Two Letters Re: A Response to Ideas Concerning a Post-Collapse World

Hugh, J.L.’s article was a little light on the math. I would assume (assumption #1) that the “Christian Era” referred to in “A Response to Ideas Concerning a Post-Collapse World” started with the birth of Jesus (hence the “A.D.” in our dating system). Given that as the starting point, 5 pennies (were they modern-day pennies, assumption #2) invested at 5% annually for roughly 2,000 years would now be worth $214,703,801,016,035,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, according to my Excel spreadsheet calculations. Converting that dollar amount to gold (a more compact measure of value than copper coin) at $1308 (5/6/14 at 2 PM, Kitco, assumption #3) …

Letter Re: Ideas Concerning a Post-Collapse World

Hugh, Considering the important position you have taken as editor on this blog, any post by you should have authoritative backing. I have concerns about parts, 3, 4, and 5 of your post “Response to Ideas Concerning a Post-Collapse World.” Part 3. Usury. Usury is simply a fee for the use of money. Not all religions prohibit it. In Judaism, it is prohibited only in loans of “brothers” to each other, not to outsiders. It is not prohibited in Christianity. Compound interest has a number of uses, including calculating the present value of an amount to be paid in the …

A Response to “Ideas Concerning A Post-Collapse World”, by JLF

RegardingIdeas Concerning a Post Collapse World: If one understands the Declaration of Independence and the Republican form of government, reforming the Union of States (and their people) is a viable goal. Cooperation in the defense of private property rights from predation is one justification for the necessary evil of government. However, I would not suggest using the Constitution as a model, since it was flawed from inception. It would require extensive modification to accurately define the relationship of the sovereign people with the servant government and its servants, the citizenry, with regard to rights and liberties (natural and personal). It …

Letter Re: Ideas Concerning a Post Collapse World

Dear Hugh, Three cheers for the article “Ideas Concerning a Post Collapse World”! “M.S.” is obviously a very bright and literate person, and while the blog offering is short, it is packed with a lot to think about. I believe the author is likely “spot on” with most of its outlook for the future with one question mark for me as to whether a foreign army (or two) would invade the CONUS or not. I see that as more likely than the author does, but only time will tell. I would though like to take the opportunity to address an …

Three Letters Re: The Circular File

Mr. Latimer: Your “Letter: the Circular File” brought back my encounter with government busy-bodies when I worked in manufacturing. I would get this multi-page survey form every quarter that went through sales, inventory, cost of goods sold …..yada…yada. It was enormously disruptive to my work load. It had all the penalty information on the envelope, and I was afraid not to fill it out due to any consequences to my employer. If you didn’t get it to them on time, the threats would start via mail and then go on to phone calls. The last straw was when I got …

Letter Re: The Circular File

Hi Hugh, I saw your response to the Circular File article where you mentioned you had received a request from the Census Bureau. I’m assuming you’re referring to the “American Community Survey”. I went through that colossal waste of taxpayer funds last year and thought I’d share my story. First it started with letters in the mail. Then the letters became “urgent”, with veiled threats of fines. When it really started getting ridiculous was when the local census worker came to my home. The first time she left a handwritten note. Then she showed up with the documents in hand …

Letter Re: The Circular File

HJL, I noted with amusement your reaction to all the requests for info on property you owned 15 years ago. I own a farm in Ohio and got numerous requests and demands for data on my operation in years past and and submitted them all to the circular file. After a few years of this, I received a number of calls culminating with a threat of jail time. My response was that they should give me a few days notice before they hauled me away. Never heard from them again. – Al in Ohio Hugh Adds: I’m glad to see …

Guest Article: Ideas Concerning A Post-Collapse World, by M.S.

In thinking about the results of a total collapse of financial institutions in the United States, some conclusions can be drawn to identify events that would unfold immediately following the collapse. Following these conclusions, however, it becomes increasingly difficult to theorize how the subsequent future of society would look once order is restored. The collapse will obviously be violent and downright depressing. The cities will see conflagrations, mass killings, and famine, similar to what is seen in urban warfare. Because of the violence and difficulties living in the cities, there will likely be a migration of survivors into the rural …

Letter: Cliven Bundy a Racist

Well Hugh, After promoting Mr Bundy and his militia followers as heroes perhaps you should mention the fact that the guy is a racist pig. – Marc F. Hugh Replies: What you are seeing is a classic example of Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”. I am surprised that you have not been able to see this coming. Alinsky’s Rule 7.5 is “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.” Also, Rule 7.13 is “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. In …

Letter Re: Cliven Bundy Support

Dear Editor, I am writing to you today in support of Cliven Bundy. I attended Saturday’s rally at the Bundy Ranch in support of this rancher and his family. It is true that his family history of ranching this land pre-dates the BLM. It is also true that the BLM has regulated approximately 52 ranchers out of this area of Nevada in the past several years. Mr. Bundy refused to give them anymore of his money, reasoning that why give them the funds to regulate against him to remove him from the land. The BLM has frequently used the tactics …

Letter Re: Banksters

. Jim, Just wanted to share with you the experience I just had with the Banksters a few minutes ago. I am currently living in a military town (after retiring from the military) but had to go to Virginia to handle some business for my elderly mother. I took her to the bank to cash a personal check for an account that we are both on. I was flabbergasted when told by the teller that the computer systems had been down all week, on and off, and at this time we could not get anything more than $100, unless someone …

Letter Re: Clark County Nevada Cattle Situation

Hugh, I have been a long time reader of this site and find it informative and useful. I think it would be prudent of you to do a bit more research into the accusations that Mr. Bundy is making regarding his cattle. I am not an investigator or a lawyer and do not want you to take what I am saying at face value. Please do your own research. Mr. Bundy is probably a good guy fighting what he believes are injustices to him and fighting in the only way he knows. The bottom line is that according to media …

Letter Re: North Carolina Drivers Charged by the Mile

Hugh I found the following that describes traveling versus driving. Mr. Rawles has an excellent chapter in “Patriots” that also addresses the same. This article is bit more in depth. I have trouble believing sovereign citizens would allow a government to tax them for public roads paid for with tax payer money. – BT in TX Hugh Replies: I used to have trouble believing that also, but then I watched sovereign citizens allow themselves to be treated as criminals– front doors kicked in, hands placed on heads or handcuffed, and kicked out of their homes without search warrants. The citizenry …

Letter Re: Jury Nullification

Dear SurvivalBlog, Having sat on a number of juries in Alaska, I can attest to the fact that judges give instructions to juries that they are only to be the judges of fact and not judges of the law. In United States v. Dougherty 1972 the decision read, in part, “The fact that there is widespread existence of the jury’s prerogative, and approval of its existence as a “necessary counter to casehardened judges and arbitrary prosecutors,’ does not establish as an imperative that the jury must be informed by the judge of that power.” So, while the U.S. Supreme Court …

Clash in Ukraine:

Bank Run Full Frontal: Ukrainians Withdrew 7% Of All Deposits In Two Days – Cheryl N o o o B.B. sent in this 2 minute video: I Am a Ukrainian. It’s a one sided piece that is obviously propaganda for the resistance. Very well done though. o o o The Ukrainian Gun Owners Association is wanting to modify the Ukrainian constitution to provide protections similar to the U.S. Constitution’s 2nd amendment. – L.C.