Preparedness Notes for Monday – November 27, 2017

November 27th is the birthday of both SurvivalBlog’s Field Gear Editor, Pat Cascio, and sci-fi novelist L. Sprague de Camp (1907 – 2000). o o o JRH Enterprises is having a Cyber Monday sale featuring: JSLIST Military issue NBC protective suits in stock and hard to find! MURS Dakota Alert PERIMETER ALARM sets are also on sale and the last days of the sale on Brand new PVS14 3rd Gen AUTOGATED Night vision monculars with manual gain control and a 10 year factory warranty for $2899. o o o Valley Food Storage is still having their Sale with more than …

Preparedness Notes for Sunday – November 26, 2017

November 26th is the birthday of both gun inventor Eugene Reising (born 1884, died February 21, 1967) and the late Barton Biggs (born 1932, died July 14, 2012). Biggs was a money manager known for his pro-preparedness stance. o o o As long as on-hand supplies last, Ready Made Resources is having a sale on Tac-Con 3MR AR-15/M4 “three mode” triggers with standard selector switches for right-handers. These ATF-approved triggers are extremely fast, crisp triggers with very short reset. The third selector position is incredibly fast, with just a bit of practice. These normally sell for $349, but are now …

Preparedness Notes for Saturday – November 25, 2017

November 25th is the birthday of economist and comedian Ben Stein. His unscripted monologue on economics from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off is one of the most memorable scenes in American cinema. By the way, Stein spends part of each year at his second home in Sandpoint, Idaho, so he is an honorary Redoubter. I’ve heard that he plans to retire here. o o o We are coming down to the wire on round 73 of the SurvivalBlog Writing Contest. If you would like to submit your article for a chance at the fantastic prizes listed below, finish it up and …

Preparedness Notes for Friday – November 24, 2017

November 24th marks the day that John Knox died, in 1572. (He was born in 1514.) AtheistAgendaPedia says: “Born near Haddington Scotland. He was influenced by George Wishart, who was burned for heresy in 1546, and the following year Knox became the spokesman for the Reformation in Scotland. After imprisonment and exile in England and the European continent, in 1559 he returned to Scotland, where he supervised the preparation of the constitution and liturgy of the Reformed Church.” o o o As long as on-hand supplies last, Ready Made Resources is having a sale on non-gated 3rd Generation high grade …

Preparedness Notes for Thursday – November 23, 2017

From the SurvivalBlog family to yours, we wish you a happy Thanksgiving. Despite the crises in this world and the mounting pressures, we give thanks to our LORD that you are are still here, you are still prepping, and that He will never forsake us. o o o JRH Enterprises is celebrating it’s 25th year in business and Black Friday together. New PVS14 3rd Gen Pinnacle Autogated High Performance Night vision monoculars with a 10 year Factory warranty, never cheaper. OTAL-C Infrared Lasers for use with your NV device and many gear deals like Snugpak Softie 18 Antarctica sleeping bags …

Preparedness Notes for Wednesday – November 22, 2017

Today is remembered as the birthday of the late Eugene M. Stoner. (Born 1922, died April 24, 1997.) He was the designer of the AR-7, AR-10, AR-15, AR-180, the Stoner 63, and several other firearms. (The AR-10 was the basis of the AR-15 which in turn spawned the very widely used M16 and all of its variants including the M4 Carbine). It has been estimated that as many as 4.5 million rifles from the AR-15 family are owned by civilians in the United States, and military production M16 variants well exceeds 8 million rifles.

Preparedness Notes for Tuesday – November 21, 2017

On November 21, 1916, Britannic, the sister ship to the Titanic, sinks in the Aegean Sea, killing 30 people. In the wake of the Titanic disaster, the White Star line had made significant modifications to the design of the ship, but on its way to pick up wounded soldiers near the Gulf of Athens, it was rocked by an explosion causing even more damage than that which had sunk the Titanic. Many of the dead were from some of the crew who attempted to launch life boats while the Captain tried to run the ship aground. The life boats were …

Preparedness Notes for Monday – November 20, 2017

On November 20th, 1945, the Nuremberg Trials began, placing 24 high-ranking Nazis on trial for atrocities committed during World War II. The trials lasted 10 months, and 12 were condemned to death with one committing suicide in prison. The trials of lesser war criminals continued in the 1950s and resulted in the conviction of 5,025 other defendants and 806 executions.

Preparedness Notes for Sunday – November 19, 2017

In an unprecedented move, Egyptian president Anwar el-Sadat traveled to Jerusalem on November 19th, 1977, to seek a permanent peace settlement with Israel after decades of conflict. Despite heavy criticism from Egypt’s regional allies, Sadat continued, eventually reaching a peace agreement with Israel at the Camp David accords in Maryland. While Sadat and Begin were jointly awarded the 1978 Nobel Peace prize for their efforts, the peace accord was not admired by the Arabs, eventually leading to Sadat’s assassination. Despite this, the Egyptian-Israeli peace continues today. o o o Valley Food Storage is now offering a 40% off pre-Black Friday …

Preparedness Notes for Saturday – November 18, 2017

On this day in 1978, Peoples Temple founder Jim Jones led hundreds of his followers in a mass murder-suicide at their agricultural commune in a remote part of the South American nation of Guyana. This incredibly tragic occurrence introduce the term “…drink the Kool-Aid” into our parlance, since poison-laced punch was the vehicle behind most of the deaths. This serves as a stark warning and reminder to those in the prepping/survivalist community who would join with like-minded friends under the leadership of a charismatic leader. Always know who you are following!

Preparedness Notes for Friday – November 17, 2017

On this day in 1777, the Articles of Confederation were submitted to the states for ratification. They differed from the Constitution in that they emphasized the primacy of the states. This brings to mind the dangers of convening a Constitutional Convention, because the last time this happened the Articles of Confederation were thrown out and totally replaced by the Constitution. Do you honestly believe that our politicians today could craft a document that so thoroughly protects the rights of the individual as they did then? o o o is giving away an autographed copy of Survivors by James Wesley, …

Preparedness Notes for Thursday – November 16, 2017

November 16th is the birthday of Michael D. Echanis (born 1950, died September 1978), a former United States Army Special Forces and 75th Ranger Battalion enlisted man. He was awarded the Purple Heart and Bronze Star with “V” device as a LRRP in the Vietnam War. He was born and raised in eastern Oregon. Echanis was killed while working for the CIA in Nicaragua in 1978 in a plane crash along with his colleague Charles Sanders and members of the Nicaraguan armed forces. There was conjecture that the plane was destroyed in flight by a saboteur’s bomb. JWR’s novel Survivors …

Preparedness Notes for Wednesday – November 15, 2017

After 16 months of debate, the Continental Congress, sitting in its temporary capital of York, Pennsylvania, agreed to adopt the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union on November 5th, 1777. Of course, the last of the 13 states, Maryland, took until March 1, 1781 to ratify the agreement. Also on this day, Charles Dickens published the final installment of A Tale of Two Cities in Dickens’ circular.

Preparedness Notes for Tuesday – November 14, 2017

On November 14th, 1985, the Nevado del Ruiz Volcano erupted in Colombia, killing over 20,000 as nearby towns are buried in mud, ice and lava. Scientist studying the volcano believed an eruption was imminent and had recommended an evacuation of the area which was largely ignored, resulting in the high number of casualties.