Economics and Investing:

GG sent us this New York Post article: Dollar loses reserve status to yen & euro Fed’s Bullard warns on inflation, unemployment. (Thanks to GG for the link.) Value of UK farmland could double in five years. Jeff mentioned this piece at Zero Hedge: Why Did U.S. SDR Holdings Increase Five Fold in the Last Week of August? Items from The Economatrix: Weak Dollars, Strong Euro Combine to Create Eurozone Pain Rogers Sure Gold to Hit $2,000, Dollar to Lose Reserve Why Soaring Gold Prices Should Set Off Alarm Bells Unintended consequences of deflation: Colorado Minimum Wage to Drop as …

Letter Re: Abandonment of the Dollar is a Premature Rumor

Dear Jim and Family, I wanted to comment on the alleged threat of the Saudis to decouple the US Dollar from Oil sales. They’ve been saying that for a decade. The Iraqis promised to do it, one of the primary reasons for the invasion. The Iranians did it, but nobody cares because they’re an oil importing nation so they don’t actually matter much. The Venezuelans have been trying to get the rest of OPEC to do it since we nearly got Chavez ousted in a coup backed by the US. Pity that failed, but there will be a next time …

Economics and Investing:

Karen H. sent this: Dollar Facing ‘power shift Also from Karen: Stone Calls U.S. Economic Growth Outlook “Troublesome” in 2010 GG sent this: Silver Lining: Jim Rogers Talks Up Commodities Reader D.D. sent the link to a good piece by Bill Fleckenstein: Your dollars are just Monopoly money Items from The Economatrix: Gary North: The Fed’s Schizophrenic Monetary Economist Failed Financial Policies and Rising Unemployment in the US Stocks Bear Market Rally Will Soon Be Over Government Deficit Spending Killing the US Free Market

Economics and Investing:

Reader Brian S. sent this: Dutch DSB Bank Nationalized After Bank Run By Clients. “The Netherlands’ central bank said Monday it has taken control of DSB Bank NV after clients began a run amid fears the regional lender might collapse.” Brian notes: “People can [presently] only take 250 Euro per day from their accounts.” Icahn: Risk of Double Dip, Investor ‘Bloodbath’. (Thanks to Flavio for the linkio.) A piece by Charles Hugh Smith posted over at Housing Storm: Deflation or Inflation: Who Cares? Analysis from Greg Fielding (also at Housing Storm): Did the FHA make bad loans with taxpayer money …

What Recovery? Find Yourself a Recoveryless Job

For more than a month, the mainstream media has been yammering about an economic recovery. Chasing phantom “good number” statistics amidst an onslaught of otherwise bad economic and global credit market news, the Wall Street cheering section is desperately seeking some news that the current recession is coming to an end. They talk about “the recovery in progress”–almost a fait accompli. They have been so good at this that they have fooled some investors into putting their sidelined money back into the stock market. What a masterpiece of disingenuous grandstanding. But the sad truth is that there is no genuine …

Economics and Investing:

Mara spotted this: First Fannie and Freddie, Now the FHA? Mara’s comment: “Every time I read about more bailout money for existing “customers” or new bailout money for new “customers,” I start to get woozy and lightheaded! Good thing I am sitting down when I read this stuff!” GG flagged this New York Times piece: Failures of Small Banks Grow, Straining F.D.I.C. (100th US bank failure thusfar for 2009.) Items from The Economatrix: The Great Recession: The Numbers Tell The Story Investors to Companies: Show Us Higher Sales State Budgets Get Adrenaline Shot From Clunkers World’s Largest Shopping Mall is …

Economics and Investing:

The Other Chris sent the link to a New York Times piece: Foreclosures Mark Pace of Enduring U.S. Housing Crisis. Here are some key quotes: “Every 13 seconds in America, there is another foreclosure filing. That’s the rhythm of a crisis that threatens to choke off hopes for a recovery in the U.S. housing market as it destroys hundreds of billions of dollars in property values a year.” “Michael Barr, the Treasury Department’s assistant secretary for financial institutions, said more than 6 million families could face foreclosure over the next three years.” “The Centre for Responsible Lending says foreclosures are …

Economics and Investing:

Reader KAF forwarded this: U.S. Budget Deficit Hit Record $1.4 Trillion in 2009 Illinois State Comptroller Dan Hynes Says State Finances A Mounting Crisis, Things Getting Worse. (Thanks to Jeff B. for the link.) Matt in Tennessee alerted us to this video clip from Gerald Celente: The Dollar is Finished. And, BTW, Peter Schiff agrees. He announced “The carry trade [in US Dollars] is on!” Items from The Economatrix: Roubini: Housing Market Hasn’t Bottomed Yet Treasuries Fall After Weaker-Than-Average Demand at Bond Sale US Budget Deficit Balloons to $1.4 Trillion Questions Remain About Iceland’s Banking Collapse Latvia Threatens Foreign Banks …

Economics and Investing:

Reader CP suggested a column piece by Malcolm Berko: Taking Stock. CP’s comment: “While Berko runs an investment advice column, he’s generally not a cheerleader for irrational exuberance. This response to a reader’s question is an general indictment of the markets and those who might as well be donning grass skirts dancing on a beach to appease the financial gods.” Commentary from Dan Denninger: Consumer Credit: Disaster, Down $12 billion Items from The Economatrix: US Consumers Cut Borrowing by $12 Billion in August Mortgage Rates Below 5% Fuel Re-Fi Boom Gold Price Hit Record High on Report to Ditch Dollar …

Economics and Investing:

Thanks to reader GWC for this: U.K. Faced ‘Bank Runs, Riots’ as RBS and HBOS Neared Collapse GG spotted this key data point: Hours worked plummets to all time low Thanks to Damon for this news item: Venezuela inflation estimated at 26%, annually. (Prices were up 2.5% in September. But don’t worry. Comrade Hugo has a plan.) Mark G. found an interesting New York Times blog article: What Happened to Argentina? Items from The Economatrix: UN Calls For New Reserve Currency Australia Rate Hike Good Sign for World Economy National Retails Groups Forecasts Weak Holiday Season Weak Dollar, Strong Stock …

Economics and Investing:

GG was the first of more than a dozen readers to mention this article by Robert Fisk (an outspokenly leftist journal list, so take it with a grain of salt.): The demise of the dollar; In a graphic illustration of the new world order, Arab states have launched secret moves with China, Russia and France to stop using the US currency for oil trading. Given the import of the preceding (if it is true), is it any wonder that the USDI is tanking, and the future and spot prices of precious metals are going through the roof? You’ve had plenty …

Economics and Investing:

From the Dr. Housing Bubble blog: Three Westside Shadow Inventory Homes. Santa Monica, Culver City, and Rancho Park. Banks will not Hold Inventory Forever. John S. sent this: Bailout cop: Treasury set ‘unrealistic expectations’ Barofsky, reviewing the first big bailouts to 9 firms, concludes that the government was too rosy to the public about the banks’ health. (Read: They fibbed.) Tom B. thought this might be of interest: Baker Hughes: US Oil, Gas Rig Count Up 7 To 1,024 This Week Damon mentioned: Is world economy still in deep woods? (The IMF announced that it plans to sell 8% of …

Letter Re: Where to Start in Survival Preparedness?

Mr. Rawles, My family and I are facing some challenges in our pursuit to become prepared. First off, a little background on our situation. I’m a 12-year Air Force veteran currently stationed in Montana. My wife also works full-time. We have about $60,000 in debt between credit cards and two auto loans. We have no problems paying our bills and our credit is excellent. It’s just that we don’t have a ton of extra money to begin our grand survival scheme. We’ve talked about all the different routes about living debt free and also purchasing the right vehicles, retreat and …

Economics and Investing:

Reader Eric S. spotted this: CIT debt swap could cost U.S. more than $1.8 billion By way of Market Oracle, Damon found these two links: News From 1930 and Zero Hedge discusses railroad carloading statistics. Items from The Economatrix: Jim Willie: Systemic Failure Approaches. “Numerous sustaining forces will contribute toward the inexorable path to systemic failure. It will begin with the relapse failure of the US banking system. Citigroup is facing real bankruptcy, whose numerous segments are underwater and growing worse. Bank of America is in a death spiral, whose CEO Ken Lewis departs amidst political and shareholder legal pressures. …

Economics and Investing:

World Bank could run out of money ‘within 12 months’. (Thanks to Chris H. for the link.) Don W. flagged a New York Times piece: Too Rich to Worry? Not in This Downturn. JWR’s comment: When even the uber-wealthy feel the pinch, then it is clear that this is not just a typical market cycle-triggered recession! Items from The Economatrix: Stocks Fall Following Disappointing Jobs Report [Official] Jobless Rate Reaches 9.8% in September Jobs Data Sends Oil Prices Tumbling Below $70 Banks Have Us Flying Blind on Depth of Losses Banks With 20% Unpaid Loans at 18-Year High Amid Recovery …