Understanding the Progressive Agenda- Part 1, by DBS

For years, I have been feeling shocked by the amount of strange happenings, those that I couldn’t explain; they just didn’t make sense. More and more, I would get angry, frustrated, and upset with how these events and their origins occurred. I have a feeling that many like-minded patriotic Americans may feel the same way, especially since 9/11. Not only has our society change since that day but so has our culture. As a Desert Storm Marine and now a retired fire chief, I have found that our society and culture changed so quickly. It seemed each year the changes …

Letter Re: Shopping on Amazon

Hugh, The the Amazon story is great. I have very little time and live in a rural area. By using Amazon I save a lot of time and money. I also can’t say enough for the customer comments. However, my comment is more advice to anyone who wants to sell on Amazon. I am in the wine business, and it’s very regulated. However, with the recent changes of state-by-state shipping laws, we can now ship direct to 38 states. Along comes Amazon and BOOM my sales with them have skyrocketed. Not to say, they are way easier to deal with …

Economics and Investing:

Stan Druckenmiller: The Bull Market Is Exhausted; Make The Move To Gold o o o Why new overtime rules will raise payroll costs for employers of all sizes – RBS o o o The effects of raised minimum wages now begins to hit: Wendy’s Serves Up Big Kiosk Expansion As Wage Hikes Hit Fast Food – That $15/hr wage doesn’t do you any good when you lose the job to a worker that never goes on strike or complains. – P.S. o o o The Humungous Depression o o o Once upon a time, there was a middle class: This …

Letter: Venezuela’s Health Care

Dear Editors, I saw this headline on the front of the “dead tree edition” of the paper this morning. Besides the coverage on your blog, this caught my eye because of a personal connection: A good friend of mine recently lost her mother in Venezuela. She was sent to the nearest hospital because of a problem with her heart and needed an operation to put in a stent. The hospital that she was checked into didn’t have all of the equipment that they needed to perform the operation on her. The nearest hospital with the equipment did not have all …

Economics and Investing:

Our National Debt Will Grow To $31 Trillion by 2023 o o o Watch Venezuela, Because Food Shortages, Looting And Economic Collapse Are Coming To America Too – Submitted by B.B. o o o Burlington College Feels the Bern! Will Close Thanks to Crushing Debt Acquired by Mrs. Bernie Sanders – B.P. o o o Graham Summers: The Fed Is Finally Coming Clean About Inflation o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Economics and Investing:

Squatters in Las Vegas and all the problems that come with them. – P.S. o o o OFFICIAL SOURCE: Global Silver Supply Deficit Surges On Revised Data o o o Pew Research Study – The American Middle Class Declined in 90% of Metro Areas From 2000-2014 – H.L. o o o Legend Warns Risk Of Total Global Collapse Is Greater Today Than Any Time In History – G.G. o o o Cyberattacks on Swift financial network ‘worthy of freaking out’ about: ex-Treasury official o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our …

Economics and Investing:

Items from Professor Preponomics: US News Restructuring the National Debt (Mises) Excerpt: “US presidential candidate Donald Trump made more waves yesterday by suggesting he might attempt to reduce the US national debt by renegotiating with creditors.” …and of course there is follow up! From Zero Hedge… Trump on Debt Renegotiation: “You Never Have to Default Because You Print the Money” Warning: Commentary following article may contain bad language and/or inappropriate avatars. Puerto Rican Debt Crisis is Coming to a Head (Barrons) Excerpt: “Puerto Rico’s Government Development Bank, which plays a key role in the island’s finances, defaulted on $3.9 billion …

Economics and Investing:

J.C. Penney Still On Bankruptcy Path o o o Physical Gold Flows East as Manipulated Paper Markets Lose Credibility o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: Raw Venezuela: Looter Burned Alive, While “Streets Filled With People Killing Animals For Food” – We really have been hid from what is going on in this collapsing country…. Stop Blaming Consumers, They Can’t Help It! Former Brazilian Soccer Star: Don’t Come To The Rio Olympics – This will be interesting and yet another collapsing economy, maybe not as bad as Venezuela Senate Appropriations Bill Spends More Than Obama Requested – A Republican Senate …

Economics and Investing:

Frank Holmes: Gold Is Crushing It So Far this Year o o o Soaring Silver ETFs to Snap Up as Metals Shine o o o Items from Professor Preponomics: US News Free Markets Do Not Need Negative Interest Rates (Mises) Excerpt: “An almost line-by-line critique of this article would be necessary, for the arguments in it are so ill-conceived and fallacious that it is hard to ignore them.” Freddie Mac Narrowly Avoids Tapping Treasury for Money (Washington Examiner) Excerpt: “Lawmakers and officials have been concerned that, as government stewardship of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac stretches into an eighth year, …

Economics and Investing:

This Amazing Silver Trend Will Make Short Term Price Movements Irrelevant o o o Of Course the US Government Will Default on Its Debt – Sent in by B.B. o o o 90% Off Sale On Offshore Drilling Rigs? – The oil price bust has struck the offshore sector especially hard, leading to nothing less than a fire sale of oil and gas rigs. o o o Company plans to mothball Carlsbad potash plant – Note that this is a basic mineral used for fertilizer everywhere. Also ties in to reduced train loads, as it is normally shipped by rail. …

Economics and Investing:

A New Digital Cash System Was Just Unveiled At A Secret Meeting For Bankers In New York. When cashless, then all purchases and sales are done digitally, and the government can steal from your account and track everything you buy or sell. They “say” it is to prevent drug trafficking. They lie. Use cash. Power out; you can buy with cash or silver. – H.L. o o o What OPEC Has To Fear From The New Saudi Oil Minister o o o Credit Suisse Posts Loss as CEO Signals Cost-Cuts Progress o o o Record-Breaking Container Ship Ends Brief U.S. …

Economics and Investing:

Reader SDP wrote in to inform us that the number of stored locomotives is much, much higher than we reported before. There are some railroad enthusiasts who track this kind of information, and this is from an April 11th communication: “Laid Up Power – BNSF has added to the Laid Up Good Order (LUGO) fleet this month. At the end of January, there were 1249 engines in LUGO status. As of April 4th,there are 1457 in LUGO status. This is up 101 more from March 1st when there were 1356 in LUGO status. While part of the fleet is laid …

Economics and Investing:

Economic Collapse Logistics For The Government – Sent in by B.B. o o o Labor Force Participation Rate Dropped to 62.8% In April: 94,044,000 Out o o o Items from Professor Preponomics: US News Citi: The Fed Would Attempt One Last “Hail Mary” Before Announcing Negative Rates (Business Insider) Interesting thoughts! Excerpt: “…anyone who believes a rate hike isn’t coming until May 2017 has to at least consider the possibility the Fed would need to cut rates before then.” Gross Calls for Helicopter Money (Mises) Excerpt: “There is a rude end to flying helicopters, but the alternative is an immediate …

Economics and Investing:

City of Los Angeles Tops 4 Million For First Time: Big Increase Coming from Multi-Family Units and the Renting Revolution. o o o The Next Employment Crisis Is Here: Job Cuts At U.S. Companies Jump 35 Percent In April – Sent in by B.B. o o o The Immorality of the Minimum Wage: Scarcity and Singing Kumbaya – A look at how our churches have failed in the dilemma of the minimum wage discussion. o o o The Insane Hidden Tax Burden Quietly Eating Up Your Paycheck – The regulatory nightmare that raises prices. – B.B. o o o Reader …