Getting Home Long Distance in the Event of An EMP/Solar Flare- Part 1, by B.M.

I recently had to travel approximately 900 miles by vehicle, due to a family emergency. I was gone for ten days. The drive was easy and uneventful. It covered hundreds of miles of open, rural terrain, but I also traveled through two massive urban metropolises’ and multiple intermediate sized cities. That trip got me to thinking about what I’d face if the EMP/Solar Flare hit while I was that far away from home. I spent the better part of 13 hours each way observing the terrain and thinking about what I would do if it happened. Where would I stay? …

Traveling to Your Safe Haven During a WROL Event- Part 3, by E.P.

In the first two parts of this article series, we have been talking about traveling to your safe haven during a without rule of law event. Part 2 began the overview on traveling by vehicle. We left off with discussion about roadblocks and multiple cars traveling a good distance apart so that the lead car could make a three-point turn in the reverse direction and warn the other cars in advance of a roadblock. Let’s continue with this scenario. Over-watch Team Defending the Lead Vehicle Now is the time for the first vehicle to better assess the situation and report. …

Traveling to Your Safe Haven During a WROL Event- Part 2, by E.P.

Yesterday, we began this article series on traveling to your safe haven during a without rule of law event. We touched on two major issues. These issues involved how to identify and communicate a WROL event within your group, unite your team’s commitment to its mission through a mission statement as well as agreement upon standard operating procedures and rules of engagement. Issue 3: Traveling by Vehicle, Standard Operating Procedures First things first. The suggestions below are just my opinion based on experimentation with several groups over a period of years. Use them as a starting point for your group’s …

Traveling to Your Safe Haven During a WROL Event- Part 1, by E.P.

This article will provide general guidance and a few specific examples on getting your team to your safe haven destination during a “Without Rule of Law” (WROL) event in one piece. I am an engineer and a lawyer by trade. In my 20+ years of prepping, I have come across few fellow preppers with a well thought out plan for traveling to their bug out location during a WROL event. I have an important note at the outset. With respect to all of the comments below, it is assumed a WROL event has occurred. Most of us are well on …

Hitchhiking After SHTF, by J.B.

Many of us have spent a lot of time thinking about how we would get home if things hit the fan while we are away from home, and hitchhiking hasn’t been on top of the list. The majority of us would have our vehicle there to hopefully drive ourselves back. What many people have not spent much time thinking about is how they would get home if the car wouldn’t start, if the car broke down on the way home, or if you had flown to a location and can’t get a flight back. I want to share my experiences …

America’s Gun Grabbers Have Accelerated the Mass Exodus to The American Redoubt

Do you live in The American Redoubt? Be aware that you have some friends arriving soon. The great Redoubt Exodus has begun! For the past two months the newspapers and electronic media all around the country have been filled with headlines such as these: Florida adopts wide package of gun laws, while Washington stalls Three States Pushing Stricter Gun Laws After Parkland (Plus 2 States That Want to Make Gun Ownership Easier) Rhode Island adopts ‘red flag’ gun policy; other states close Federal judge upholds Massachusetts ban on AR-15, large capacity magazines Vermont Governor Signs Sweeping Anti-Gun Laws Bank of …

Letter: My Emergency Grab and Go Kit

Hugh, I have seen lots of emergency survival kits. I think that most of them fail in their efforts to provide the security they are hoping to sell. When making your own to use on the street, consider the following. Most of the kits out there fail. Why? They do this by splashing all over what they are. Now, let me ask you how stealthy is that? That’s not at all good, in my book. I wanted to share what I have put together and carried for the last 20 years, at least. I take it to the office as …

Planning, Training, and Exercising for “Bug Out”- Part 2, by Mr. E

In part one of this article series, we looked at the reason for the three skills– planning, training, and exercising– for bugging out. This process is based on tried and true emergency management principles that are currently being used by both public and private institutions all across the nation. The benefit of this plan, train, exercise process is that it allows you and your group to take an all-hazards approach to preparing for a plethora of disasters and emergencies. Training Everyone On The Plan (continued) Yesterday, we completed the planning portion and just barely began the training portion of the …

Planning, Training, and Exercising for “Bug Out”- Part 1, by Mr. E

Many of us, myself included, have been guilty of fantasizing about what we would do during a scenario where we would want to “bug out”. It is easy to say things like, “My plan is to grab my go bag, my family, and run for the the hills.” For others, it is easy to imagine ourselves traversing chaotic streets with a group of our most trusted friends, loaded to the teeth with weaponry, battling our way to our off the grid location. While no doubt these daydreams can be interesting to entertain, it is important we take a holistic and …

Letter Re: Commuter’s Get Home Bag by M.M.

HJL, I wanted to add my thoughts. First, and foremost, I think speed is the key here. In the first minutes and hour(s) after some type of TEOTWAWKI event, whether CME, EMP or even earthquake or similar, human nature is such that people will be trying to get back to their own safety nets first. The time for bad guys to try to take all your swag doesn’t happen until after things get desperate. Waiting We’ve all experienced a local power outage – when things go dark, and the house gets quiet – do you or anyone you know immediately …

Guns for Bugging Out, by N.B.

My Situation Is Likely Not Yours First off, my situation is not yours. What works for me may not necessarily work for you. Seeing as that I am yet another guy on the Internet with an opinion, I strongly recommend you read what I have written and then make an informed decision about whether this information applies to your circumstances. If it does not, please disregard it. If it does, I am glad I could be of service. Intro To Bug Out Firearms and Ammunition This essay refers to the firearms and ammunition load I would take along with me …

Commuter’s Get Home Bag, by M.M.

Packing a Get Home Bag How do you prepare a get home bag when you commute more than 100 miles each day for work? Let’s for a moment presume that you have no idea that some sort of event is about to happen that will render your job irrelevant, your vehicle useless, and your location being close to your office, to which you commute each day, when it occurs. How and what in the world would you consider packing in a go bag and then heading home? I received a perfect example of your travel day changing due to a …

Tires As Part Of Basic Vehicle Preparations, by D.K.

It’s easy to overlook an important item, such as tires, for those planning different bugout scenarios, getting home after an event, or just driving home from work. I was reminded of this during a recent trip moving my daughter to California. We rented a 5’ X 8’ U-Haul trailer, hooked it up to my Chevy Avalanche, drove it to her apartment, and loaded it for the move the next day. She had bagged up trash, and as I was taking it out I noticed some 8” zip ties. I pulled them out of the trash and threw them in the …

Guest Post: A Discussion on “Bugging Out”, by Max Alexander

Let’s have a discussion today about “bugging out”. This is in fact a huge topic and often discussed across the prepper-sphere. There are many aspects to this and a detailed discussion, including the debate about “to stay or to go” is written up in “Contact! A Tactical Manual for Post Collapse Survival. The issues, pros, cons, and mistakes around this are further illustrated in the collapse-novel Patriot Dawn: The Resistance Rises. Foolhardy Bugging Out On Foot Given the breadth of the topic, my plan today is to focus on the idea of bugging out on foot with a “never coming …

Survival To Go, Revisited- Part 2, by JMD

We are revisiting what I carry when I travel for comfort and survival. We are looking through my items, as they are organized by their location in my pack, which is a 28 liter Red Rock Outdoor Gear Assault Pack. We’ve gone through part of the pack. Let’s continue on, looking next at the pocket that considers our airport security requirements. Top Front Pocket Pouch- Ready to Remove At Airport Security The next pocket is the small top front pocket (the one with the American flag patch in the picture). This holds things that I’ll need to pull out and …