Economics and Investing:

US stocks are now the most overpriced since the 2000 crash. o o o Tech billionaires reportedly stock up on ‘apocalypse insurance’ o o o China Said to Order Banks to Curb New Loans in First Quarter o o o Gold Remains Down Despite 10% Drop In December New Home Sales o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Economics and Investing:

Correction Targets For Gold Price, Silver Price And Miners o o o The 6 U.S. States Most Impacted By The Oil Bust. – An S&P report reveals that the eight largest oil producing states have seen their economies contract significantly in 2016 as a result of low oil prices. o o o Steve Mnuchin Defends the Myth of Fed Independence o o o The 4 Horsemen of the US Debt Apocalypse: 80 percent of federal government operation costs go to four areas in Health and Human Services, Social Security Administration, Veterans Affairs, and Department of Defense. o o o SurvivalBlog …

Economics and Investing:

This Is What It Looks Like When A Trump Nominee Declares War On The National Debt o o o Video: Why Are These Horses Under A Giant Table? – Mike Maloney o o o Video: Hacks for Buying Gold or Silver Bullion Cheap o o o Historical Official Records Reveal Gold’s Value Should Be 20 Times Higher o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Economics and Investing:

Why Cheap Natural Gas Is History. A rapidly tightening natural gas market could see natural gas prices rise to $4 mmBtu as supply slumps and demand remains firm. o o o Will Trump Usher In An Era Of Sound Money? o o o The US dollar is now overvalued against almost every currency in the world o o o Feds Should Reimburse Texas for Border Security Expenses, Say Congressmen – I agree; protecting the nation’s borders is a Federal duty. – H.L. o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos …

Economics and Investing:

The Bank of England and the ECB Have a Credibility Problem o o o French First Round Socialist Primary Winner Proposes Tax on Robots, Universal Income, Right of Foreigners to Vote o o o Silver Price Showing Signs Of Even More Confidence? o o o China Battles The U.S. For World Dominance. With continued propaganda about the demise of China, the Chinese are battling the U.S. to lead the world. This is also important for the gold market. o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Economics and Investing:

South Jersey bank is the first to fail in U.S. this year – G.G. o o o An Entire Shopping Mall Just Sold for $100 o o o David Rosenberg: “The Travesty Is We Have 23.5 Million Americans Aged 25-To-54 Outside The Labor Force” – B.B. o o o Did The Free Market Kill Coal? o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Economics and Investing:

A Post-Inauguration Gold Price Forecast o o o Declassified CIA Memos Reveal Probes Into Gold Market Manipulation – H.L. o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: Obama Leaves U.S.A $9,335,000,000,000 Deeper in Debt– Keep in mind though, and this is important, he is not the first or even the worst at adding to the debt on a percentage basis. Ronald Reagan being one of the worst offenders, more than doubled the national debt under his presidency. The point here is not to defend Obama but to point out that we need to educate people that it doesn’t matter which party …

Economics and Investing:

Student Debt Payback Far Worse Than Believed – G.G. o o o Nobel Prize winner says US should “get rid of currency” – DSV o o o How To Tell If Gold’s Rally Is For Real o o o Dollar dips on less-hawkish Yellen, awaits Trump inauguration o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Letter Re: Seeking Silver Half Dollars

Hugh, Yes, this is true. Most banks do not have any halves on hand. It’s been a few years since they have even been minted for circulation. Ordering a box of $500 is the minimum, and they will expect you to take the box. Some banks even have $1000 min to order. Some banks do not want to be bothered at all. Most likely a bank that you [regularly] bank with will order them, and then you have to dispose [of them]! The bank you order them from will not want them back. Maybe the first time, but not thereafter. …

Economics and Investing:

Conference Video: The Gold/Silver Ratio – Mike Maloney & David Morgan o o o It is noteworthy that President DJT has gone on record as stating that the U.S. Dollar is “too strong” and therefore “hurting exports”. So it is safe to assume that he will pursue weaker Dollar policies. The prospect of these policies is already showing influence in the FOREX market. Be ready for an interest rate crisis and then a Dollar crisis, folks! Hedge into silver, and perhaps a bit into Swiss Francs. The easiest way to do that is to convert most of any lingering positive …

Letter Re: Seeking Silver Half Dollars

JWR, I have now asked for rolls of $0.50 pieces at two branches of my own bank (in the greater KC area) and one branch of a bank I do not use. All three of them could not produce a single roll. The second branch of my own bank whined about how “they would have to buy a box of 1,000 to get a roll, and they just can’t do this”. So much for culling silver halves. – DAB HJL’s Comment: This is not an unusual occurrence, especially in smaller banks. You may have to actually visit a large bank …

Economics and Investing:

Silver Will Be Too Valuable To Waste As Money – Interview with Bix Weir o o o BIG MOVEMENT AHEAD IN THE SILVER MARKET… Serious Trouble In Paper Markets o o o Social Security has a looming $11 trillion shortfall – B.B. o o o Video: The Dollar is Headed Down. Everybody is going to be caught on the wrong side of this market ad sentiment is excessively bullish. The dollar is going to be due for a three year cycle low sometime in 2017. o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please …

Economics and Investing:

The Precious Metals Advantage: Are Silver and Gold a Good Investment? o o o 47% of Jobs Will Disappear in the Next 25 Years, Says Oxford University – G.P. o o o Physical Gold Will ‘Trump’ Paper Gold o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: What ‘border adjusted’ tax means — and why it could be coming to America Peak Prosperity- Mad as Hell o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Economics and Investing:

The Little Rascals Of Government Want Your 401K Account – B.B. o o o U.S. Shale To Kill Off Oil Price Rally. Oil prices have been showing signs of weakness last week, affected by bearish production and inventory data from the U.S. o o o Gold’s Blistering Gain This Week Rewarded Contrarian Traders…But Can The Rally Continue? o o o Why Fractional-Reserve Banking Would Be Limited in an Unhampered Market o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Economics and Investing:

Is The U.S. Government Insolvent? Sorry, But Its Accountant Can’t Tell You – H.L. o o o Let Businesses Decide for Themselves Where to Make Their Products o o o Gold Sees Modest Selling Pressure After Mixed Retail Sales Numbers o o o The Chinese Have A Jaw-Dropping $22 Trillion In Bank Deposits – What This Means For Gold & China Bears o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.