Letter Re: An Accountant Sums Up The Greek Debt Quandary

Jim, et al:  I recently read an enlightening ABC Australia news article: Greek Crisis – Migrants getting the blame.  Surprise surprise – the social experiment of open borders and monetary union is not working so well in Greece !   Greece has a population of 11million apparently and there are 1 million illegal immigrants and free loaders. Combine this with a retirement age of 45 there is little wonder the country is in the poo.    Being an accountant, I did a few quick calculations.  Assuming that the population was spread evenly to an average death age of 80 (which …

The Mayor Bloomberg Puzzler

Here is a puzzler for Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City: What two things do all 15 of these mayors (and former mayors) have in common? Mayor Patricia Christensen – Port St. Lucie, Florida Mayor Will Wynn – Austin, Texas Mayor Sheila Dixon – Baltimore, Maryland Mayor Eddie Perez – Hartford, Connecticut Mayor Gary Becker – Racine, Wisconsin Mayor April Capone Almon – East Haven, Connecticut Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick – Detroit, Michigan Mayor Delle Donna – Guttenberg, New Jersey Mayor Roosevelt F. Dorn, Inglewood, California Mayor Frank Melton – Jackson, Mississippi Mayor Samuel Rivera – Passaic, New Jersey Mayor …

The Dexia Bank Collapse Underscores the Fragility of the Global Credit Market and Derivatives

A major bank failure in Europe that began in September didn’t get much press coverage here in the United States. But is bears special mention, because it underscores the fragility of the global credit market and credit default swap derivatives. A victim of the ongoing Greek Tragedy, the Franco-Belgian Dexia Bank failed last month. It had to be bailed out by $6 billion from France and Belgium, and Luxembourg. Inevitably, those bailouts are backed by the “full faith and credit” of their respective governments. Read: French, Belgian, and Luxembourgian taxpayers. Dexia was formed in 1996 when the Belgian Crédit Communal …

Letter Re: Obsolescence in American Coinage

Dear Mr. Rawles, I read your article about US coinage and the opportunity to save nickels.  I must admit that your post about nickels is the first thing I linked to and that it introduced me to the many other valuable and useful topics on your blog. I have two concerns about modern coinage.  The first is obvious and refers to the decreasing value of the coins themselves.  The penny is now essentially worthless and should be abolished.  We spend time making change.  We spend money creating, transporting counting and wrapping them.  Our tax dollar could be better used.  The …

The Mainstreaming of Survivalism

When a news giant like CNBC starts quoting SurvivalBlog at length, then obviously we are starting filter into the mainstream of public consciousness. Here is an article that is a case in point: Buying Coins to Hedge Against Inflation. As one reader put it: “It brings a smile to my face when we’re way ahead of the curve.” By the way, I hope you’ve already got your nickels squared away. You’ve had plenty of warning, since I first mentioned this in SurvivalBlog back in 2007. The window of opportunity for acquiring nickels before their debasement is likely to close soon. Don’t …

Review of Self-Reliance Expo, Denver, Colorado by L.K.O.

I recently spent a day at at the Denver Self-Reliance Expo. It was held September 16-17, 2011. The expo showcased a variety of friendly and enthusiastic survival, self-reliance and preparedness vendors and presenters. Several of the companies there are loyal SurvivalBlog advertisers. It was great meeting many of them in person for the first time. Just one example was meeting Dave Duffy of Backwoods Home Magazine. I had been reading his columns for many years, so it was about time! In the arena of weapons and security, vendors included 5280 Armory, Hilltop Safes, Smart Product Technology (underground security pods), On Sight …

Letter Re: SKS Rifles in Canada

Dear JWR: Fearing confiscations of the more “controversial” VZ-58 clones that have hit the Canadian market, I recently sold one and am actively trying to sell another.  Not wanting to sell the thousands of rounds of 7.62×39 Czech surplus ammunition I have for them, I have been giving very serious consideration to procuring one (or several) SKSs as a replacement. To be clear, I don’t think the SKS is the best choice for a primary rifle.  For me personally, that honour belongs to the AR-15 in .223 (even if, as required by Canadian law, mags must be pinned to 5 …

Three Letters Re: Lessons Learned From a Recent California Power Outage

Dear Jim Yesterday at about 4:00 p.m. there was a massive power outage in the southwest. All of San Diego County And other parts of Southern California were without power for almost 12 hours some still are. I learned a few very good lessons from this experience. I do consider myself a prepper but am limited to how much I can store because I live in an apartment. I had concentrated on food, water, and defense measures for the long run, but had completely ignored some more immediate short term supplies. First and foremost, I overlooked cash. I have been …

Maxine’s Myopic Economic Solution: Buy More Gum Balls!

A recent news headline caught my attention: Representative Maxine Waters Calls For A Trillion-Dollar Jobs Program. After reading that I feel obliged to make a few sarcastic comments. (A privilege that I don’t abuse through over-use, as the editor of SurvivalBlog.com): Well, gosh, Maxine, if your “spending money that we don’t have creating wonderful economic prosperity” concept is so iron-clad, then why not go whole hog by pouring even bigger buckets of slop into the public trough? Why not spend $20 trillion to create zero unemployment? There would be jobs for everyone. We could develop whole new categories of jobs! …

Book Review: Nothing To Envy: Ordinary Lives in North Korea

Dear Mr. Rawles, Here is my review of the book Nothing to Envy: Ordinary Lives in North Korea, by Barbara Demick. This a book with great insights for preppers and survivalists, especially in the famine food area.  As you are aware, North Korea suffered a disastrous ten-year famine in which possibly as many as 20% of the population died of starvation and most of the rest were severely malnourished.  This book is about several families and how they did and didn’t make it through those years.  Particularly striking to me were instances where they were eating and, more-or-less, surviving on …

Letter Re: The Bias of Financial Analysts and the Mainstream Media

James: If you read the mainstream media, you;ll see how the Dow Jones average ‘soars’ when it breaks its downward spiral and posts a 2% gain – when the ‘good’ news is out of Germany and China – never mind that the market is still down 12.5% from where it was a month ago. But, in contrast Gold ‘tanks’ – ‘is at the top of a bubble’ – ‘isn’t money’ – when it pulls back 1.5% at the top of a rally that saw prices up 19% over the same time period. Paper promises of debt aren’t money, and ‘securities’ …

Letter Re: Roads and Infrastructure in Bangladesh

Dear Jim, Regarding the letter from M.Z. Williamson about water on the Bangladesh-India border leading to war (again) it is a good idea to remember that Jammu and Kashmir are fought over between Pakistan and India over water, rather than the Opium grown in Kashmir. Several rivers originate there and India has diverted at least one back across the border so they can grow grain to feed millions of people. This violates the 1960 water treaty, so fighting has resulted. Conflicts over water are very common. While the hard words between Pakistan and India are largely regarded by their populations as empty posturing, the water and …

Small World Department: Image of JWR’s Ferret Scout Car Used for Gray Propaganda

As editor of SurvivalBlog I’ve had a number of “Small World Department” coincidences occur in the past six years. Most of these have been chance meetings with blog readers and mutual acquaintances, everywhere from Reno, Nevada to as far away as Switzerland. But the latest coincidence is absolutely astounding: As you may already be aware, the Russian FSB produces some gray propaganda under the pen name “Sorcha Faal.” Their department’s most recent bit of hyperbolic dezinformatsaya was in an article over at the fairly wacky “What Does It Mean?” web site. (The web site uses the dotted quad address: …

Michael Z. Williamson: Roads and Infrastructure in Bangladesh

One of my regular correspondents is a civil engineer with the highway department in Bangladesh. He sent me the following article links from The Daily Star [in Dhaka, Bangladesh]: RHD chief engineer quits MPs blast communications minister Impossible rides stop They are facing problems of massive corruption, infrastructure failing, and several large rivers that are dammed on the Indian side of the border, which threaten to turn fertile deltas into deserts. He’s sufficiently placed he may be able to, and “considering” emigrating to Canada or to the US.  I suggested he “consider faster” and not wait until it’s too late. …

Bitcoins: A Practical Primer, by Yishai

Bitcoins are a new anonymous peer-to-peer digital currency.  It is truly the next big thing in how we can conduct transactions over the internet without any central clearinghouse or bank or government ‘okaying’ our transactions.  I believe Bitcoins will be quite disruptive in how we all do business online.  You can pay anyone directly with Bitcoins, buy products from Amazon.com in Bitcoins (through a reseller), and even take SurvivalBlog’s’ 10-cent challenge in Bitcoins!  Bitcoins have an inherent value and as long as the internet is standing, are here to stay. As of this writing, 1 Bitcoin (or BTC) was selling …