Note from JWR:

I’ve had many request for sources for my novel. It has been out of print since December of Aught Four. Prices have crept up to around $40 per copy, due to their scarcity. However, I’m glad to report that there are a few dealers that still have a few copies of Patriots available. These include Survival Enterprises and Fred’s M14 Stocks. As of this writing, the latter is currently offering a great three book package deal: Patriots + Enemies Foreign and Domestic + Boston’s Gun Bible, all for $50. Please mention SurvivalBlog, regardless of where you buy your books.

Note from JWR:

Two million page hits and 74,000 unique views! That is not bad for a blog that is just over two months old. I greatly appreciate your support, folks! Please continue to tell your neighbors and like-minded friends about SurvivalBlog. Your support of the blog via T-Shirt/gear sales and classified ad placements are also greatly appreciated. Also, please mention SurvivalBlog whenever you contact any of our advertisers.

Note from JWR:

I would greatly appreciate any further comments/corrections to the following article, particularly from our readers who are doctors. Special thanks to "Dr. November" who has already made some comments and additions. I have now made it available for widespread dissemination as a "free use" piece that can be e-mailed and posted to various forums. (See the new button in my blog site top bar.)

Note from the Memsahib:

Check out the new SurvivalBlog Classified Ads page! A 20 word ad (not counting contact information) is just $10 for two weeks. But be sure to read our Terms of Use before placing an ad. Note from JWR: I will be a featured guest today (Saturday) on Dr. Geri Guidetti’s web radio/shortwave radio show. The show airs at 1 p.m. Central Time (11 a.m. Pacific Time.) This two hour show will also be available via podcast. The Topic: Pandemics–family Preparedness. For details on how to hear the webcast live or on how to download it post facto, visit the Republic …

Note from the Memsahib:

Our #1 Son and I are starting a classified advertisement section for Survival Blog. Click on the Classifieds button in the navigation bar to go to the Classifieds page and to see how to submit ads. (Quick and easy with PayPal.) Our classified ads are very affordable and reach a targeted audience of tens of thousands of preparedness-minded buyers. The categories include: Animals – Body Armor and Protective Gear – Books – Clothing – Electronic Gear – Firearms, Archery, and Knives – Crafts – Food Storage – Gifts – Investing – Medical – Miscellaneous – Networking/Survival Groups – Outdoor/Field Gear …

Note from JWR: Some Interesting Web Sites

In my most recent radio “round table” interview on pandemics, Dr. Geri Guidetti (the host) mentioned some interesting web sites: –Some scary statistics on America’s food supply. It is no longer measured in weeks. — Useful information on the Asian Avian Flu.(But decided leftward leaningand anti-Christian!) — More useful information on the Asian Avian Flu. — A general current events forum, currently with several discussions on pandemics. — Site for the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (still more useful information on the Asian Avian Flu.) OBTW, if you missed hearing the webcast live, …

Note from JWR:

I will be a featured guest today (Saturday) in a round table discussion on Dr. Geri Guidetti’s web radio/shortwave radio show. The show airs at 1 p.m. Central Time (11 a.m. Pacific Time.) This two hour show will also be available via podcast. The Topic: Pandemics–Potential Impacts on Society. For details on how to hear the webcast live or on how to download it post facto, visit the Republic Radio web site: Today, I continue my detailed potential retreat locales analysis series with another region in Montana. Do you have any suggested regions where you have first hand experience …

Note from JWR:

I get more than 40 e-mails a day, more than half of which include specific questions. My humble apologies for not being able to respond to every e-mail. For those of you that do get replies, my further apologies for being so terse. You might feel cheated when you get just a two or three line reply to a 20 or 30 line e-mail. But if I were verbose as I’d like to be in my responses, I would only be able to respond to a small fraction of the e-mails instead of half of them. Since I have a …

Note from JWR:

Yesterday, we celebrated the two month anniversary of SurvivalBlog. I have been overwhelmed at the blog’s rapid success. (61,000+ unique views and 1.5 million page hits!) I owe most of the credit to you, the loyal SurvivalBlog readers. Your letters and contributed articles are the best part of the blog! I’m still looking for entries for the SurvivalBlog writing contest. The prize is a transferable four day course certificate, good for any course at Front Sight!

Note from JWR:

Many thanks to those of you that recently sent web hosting/bandwidth contributions! In the past 24 hours we’ve received enough contributions to pay for almost an entire year of web hosting. Once again, many thanks, folks! A number of easterners have written in the past few days, asking me to rank the eastern states by their survival retreat potential. As a fourth generation westerner, I don’t feel qualified to make a well-informed analysis of the eastern states, much less rank them. I would greatly appreciate comments from our readers in eastern states that have recommendations on retreat locales. I will …

Note from JWR:

I’ve got good news and bad news. The good news is that readership is up! The bad news is that because of the steadily increasing SurvivalBlog site traffic, I’ve had to upgrade our web hosting account with to one of our ISP’s “Gold” accounts–which is nearly twice as expensive as our old account. (Was $143, now $311.) Even though I’ve tried to minimize the number and size of graphics, users are downloading more than 12 gigabytes per month. (They are small files, but there are lots of blog readers!) The recent increase in advertising revenue helps, but the support of …