Odds ‘n Sods:

Researchers uncover clues to deadly 1918 flu pandemic. – M.M.

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State warns on EMP: ‘There’s no help coming’. – H.L.

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Meet the Israeli Christians who actually want to be drafted – T.Y.

First they passed legislation allowing the mandatory service draft of “ultra orthodox” Jewish men who have always been exempt from the service regulations. Now they allow non-Jewish men to volunteer. One might get the impression that Israel is getting serious and feels they may need the extra manpower.

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Bundy Ranch Advisory for April 29 2014 – This report deals with the rumor of a drone strike over the weekend.

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Testifying Before Congress, Mike Rowe Tells Lawmakers Hysterical Reason He’d Never Do a ‘Dirty Jobs’ Episode About Them. Yes, his answer is hilarious, but he, along with congress, still miss the boat. Congress cannot create anything, including jobs. It is solely a consumer. Any job created by the government only consumes resources. Some of those jobs are worth the consumption of resources (such as national defense), but the vast majority of those “created” jobs merely consume resources and hinder the real production of resources and wealth. The government could best accomplish the job of creating jobs by simply getting out of the way of industry.