Hurricane Preparedness in the Sunshine State- Part 1 , by D.H.

We, down here in the “Sunshine State”, just recovered from Hurricane Irma. It was a massive storm that covered almost the entire state. Floridians are used to hurricanes. We expect them every year, and most of the locals don’t freak out when the local weathermen starts predicting mayhem from a storm over 1,000 miles away. Don’t get me wrong; we’re prepared year-round and watch storms closely, but as one of the fastest growing states we have lots of newcomers who aren’t experienced with this annual weather phenomenon. Hurricane Season Hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30th. Since most …

Feminism, The Industrial Revolution and Natural Design: The Way Forward Requires Sacrifice, by The Recovering Feminist

Now is not the time to neglect this topic of feminism. In fact, I sense a growing public awareness that feminism is experiencing an identity crisis. We are witnessing a time when the public is beginning to wake up and question the rational of incoherent narratives and faulty ideologies, like feminism and Marxism. This calls for implementing a somewhat offensive strategy to push forward in truth, gaining the initiative. For those of you familiar with my previous posts, this one will be a bit different. It begins by laying out our current predicament, highlighting The Industrial Revolution and culture’s fact-value …

On Corruption, by Sheepdog and Son

This article deals with the different levels of corruption within our society, and I’m dedicating it to US Army Colonel Dave Grossman, author of the book On Killing amongst others. I feel it is important to address these issues, for the sake of survival. As a preface, I can state that I am a military member who thus far has served with distinction. My immediate family is small, including a young son, who I hold very dear. I am a prepper, a realist, survivalist, and a patriot. I do indeed have my own prepping group as well, which I have …

A New Way To View Preparedness Group Leadership in Management Action, by Old Bobbert

When we go grid-down will it really be safe around them, certain preparedness groups? The following is presented as a narrative of a close-knit, experienced, preparedness leadership group that is making reports and decisions concerning grid-down medical type services during a monthly leadership meeting. From it, we can learn. An Alice In Wonderland Group Leadership Meeting Here we go, following Alice down the rabbits hole. Wait you say, “What is the rabbit’s hole?”. We were talkin “bout that just last week. Ole Jim Bob asked that same thang, and his good ole buddy, Bubba Peabody, smiled and said to Jim …

Is Stealing From The Corporation Really Stealing?, by S.C.

Every day I encounter people, at my workplace, at my church, with friends going out to dinner, et cetera, who are doing something I find questionable, to say the least. For some reason, otherwise ordinarily honest people who you could trust if you left a stack of twenty dollar bills out on your table do not consider that taking money or goods from a corporation is stealing at all. This has been driving me crazy for the last several years as I see more and more people doing it. Thou Shalt Not Steal I go to what I would consider …

What We Have Done So Far- Part 2, by N.F.

In part 1, I provided the foundation of our move to Northern Arizona, where we have lived for five years. I defined the seven most important elements I would like to see in the property, and these seven items form the building blocks for a sustainable life that we are trying to live. I’ve already covered our water plan, which is the first, and began discussing our food plan. Now, let’s continue with the food plan as we wrap this article up today. Chickens When we first arrived here, we were befriended by many people, one of which was really …

What We Have Done So Far- Part 1, by N.F.

This is the story of a city boy and girl who decided to make the long journey to become country man and woman. This unlikely story has roots stretching back to childhood. Hopefully, my hindsight can offer some foresight to others on this blog who have not started down this formidable path. For any who have embarked on this journey, I hope my individual experience will give you new ideas and insights. Going from a high density human existence, to a life of constant challenges out in the wide open spaces, changes one’s perspectives on many different levels. This is …

Preps and Practice- Part 2, by ArmedSafety

In A Disaster, Remember To Listen To Your Body If you ever find yourself in a disaster recovery situation, keep in mind to “listen to your body”. Whether you ride out a storm or evacuate and come back later, guess what? The mess will be there. August and September in south Texas aren’t fun for anyone that must work outside. Those that do work daily in the heat and oppressive humidity get somewhat acclimated to it. Others may have an inside job and spend very little time in the heat. The clean-up seems daunting at first, but always be sure …

Preps and Practice- Part 1, by ArmedSafety

Prepping for the Inevitable “Zombie Apocalypse” I have, for years, been a student of prepping for the inevitable. The inevitability could have been one of many options– CME, economic collapse, civil unrest, or one of many more called collectively “The Zombie Apocalypse” by me and my family. We all have our reasons for making our preps. For some it may be relatively simple preps for an ice storm that causes power loss for a few days, to those who go above and beyond to survive a nuclear holocaust. The preps that I have fall somewhere in the middle, which is …

Too Many Answers Or Not Enough Questions?, by Old Bobbert

This is Bobbert’’s piece on “how to do success” in the creation of our new society. Remembering that not everything we need to do as preppers is a physical or procedural item, I am endeavoring to speak to the post-SHTF issues of the new society’s lifestyles and some related covenants, specifically those enduring agreements between peoples and the special agreements between persons and God. Preppers Owing Much to Nation’s Founders We are the preppers! We are the folks who are working now so as to have an acceptable future for ourselves and possibly some others. We call ourselves the preppers, …

Radio Communication Methods During Emergencies- Part 5, by R. in NC

So far, you’ve learned about the FCC and non-FCC license communications devices and equipment that is used with them. I touched on the use of Ham devices in an emergency, if you don’t yet have your Ham license. Now, let’s wrap up by learning how you can obtain your Ham license and move on to establishing and planning your communications. Getting Your License Ham radio licenses come in three levels, increasing in complexity of test and allowable frequencies. The FCC does not charge for the license, but your local Ham radio club usually has a $14 fee for giving the …

Radio Communication Methods During Emergencies- Part 4, by R. in NC

We’ve previously covered non-FCC license dependent communications devices and are wrapping up our examination of FCC license dependent communications options, with special consideration for their use in an emergency. Today, we’ll also begin looking at resources and accessories that help us improve communications. VHF/UHF Radios Almost all of the “base station” VHF/UHF radios are designed as car Ham radios. Because of this, they can be very flexible in usage. Most of these are 25-50 watts, and some are even stronger. With the limited range of VHF/UHF, I think that going over 50 watts is probably not needed. FM is the …

Radio Communication Methods During Emergencies- Part 3, by R. in NC

We just took a look at non-FCC License Dependent Communications, including use expectations and purchase considerations. Today, we begin examining FCC license dependent communications devices. FCC License Dependent Communications GMRS GMRS radios operate on the same frequencies as FRS along with a number of additional channels. They can use up to 50 watts, and the FCC allows for better antennas and repeaters. GMRS will require a license. No test is needed, and the FCC license covers all residents of a household. On last check, the license cost $85 dollars. Pros and cons, along with distance, are similar to FRS, with …

Radio Communication Methods During Emergencies- Part 2, by R. in NC

Today, we’re continuing to look at communications devices in this communications overview section of the article. So far, we’ve look at Ham radio/licensed devices, but now we’re moving into non-FCC license dependence communication devices to consider. Cell Phones – Using During An Emergency and Improving Reception During an emergency it is very common that the local cell phone towers become saturated. Many people attempt to connect at the same time, resulting in busy signals. In addition, some cell towers have special equipment that restrict public use and dedicate additional bandwidth to emergency services. This section covers how to get a …

Radio Communication Methods During Emergencies- Part 1, by R. in NC

Communications Overview and General Guidelines About This Article A modern two-way radio combines transmit and receive components together and is known as a transceiver. In this article I will use the terms radio and transceiver interchangeably. I’m also trying to write this to the largest audience possible and for that reason I may sacrifice technical accuracy in order to express the concept. Not all emergencies will require advanced communications equipment. Common usage technologies, such as email, voice mail, and SMS texting, should not be ignored. The more options you are able to take advantage of, the better your chances of …