Medical Action Sheets by K.B., M.D.- Part 2

Preppers are concerned about scenarios that can prevent access, such as weather extremes (hurricanes, ice storms, blizzards), civil unrest (riots, curfews), EMP, TEOTWAWKI, or pandemics/disasters, which can swamp the medical system. When illness or injury strikes, you will not have the time or inclination to read books or articles. I, therefore, propose the use of medical action sheets, and I want to share a few of those that I have written. In truth, I have given binders of these to my loved ones with the caveat that they use them only in a genuine situation as listed above and if …

Medical Action Sheets, by K.B., M.D. – Part 1

It is ideal and important to seek out medical care from qualified professionals. However, preppers are concerned about scenarios that can prevent access, such as weather extremes (hurricanes, ice storms, blizzards), civil unrest (riots, curfews), EMP, TEOTWAWKI, or pandemics/disasters, which can swamp the medical system. When illness or injury strikes, you will not have the time or inclination to read books or articles. I, therefore, propose the use of medical action sheets, and I want to share a few of those that I have written. In truth, I have given binders of these to my loved ones with the caveat …

Some Thoughts About Lying- Part 2, by ShepherdFarmerGeek

[Editor’s Note: It is the position of the editor’s of SurvivalBlog that the end does not justify the means. Deuteronomy 16:20 states “That which is altogether just shalt thou follow” (KJV), though a more accurate word-for-word translation would be “Righteous justice you shall pursue.” We believe that we are to model our Lord and Savior who did not lie.] We are considering some thoughts about lying, based upon Paul Copan’s Enrichment Journal article called “Is It Ever Morally Permissible To Deceive?…” As an introduction, in Ephesians, the apostle Paul says to “put away your former way of life, your old self, …

Some Thoughts About Lying- Part 1, by ShepherdFarmerGeek

[Editor’s Note: It is the position of the editor’s of SurvivalBlog that the end does not justify the means. Deuteronomy 16:20 states “That which is altogether just shalt thou follow” (KJV), though a more accurate word-for-word translation would be “Righteous justice you shall pursue.” We believe that we are to model our Lord and Savior who did not lie.] There are six things the Lord hates and seven that are an abomination to Him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that hurry to run to evil, a lying …

Cold and Flu Season, by Michele Cooper

During cold and flu season, what can you do except be as careful as possible? I hate being sick. So, I very carefully wash shopping carts (many flu and cold germs are contacted in this manner), stay away from sick people, wash my hands often, and try very hard not to touch my eyes or nose while out and about. Assure Your Health However, there is a way you can assure your health during the cold winter months. The answer is black or blue elderberry! In the autumn, when children head back to school, which seems to be a petri-dish …

A Prepper’s Wife’s Perspective, by ATL

I am married to a 55-year-old “boy scout.” Over the several years we’ve been together, I’ve learned a lot about how and why to be prepared for disaster. I’ve never questioned his wisdom or strategy in stocking emergency supplies, both the kind you consume and the kind that make being without electricity for days on end possible and maybe even comfortable. Early on in our relationship he explained it to me as equivalent to an insurance policy. As A Kid He’s been practicing prepping a long time now. When he was a kid, weekends meant hiking, backpacking, overnight camping in …

A Year in Central America- Part 2, by G.P.

A Preview of a Local or National Slide Into Poverty We are taking a look at Central American countries, primarily Honduras, for a preview of some of what our own experience might be following a local or national slide into poverty. What might the United States look like? How do ordinary people cope with this situation? We are looking for lessons. However, some readers may also be looking at another country suitable for establishing self sufficiency and simple living. We’ll continue to take a look at Honduras with these two objectives in mind. More Stories of Crime A retired American …

A Year in Central America- Part 1, by G.P.

Honduras Let’s learn from Honduras. Honduras is a Central American country about the size and population of Tennessee. Geography and Topography Here’s the geography and topography. The northern coast borders the Caribbean Sea. The east coast, called the Mosquito Coast, is where Columbus first landed on the North American mainland. The southwest corner of the country borders the Pacific at the Gulf of Fonseca, then turns north along the El Salvadoran border to Guatemala. The eastern region is an area of broad plains that resemble the African savannah. Most of the country is hilly or mountainous, with some broad valleys …

Get Your Children Ready- Part 2, by Save Your Ace

There are plenty of books on pregnancy, the birthing process, parenting, and raising healthy and well adjusted children. But how do you get your toddler or young children ready for an extended evacuation? With millions of families forced to flee their homes due to a variety of disasters, both natural and man-made, children in these situations are left confused, scared, and unprepared for the evacuation. As a reader of this website, you don’t need me to lay out all of the many ways the Shumer could hit the fan in your personal life. You have probably thought through different disasters …

Get Your Children Ready- Part 1, by Save Your Ace

You have your bug-out-bag packed and ready. You have read all the books, fiction and non-fiction, on the subject of TEOTWAWKI. In addition, you are a dutiful daily reader of, and you’re mentally prepared for whatever may come when the SHTF. Then you have kids. How Do You Prepare a Toddler For An Evacuation? There are plenty of books on pregnancy, the birthing process, parenting, and raising healthy and well adjusted children. But how do you prepare a toddler or young child for an extended evacuation? Millions of Families Are Forced to Flee Their Home Every year, millions of …

Common “Weeds” as Food and Medicine- Part 4, by M.C.

If things go very wrong, such as in an EOTWAWKI or SHTF scenario, you may find yourself without access to doctors and hospitals and may have to take care of yourself and your family. This is why we are looking at common weeds that can be used as food and medicine. You may want to print this and save it for such a time, when things are stressful and you may not remember the information here. Warning: Never eat a wild plant unless you are 100 percent positive of its identification. Get yourself a good field guide, like Edible Wild …

Common “Weeds” as Food and Medicine- Part 3, by M.C.

We are taking a look at common weeds that can be used as food and medicine. If things go very wrong, such as in an EOTWAWKI or SHTF scenario, you may find yourself without access to doctors and hospitals and may have to take care of yourself and your family. You may want to print this and save it for such a time, when things are stressful and you may not remember the information here. Warning: Never eat a wild plant unless you are 100 percent positive of its identification. Get yourself a good field guide, like Edible Wild Plants …

Common “Weeds” as Food and Medicine- Part 2, by M.C.

We are taking a look at common weeds that can be used as food and medicine. If things go very wrong, such as in an EOTWAWKI or SHTF scenario, you may find yourself without access to doctors and hospitals and may have to take care of yourself and your family. You may want to print this and save it for such a time, when things are stressful and you may not remember the information here. Warning: Never eat a wild plant unless you are 100 percent positive of its identification. Get yourself a good field guide, like Edible Wild Plants …

Common “Weeds” as Food and Medicine- Part 1, by M.C.

[DISCLAIMER: This is information about wild food. The editors of SurvivalBlog and the author make no claims as to the correctness, safety, or usability of the data. The information contained herein is intended to be an educational tool for gathering and using wild plants. All data is to be used at your own risk.] If things go very wrong, such as in an EOTWAWKI or SHTF scenario, you may find yourself without access to doctors and hospitals and may have to take care of yourself and your family. Being the family physician or Dr. Mom/Dad, you might have to provide herbal …

Forming a Refugee Prepper Church, by ShepherdFarmerGeek

I’ve been looking for principles and policies and ideas for forming a “church” for bugged-out preppers and refugees. It would be for people who find themselves in close proximity in a wilderness area and who band together to share skills and manpower. Projecting a theoretical refugee collection of 100 people, not all of them preppers, here’s what I’ve come up with so far. Most Able to Lead– Preppers Realize that there will be a high degree of overlap in community-building and congregation-building activities. The people who will be most able to lead will be preppers of some flavor. We need …