Economics and Investing:

Ian Gordon: Hedging With Gold Against Imminent Economic Collapse State may expedite Florida foreclosures B.B. sent a link to the latest Jim Rogers CNBC Interview. Also from B.B.: Gold is not in a Bubble: It’s on its way to $10,000 an ounce Yet another from B.B.: Foreigners Dump $74 Billion In Treasurys In 6 Consecutive Weeks: Biggest Sequential Outflow In History Items from The Economatrix: Stocks Rise On Gain In Retail Sales; Google Jumps California Revenues Down By $705M The Depression:  If Only Things Were That Good Retail Sales Rose Strongly In September On Autos  

Economics and Investing:

Chuck McAlvany: The Atomic Bomb that is About to Explode at the Federal Reserve Days of Reckoning Are Here: Accumulate Precious Metals and Hard Assets Zero Hedge: It Begins: Harrisburg Files For Bankruptcy Protection G.G. flagged this: Banks turn to demolition of foreclosed properties to ease housing-market pressures Items from The Economatrix: Buckle Up:  America Is Getting Very Angry And The Protests Are Going To Become Much More Frightening Millions Could Lose Unemployment Benefits In 2012 Wall Street Sees “No Exit” From Woes Roubini:  Double-dip Recession A Foregone Conclusion

Economics and Investing:

More folks are catching on to nickels, as an inflation hedge. For example, see this recent piece over at Seeking Alpha: Looking For An Alternative To Gold And Silver? It is noteworthy that Kyle Bass didn’t make all of his millions with foolish irrational investing plays. He is one sharp cookie. James C. sent this from Sovereign Man: How Bankrupt Governments Will Confiscate Your Gold. (Yes, it has happened before in the U.S.: See Executive Order 6102. And the potential repeat of that, BTW, is one reason why I prefer investing in silver rather than gold.) Have you got your …

Economics and Investing:

Reader V.L. sent a clip from a television reporter that must have skipped “Reality 101”, in college. (Sarcasm ON: I won’t sleep well at all tonight, now the I’ve been told that my gold “isn’t backed by anything–unlike the U.S. Dollar.”) German push for Greek default risks EMU-wide ‘snowball’ Items from The Economatrix: Euro Crisis Spreads and Puts the World Economy at Risk Detroit’s descent into economic darkness continues, literally: DTE deal pulls out lights in Highland Park–Areas in dark after 1,400 street lights removed to settle bill When?  (When will the next financial crisis happen?) The Top 100 Statistics …

Economics and Investing:

SurvivalBlog’s G.G. sent this: Census: Housing bust worst since Great Depression Der Speigel asks: What Options Are Left for the Common Currency? EU delays summit to have more time to finalize plans for Greece, banks, bailout fund John R. mentioned this by Marty Weiss: Seven Major Advance Warnings Nine Ways Supermarkets Suck You In R.C. sent this: Colorado empties popular lake to pay its water bill Items from The Economatrix: Stocks Jump on European Pledge to Help Banks Oil Rises to Two-Week High Occupy America: Protests Against Wall Street and Inequality Hit 70 Cities

Letter Re: Obsolescence in American Coinage

Dear Mr. Rawles, I read your article about US coinage and the opportunity to save nickels.  I must admit that your post about nickels is the first thing I linked to and that it introduced me to the many other valuable and useful topics on your blog. I have two concerns about modern coinage.  The first is obvious and refers to the decreasing value of the coins themselves.  The penny is now essentially worthless and should be abolished.  We spend time making change.  We spend money creating, transporting counting and wrapping them.  Our tax dollar could be better used.  The …

Economics and Investing:

Gold Investing: Detailing Gold’s Wild Q3   Silver Futures Auction Market Perspective For those of us that like to track precious metals price ratios, Jerry T. recommended these charts. Steve R. sent this: Holiday Retail Sales Set To Slide Amid High Unemployment and Low Consumer Confidence G.G. flagged this: A job is becoming a dim memory for many unemployed Used Car Dealer Becomes a Horse Trader John R. sent us these items: World facing worst financial crisis in history, Bank of England Governor says – The Telegraph Economic Apocalypse Goes Mainstream: Meltdown In Two To Three Weeks; It Will Spread Everywhere; …

Economics and Investing:

Those pesky derivatives, again: IMF advisor says we face a Worldwide Banking Meltdown. (In this case, it is credit default swaps.) J.B.G. was the first of several readers to mention this sign of the times: Thieves steal from community garden KAF sent this: Moody’s Cuts Rating on 12 UK Financial Institutions G.G. sent this: Regulators Close Two More Banks, bringing the nationwide tally of bank failures up to 76 for the year. Also from G.G.: CBO estimates $1.3 trillion deficit for 2011 Keely spotted this new item: Bold thieves steal bridge in North Beaver, Pennsylvania. Nestle Chief Warns of Food …

Economics and Investing:

Silver Prices Beaten Down By a Strong Dollar Chris G. recommended this: California and Bust . Chris notes that this article was recently referenced by Rush Limbaugh and in Zero Hedge.   Quick Fix In Europe? Dream On   Items from The Economatrix: The End Of The Inflation/Deflation Debate There is No Plan to Fix The Economy Economists Agree:  We Are in a Depression From California to New York, the Tide of Protests Keeps Rising Some observations (circa 2007) from the late Derry Brownfield: Our Land is Collateral for the National Debt. Occupy Wall Street:  The Word is Getting Out …

The Mainstreaming of Survivalism

When a news giant like CNBC starts quoting SurvivalBlog at length, then obviously we are starting filter into the mainstream of public consciousness. Here is an article that is a case in point: Buying Coins to Hedge Against Inflation. As one reader put it: “It brings a smile to my face when we’re way ahead of the curve.” By the way, I hope you’ve already got your nickels squared away. You’ve had plenty of warning, since I first mentioned this in SurvivalBlog back in 2007. The window of opportunity for acquiring nickels before their debasement is likely to close soon. Don’t …

Economics and Investing:

US’s Geithner warns Europe crisis a global threat. (Thanks to Alex B for the link.) Peter Schiff: U.S. Dollar is the Monetary Titanic A sign of our nation’s doom? Nearly Half of U.S. Lives in Household Receiving Government Benefit G.G. flagged this: Americans have no choice but to get more frugal Why We Are Just Half-Way Through The Global Economic Crisis   The Metals Trade: Why I’m Still Really Bullish On Silver Items from The Economatrix: Leaders Push World to Depression Underwater Mortgages Could Sink US Without a Trace Banksters Expect Global Meltdown Within 12 Months Bank of America Website …

Economics and Investing:

US Mint Bullion Sales: Silver Eagles Reach Record 6,422,000 [Troy Ounces] U.S. “close to faltering,” Fed ready to act: Bernanke . (JWR Notes: Keep in mind that “Action” in Helicopter Ben’s lexicon means either borrowing other people’s money, or creating money out of thin air.) IMF official retracts statement on bond purchases. (Thanks to K.A.F. for the link.) Morgan Tries to Quell Rumors About Its Holdings Tom Friedman: China’s Currency Manipulation Good & Bad for America S.G. sent this: Think Occupy Wall St. is a phase? You don’t get it Commentary from Randall W. Forsyth: The Bear Market Is Made …

Economics and Investing:

William J. sent this: Texan investor hedging with $1 million in nickels. Does this sound familiar?) A Swedish newspaper reports: Germany has rush-ordered the printing of new D-Marks. (Thanks to J.B.G. for the link.) Darin H. mentioned this: Gerald Celente: The Crash will happen sometime this month Rhonda T. flagged this: “EU preparing bank rescues amid Greece doubts. Here is a key quote: “All roads now point to a mid-November crunch.” Italy downgrade deepens contagion fears over euro debt crisis. (Thanks to Al H. for the link.)

Economics and Investing:

Things are looking more like my novels with every passing day. Here are the latest headlines… Stocks tank as Greece admits it won’t hit targets. Mentioned over at Don’t Tread On Me: 2011 US Mint Silver Set To Have Bigger Sales Than ’86 to ’92, combined! Are Hedge Fund Managers Dumping Gold Assets To Raise Cash? Four (4) Market Signs Signaling A Recession John R. kindly sent me a whole bunch ‘o links: The Dollar and Reserve Currency (Martin Armstrong)  Debt Men Talking (Richard Webb)   Batten Down The Hatches, A Big Storm’s Coming (Dave Cohen) The FINal Countdown (over …

Economics and Investing:

World is heading for ‘Great Stagnation’, says Goldman “It’s Going to Get a Lot Worse”: ECRI’s Achuthan Says New Recession Unavoidable. (Thanks to Alan W. for the link.) J.B.G. sent this: Protectionism beckons as leaders push world into Depression Erik B. spotted this article: Greece to Miss Deficit Targets Imposed by Lenders as Part of Bailout Texas Bank Is Closed; U.S. 2011 Failures at 74. (Link courtesy of G.G.)