns ruling on bus-stop gun ads. o o o Uncomfortable with surveillance cameras? “Identity replacement tech” in the form of the Personal Surveillance Identity Prosthetic gives you a whole new face. Anti-surveillance mask lets you pass as someone else. – RBS o o o This is a nice brief video with text of a shooter busting aerial clay birds with an Ultimak forward mounted Aimpoint optic on an AK. I can personally vouch for this very set up on the AK, using …

Odds ‘n Sods:

America: The Food Stamp Nation. – P.M. There are a number of financial graphics worth looking at on this site after you have viewed this one. o o o Police Shooting Frenzy Raises Concerns o o o The Marxist media strikes again: HGTV’s Benham brothers: ‘If our faith costs us a television show then so be it’ – M.B. o o o From a SurvivalBlog Reader: We are told to not judge all Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics, but we are encouraged to judge all gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics. We constantly hear …

Odds ‘n Sods:

If true Europe deserves to disappear – Abortion in the Redoubt and Europe. – RBS “Again, thou shalt say to the children of Israel, Whosoever he be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel, that giveth any of his seed unto Molech; he shall surely be put to death: the people of the land shall stone him with stones.” – Leviticus 20:1-3 (KJV) For those that wonder who Molech was: Wikipedia – Moloch. o o o Wondering how to get your kids involved in prepping? Jake and Miller’s Big Adventure: A Prepper’s Book for …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Parent Arrested After Complaining of Explicit Sex in Schoolbook. – H.L. Yet another reason why I homeschool my kids and will help homeschool my grandchildren. o o o An Iowa City with a Population of 7,000 Will Receive Armored Military Vehicle. – H.L. o o o Burglar Jiggled Doorknobs Looking For Way In, Then Got Shot. Had she not been armed, he probably would have killed her, but I’m wondering why the burglar got the chance to chase her around the house assaulting her with a garden tool before getting shot? o o o Hillary Clinton: Gun culture ‘way out …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Todd Savage of Survival Retreat Consulting has launched a new blog: StrategicRelocationBlog.com, in cooperation with well-known preparedness author and lecturer Joel Skousen. I have great respect for both Todd and Joel. Be sure to check it out. – JWR o o o AAPS News May 2014 – Do Doctors Expire in 10 Years?. – H.L. First, the absurdity hit teachers. Now it looks like doctors are next on the list. I have been both a teacher and a medical professional (EMT-B). I can state with first-hand knowledge that I have never had a class (in a classroom) or taken a …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Rare Earthquake Warning Issued for Oklahoma – M.M. o o o I usually don’t get too excited about boycotts, but I may just participate in this one: Oppose Corporations Helping NSA Spying . – B.R. o o o Showing just how fragile the system can be: Spy Plane Fries Air Traffic Control Computers, Shuts Down LAX. – P.M. o o o Raw milk movement grows amid push to ease regulation. This is another one of those issues that just plain makes me mad. I was raised on raw milk from the dairy down the road. The USDA and FDA are …

Odds ‘n Sods:

An excellent debrief from Mike Vanderboegh that includes a video from Oath Keepers. bundy ranch debrief – SDS o o o NRA video: Is gun confiscation next in Connecticut?. – H.L. o o o Perfectly Split Firewood. – R.F. I was under the impression that perfectly split firewood was wood that easily fit in my wood stove, yet left very little “extra” room. However, for those who are just beginning, this is a good “instructable”. o o o And in the continuing bizarre case of missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: Malaysia Flight 370 audio was tampered with! – B.R. o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Michigan Bans Animals On Small Farms. – B.B. I’m still trying to wrap my head around this one. I can see no valid reason to implement this other than attempting to control every aspect of a person’s life. I certainly understand regulating a large animal in an area incapable of supporting it but chickens, bees, and goats? o o o HSBC Demands to Know How Customers Spend Their Money. – H.L. o o o Man Arrested In FBI Sting Found Dead In Federal Custody. – B.R. o o o Relaxation Bear Sparks Rabies Scare After Biting 14. NO Common Sense. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Here’s an older article I had missed. It’s worth a read: Trayvon Martin and America’s Gun Laws: The New Yorker. It is definitely slanted, but wiley in doing so. Battleground America. – P.M. o o o Another possible link the the Cliven Bundy saga: Reid Bunkerville LLC Exposed: Is This Why Bundy Ranch Was Targeted? o o o Because it is so important to have the Government regulating all aspects of your life, the Average U.S. household spends more on federal regulations than for health care, food or transportation. – G.G. o o o Because if we knew, we might …

Odds ‘n Sods:

World Press Freedom Day is May 3rd. Speaking of which, check out the new CFAPA.org web site, that was recently launched by Jim Rawles and his son Robert. In the 21st Century, We The People Are The Free Press! o o o The French Origins of American Nationalism. – B.R. It is a pretty good read and addresses many of the issues of difference between the French and American Revolution. However, I feel it left out an important point that is probably more core to each revolution than any other ideal. By the 1700s France, in general, was moving away …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Researchers uncover clues to deadly 1918 flu pandemic. – M.M. o o o State warns on EMP: ‘There’s no help coming’. – H.L. o o o Meet the Israeli Christians who actually want to be drafted – T.Y. First they passed legislation allowing the mandatory service draft of “ultra orthodox” Jewish men who have always been exempt from the service regulations. Now they allow non-Jewish men to volunteer. One might get the impression that Israel is getting serious and feels they may need the extra manpower. o o o Bundy Ranch Advisory for April 29 2014 – This report deals …

Odds ‘n Sods:

You have known this for some time, but here it is again: They want to know who you are, what you have – H.L. It’s all about control of weapons, food, transportation, et cetera. . . I’m still getting questionnaires from the Dept. of Agriculture over property that I sold nearly 15 years ago. They want to know how I use the property and what it produces. I routinely throw the notices away and refuse the telephone calls. So far, they have threatened me with arrest and jail, both through the mail and over the phone but no warrants have …