Economics and Investing:

Man With Full-Time Job in U.S. Earned Less in 2014 than 1973 – B.B. o o o OPEC Estimates Oil Output Will Fall Among Non-Member States “OPEC, in its latest monthly report, projects that oil production will decline in non-OPEC states, with estimates remaining unchanged from May” o o o Venezuela: It’s starting to look like scenes from the movie Soylent Green down there. How A Venezuela Food Protest Turned Into A Deadly Police Gunfight – J.E. o o o Say Goodbye to America o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see …

Economics and Investing:

This video explains the characteristics of gold’s baby bull and how the adolescent phase just beginning will likely be different, for gold, miners, and also for silver. o o o Economic Collapse Will Serve One Purpose: “Global Governance And The Enslavement Of Mankind” – B.B. o o o Fed’S Rate Normalization Will Be Far From Normal o o o There Is A Deepening Shortage Of Physical Gold o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Letter Re: Pantry Building Basics

HJL, This was an excellent article to which I would add home freeze drying (fd). Canning fresh foods is a lot of work, but you know what went into those canning jars. Freeze drying at home is almost no work and is fun, in addition to you having the knowledge of what went into those jars. A home freeze dryer costs less than $3,000; that’s less than a one year’s supply of commercial fd food for one person. You can fd almost any food at home. Imagine ice cream sandwiches after the SHTF! Those cans of commercial foods that are …

Economics and Investing:

U.S. Silver Imports Surge To New Monthly Record o o o A Critical and Ignored 2008 Email by Ben Bernanke on the Lehman Collapse o o o Kiwi Steals the Show o o o Record Shattering 94.7 Million Americans Not in the Labor Force. Up by 664,000 in One Month o o o Picture Of Decline – B.B. o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Economics and Investing:

Should IL lose access to debt markets? – P.S. o o o How “Fair” Trade Stigmatizes Free Trade and Fails o o o Record Shattering 94.7 Million Americans Not in the Labor Force. Up by 664,000 in One Month. – B.B. o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: Why Big Investors Think it’s Time to Hoard Gold – Pay attention to these guys; they are the movers. Video: Will gold break back above $1,300? – Don’t pay attention to this guys; they are the financial shills, who are either painfully naive or incredibly slimy. o o o SurvivalBlog and its …

Economics and Investing:

Video: The Dollar is at an Important Crossroads – Excerpt: “Its next move will have significant implications for the future price direction of the precious metals markets.” o o o Ron Paul: The Case for Gold Is Stronger Than Ever o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: A Bearish George Soros Is Trading Again – Notice the last time he was actively trading was 2007, making bets against the coming housing collapse. BT Card Outage? 8 Days Into June And Many Americans Are Still Waiting For Food Stamp Money o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment …

Economics and Investing:

“The Whole Shebang Is Broke” – The Only Thing That’s Growing Is Debt o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: Video: Alan Greenspan: Entitlements are Crowding Out Savings – Had been seeing headlines where folks claiming Greenspan was claiming “Venezuelan martial law” was coming to the US, so I had to find the source of this claim. Here is the interview but he does NOT claim martial law at all but there is some interesting things. For the record, I agree with points but many points he makes I do not. To many to cover. For the Venezuelan part is …

Economics and Investing:

A change in Sharia law could unleash huge demand for gold – DSV o o o Time to Get Out of Real Estate o o o How Fiat Money Destroys Culture Excerpt: “A number of economists have observed that fiat money is a prerequisite for tyrannical government, and the idea that monetary interventionism paves the way for tyrannical government is very old and goes back to Nicolas Oresme in the fourteenth century.” o o o This Nightmare Will Trigger A Cascading Effect And Then The Unthinkable Will Happen Excerpt: “If the U.S. goes into recession, the deficit immediately goes to …

Economics and Investing:

You Are Here o o o Man sued for $30K over $40 printer he sold on Craigslist – DSV o o o Fed’s Yellen sees rate hikes ahead, but few hints on when o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: 8 Lessons That We Can Learn From The Economic Meltdown In Venezuela o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Economics and Investing:

Why $50 Oil Makes Sense – “Oil has reached $50 on supply outages and steady demand growth, but for oil to breach this level, either supply or demand fundamentals need to move.” o o o Cybercrime isn’t the only reason cash remains king o o o JP Morgan Boss Warns of Brexit Job Cuts if U.K. Backs ‘Terrible Deal’ o o o Mystifying Bond Buybacks in Russia Could Be an Edge Against Fed o o o The fact that this sort of idea can make it onto a ballot is truly scary: Why the Swiss voted ‘No’ to a guaranteed …

Economics and Investing:

Omen of times to come: Lady riots after EBT card fails – Submitted by RBS. HJL’s Comment: We’ve seen this sort of thing before. In October of 2013, the EBT system went down in much of the nation. It only took a few hours for word to spread as the welfare roles abused the vouchers and emptied the shelves of many stores, wreaking havoc along the way. o o o This financial bubble is 8 times bigger than the 2008 subprime crisis o o o Derailed! A June Rate Hike Is Off o o o Video: Brexit – The Moment …

Economics and Investing:

Can Bitcoin Uber The Fed? Gilder Says Gold Standard Is Coming Whether Central Banks Want It Or Not o o o The Startling Truth About How Working Families Are Truly Faring In This Economy. – Sent in by B.B. o o o Funniest BLS Report Ever. “Only a captured government drone could put out a report showing only 38,000 new jobs created, with the working age population rising by 205,000, and … report the unemployment rate plunged from 5.0% to 4.7%, the lowest since August 2007.” – Warning: Some inappropriate language. o o o What Will Happen When Brainwashed Middle …

May in Precious Metals, by Steven Cochran of Gainesville Coins

Welcome to SurvivalBlog’s Precious Metals Month in Review,by Steven Cochran of Gainesville Coins where we take a look at “the month that was” in precious metals. Each month, we cover the price action of gold and examine the “what” and “why” behind those numbers. What Did Gold Do in May? Gold began the month with another run at the $1,300 mark but was unable to break through after several attempts. This failure changed sentiment among speculators, leading gold lower. The Federal Reserve, thinking that the markets had stopped listening to them, started an all-out media blitz to stoke fears of …

Economics and Investing:

SurvivalBlog reader T.T. sent in the link to this interview with Felix Zulauf in which investing, markets, and gold are discussed. Monetary Stimulation Creates Bubbles, Not Prosperity Nor Growth. o o o Greece to co-produce Kalashnikov rifles with Russia – H.L. o o o Puerto Rico’s U.S. Rescue Won’t Come Soon Enough to Halt Default o o o Silver Will Move The Most of All The Metals o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Economics and Investing:

Lost Decade for Value Stocks Tests Faithful Who Say End is Nigh o o o “The Economy Is Better Off Now Than When I Started” – Obama Delivers Remarks On The State Of The Economy – Now go wipe that spewed coffee off of your computer monitor. – B.B. o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: Alan Greenspan: “We’re Running To A State Of Disaster” – Like the end of the article, “If only he had not gotten us in this mess in the first place”, perhaps only if the Fed had not, not just Greenspan Consumer Confidence Unexpectedly Plunges …