Preparedness Movement History and My Own Preparations- Part 2, by Old Bobbert

Yesterday, we began part one of this contributed article on the preparedness movement history and Old Bobbert’s own preparations. Today, we will learn some very personal information about him and his preparedness success with regards to finances and persevering. Financial Freedom Through Determined Budgeting Okay, how can someone in that credit trap situation find freedom easily. Sorry, “easy” pays minimum wage and perpetuates itself. Success requires a specific goal, a reasonable time line, and a written list of what, when, where, who, and why. There must be a specific methodology to look at efforts and consider the current position. There …

Preparedness Movement History and My Own Preparations- Part 1, by Old Bobbert

We will take a look at some history, the preparedness movement history and also some of mine. My goal here is to move you to see happiness and enroute stop off to visit anger, sadness, feeling shamed, and then fully satisfied. We will be thrilled with ourselves, and finally recognize “I’m both right and righteous”. I have been reading and contributing to this blog for about 10 years. So far I have about 76 3-ring binders of preparedness data on the book shelves. I like to read. (I’ll share why I read later.) A Lot of History That Points to …

A Backpacker’s Perspective on Bugging Out, by Z.M.

I like to backpack and want to share my perspective on bugging out. I’ve done hundreds of miles out on the Appalachian Trail and have spent a good number of nights out on the trail in the woods as a result. Having the wrong gear while trekking out for any length of time makes life pretty miserable. Bugging In or Bugging Out, With a Comprehensive List With prepping there is a lot of debate on whether one should bug-in or bug-out post-disaster. The answer to that obviously depends upon not only the situation but how well prepared you are with …

Being Unemployed And Starting A Home-Based Business, by W.L.

This is my story of how I became unemployed and started a home-based business. It may be something useful to other preppers. My Employment Story I’m a prepper and have been doing so for the last thirteen years. Thank goodness I found SurvivalBlog then and began putting up canned goods and consumables ever since. I’ve had to live off my pantry for two years at a time and would have been in dire straits if I had not. Believe me, if you have not begun prepping for hard times, begin now. Even those with advanced degrees and certifications fall on …

Planning For Success During And After The SHTF- Part 2, by Old Bobbert

Yesterday, we looked at the rules of planning for success during and after the SHTF and began examining the component of a good plan and the changes that might be required after SHTF. We already covered the areas of finances and food and began looking at the topic of medical. We will continue on to examine the area of medical and other topics today. Medical (continued) Pre-incident acquisition of emergency and bartering medications and water purification tablets is very important. It is legal, and simple, to use any of the Internet search engines to determine and evaluate various pharmaceutical distribution …

Planning For Success During And After The SHTF- Part 1, by Old Bobbert

Success requires a plan, and that is true if you want to have success during and after the SHTF. You can have a great deal of knowledge and ideas but not have organized and applied any of this. Remember, only applied knowledge is power, and this is especially true of financial power. Plan For Reality As It Exists Today Success without an action plan is dumb luck in action. So, get your plan well documented! Your plan should be, must be, based on your specific reality– reality as it exists today and never based on some pipe dream. You can’t …

Basic Handgun Marksmanship Skills- Part 2, by Mark Bunch

In “Part One of Basic Handgun Marksmanship Skills”, we looked at some firearms 101 and gave instructions for a test to determine if you are right eye dominant or left eye dominant. We also went over bone support and stance as well as safety procedures and basic rules to prevent accidental shootings. Today, we will dig into the basics of handgun selection, ammunitions, and becoming proficient in the use of your handgun. I will also share my recommendation for how to train under pressure. This is a means to prepare for the stressful situation of a self defense scenario. Choosing …

Basic Handgun Marksmanship Skills- Part 1, by Mark Bunch

These days, we “evil gun owners” are blamed for all sorts of despicable acts. Acts such as the horrible terrorist shooting/mass murder in California.  Muslim extremists used legally purchased weapons that they had been given by a friend of theirs. Typical of our leftist, non-American former President and his liberal communist-minded minions, their message was to blame gun owners, the NRA, and the ease of availability of firearms for that senseless incident of terror. To their way of thinking, it couldn’t possibly be because some Muslim terrorist hated our culture and simply wanted to kill as many of us as …

Horizontal Relationships: The Key to True Independence- Part 2, by J.E.

We are continuing to look at my thesis: True independence is achieved by cultivating horizontal dependencies and avoiding vertical dependencies. We have done so through a hypothetical family’s situation– the Johnson’s– and analyzed their most basic needs, as Maslow would say. We’ve looked at the Johnson’s food, water, and shelter scenario. Security Speaking of Maslow, let’s look at another critical need– security. If the Johnsons are anything like the average American Suburban dweller, they probably have a shotgun somewhere in a closet. It was probably Mr. Johnson’s dad’s or grandad’s, and it brought down many a fowl in its day. …

Horizontal Relationships: The Key to True Independence- Part 1, by J.E.

Within our relationships, as preppers, let’s look at the concept of true independence. It applies to us in our preparedness pursuits and in life in general. While we, of course, avoid many dependencies, what may surprise you is that it requires we cultivate certain dependencies. Fourth of July or Independence Day? Here’s a question: Do you wish your friends and family a “Happy 4th of July” or a “Happy Independence Day?” For me, I always make a point of calling this holiday “Independence Day”. I want to remember and remind others that all the fireworks; red, white, and blue; and …

Protecting Electronics in Metal Military Surplus Ammunition Cans- Part 4, by J.T.

In this article series, I am sharing a better solution for protecting sensitive electronics stored in a Faraday cage made from metal military surplus ammunition cans. Parts 1, 2, 3 provided instructions on how to build the cans. Today, I will share more about how I use my cans and also offer some enhancements that can be added. Using These Cans Inside each can are silica gel dry packets to keep the inside dry and to prevent corrosion. A florescent paint symbol discreetly marks each of the cans. A label on painters’ tape for eases identification. Only the trickle charger …

Protecting Electronics in Metal Military Surplus Ammunition Cans- Part 3, by J.T.

I am sharing a better solution for protecting sensitive electronics stored in metal military surplus ammunition cans made into a Faraday cage. In the Part 1, I talked about the ammunition cans that can be used and began the instructions for building ammunition can gaskets by listing the materials and tools required. Part 2 of this series consisted of the bulk of the instructions of how to make and assemble the RF and EMP shielding gasket, and we are continuing with these today, in Part 3. The following instructions are for a 20mm M548 ammunition can. 16. If you want …

Protecting Electronics in Metal Military Surplus Ammunition Cans- Part 2, by J.T.

I am sharing a better solution for protecting sensitive electronics stored in metal military surplus ammunition cans made into a Faraday cage. In the Part 1, I talked about the ammunition cans that can be used. We then began the instructions for building ammunition can gaskets by listing the materials and tools required. Now, let’s move on. Making and Assembling the RF and EMP Shielding Gasket The following instructions are for a 20mm M548 ammunition can, which is my preferred can size. If using another ammunition can, you will need to make adjustments in measurements within these directions to adjust …

Protecting Electronics in Metal Military Surplus Ammunition Cans- Part 1, by J.T.

In this multi-part article, I am sharing a better solution for protecting sensitive electronics stored in metal military surplus ammunition cans. There are many references for making a Faraday Cage on SurvivalBlog. Some references go back as far as 2005. One solution was proposed in 2006 that required the removal of the rubber gasket on ammo cans and replacing the seals with a conductive material (stainless steel or steel wool). Other articles suggested the use of a galvanized garbage can that is sealed up with conductive metallic tape, or an open head steel drum, or using an old microwave oven …

Too Much Government Trying To Assert Control Over “We The People” , by J.S.

[Editor’s Note: This article contains some controversial and uncomfortable topics and does not necessarily represent the opinions of the editors. However, there is much to consider here regarding the police state.] I propose that there exists too much government trying to assert control over the U.S. citizens– “We, the people”. The burden upon the citizens is enormous, and the citizens have accepted it under the guise that it is necessary for our well-being and for the safety and well-being of those who protect us. Let’s take a look at the evidence. Wisdom from U.S. Forefathers “Those who would give up …