The Editors’ Quote of the Day:

“For the law having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers thereunto perfect. For then would they not have ceased to be offered? because that the worshippers once purged should have had no more conscience of sins. But in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again made of sins every year. For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins. Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he saith, …

Preparedness Notes for Saturday — April 22, 2023

On April 22, 1918, during World War I, German forces introduced the systematized use of chemical warfare when they released chlorine gas along a 4-mile front at the Second Battle of Ypres.  Pictured are some Australian troops wearing gas masks, during World War I. — SurvivalBlog Writing Contest Today we present another entry for Round 106 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include: First Prize: The photovoltaic power specialists at Quantum Harvest LLC  are providing a store-wide 10% off coupon. Depending on the model chosen, this could be worth more than $2000. A Gunsite Academy …

Building a Dedicated .22 Small Game Rifle – Part 2, by Steve A.

(Continued from Part 1. This concludes the article.) The stock: I chose a gray Magpul Hunter X-22 stock because it is a full-sized stock and I have used one before. I did not want a folding stock. The stock has an adjustable length of pull, a nice butt pad, and an optional higher cheek riser. The grip is somewhat vertical which works very well to position the trigger finger properly on the trigger, which helps practical accuracy. This stock is fairly sleek, with not much to snag on. The bottom of the fore-end is flat to better stabilize the rifle …

The Editors’ Quote of the Day:

“And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, I am the Lord your God. After the doings of the land of Egypt, wherein ye dwelt, shall ye not do: and after the doings of the land of Canaan, whither I bring you, shall ye not do: neither shall ye walk in their ordinances. Ye shall do my judgments, and keep mine ordinances, to walk therein: I am the Lord your God. Ye shall therefore keep my statutes, and my judgments: which if a man do, he shall live in them: I …

Preparedness Notes for Friday — April 21, 2023

On April 21st, 1828, Noah Webster published the first American dictionary. April 21st is Aggie Muster, for all Texas A&M University graduates. Aggie Muster celebrations/meetings are held as far away as Japan, Germany, and Iraq. — SurvivalBlog Writing Contest Today we present another entry for Round 106 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include: First Prize: The photovoltaic power specialists at Quantum Harvest LLC  are providing a store-wide 10% off coupon. Depending on the model chosen, this could be worth more than $2000. A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate. This can be used for …

Economics & Investing For Preppers

Here are the latest news items and commentary on current economics news, market trends, stocks, investing opportunities, and the precious metals markets. In this column, JWR also covers hedges, derivatives, and various obscura. Most of these items are from JWR’s “tangibles heavy” contrarian perspective. Today, we look at a power fixed-rate billing scheme. (See the Commodities section.) Precious Metals: Silver supply deficit reaches record high, could fuel price growth – Silver Institute report. o  o  o At Investors flock to gold, silver bullion to protect wealth in Q1. Economy & Finance: Conference Board: Probability of US Recession Remains Elevated. …

The Editors’ Quote of the Day:

“We held in New York that Congress cannot compel the States to enact or enforce a federal regulatory program. Today we hold that Congress cannot circumvent that prohibition by conscripting the State’s officers directly. The Federal Government may neither issue directives requiring the States to address particular problems, nor command the State’s officers or those of their political subdivisions, to administer or enforce a federal regulatory program. It matters not whether policy making is involved, and no case-by-case weighing of the burdens or benefits is necessary; such commands are fundamentally incompatible with our constitutional system of dual sovereignty.” and, “The …

Preparedness Notes for Thursday — April 20, 2023

On April 20th, 2010, an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon oil platform, leased by BP, killed 11 workers and began spewing an estimated 200 million gallons of crude into the Gulf of Mexico for nearly three months, creating the worst known offshore oil spill. April 20th is also the day that we remember the victims of the Columbine High School tragedy, where two students stormed into a suburban high school in Littleton, Colorado in 1999, at lunchtime with guns and explosives, killing 13 and wounding dozens more in what was, at the time, the nation’s deadliest school shooting. — SurvivalBlog …

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods

SurvivalBlog presents another edition of The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods. This column is a collection of news bits and pieces that are relevant to the modern survivalist and prepper from JWR. Our goal is to educate our readers, to help them to recognize emerging threats, and to be better prepared for both disasters and negative societal trends. You can’t mitigate a risk if you haven’t first identified a risk. In today’s column, we look at some interesting maps for those who are preparedness-minded. Map: National Risk Index for Natural Hazards The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) publishes a National Risk …

Preparedness Notes for Wednesday — April 19, 2023

April 19th is the original Patriot Day which marks the multiple anniversary of the battles of Lexington and Concord, known as “The Shot Heard ‘Round the World”. This first battle, leading to our nation’s independence, was the then-dictator’s (United Kingdom King George III’s) failed attempt at “gun control”– an act being carried out in too many parts of our USA right now. This first gun control of the colonies was a failure, because of the will and determination of a small part of the population (about 3% actually fought for our independence actively, with many others supporting) to stand up …

SurvivalBlog Readers’ & Editors’ Snippets

This weekly Snippets column is a collection of short items: responses to posted articles, practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. Note that we may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters. — The Great American Gun Divide. JWR’s Comments: Pundits often speak of the cultural divide between “Red States” versus “Blue States”.  But the contrast between Gun-Toting States versus Gun-Hating States is even more pronounced. There are not many other issues that have precipitated such wholesale political migration. Needless to say, if you live …

Preparedness Notes for Tuesday — April 18, 2023

Paul Revere, a renowned silversmith, is better remembered as a folk hero of the American Revolution who this night in 1775 made a dramatic ride on horseback to warn Boston-area residents of an imminent attack by British troops. — We are still seeking entries for Round 106 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. More than $800,000 worth of prizes have been awarded since we started running this contest. We recently polled blog readers, asking for suggested article topics. Refer to that poll if you haven’t yet chosen an article topic. Round 106 ends on May 31st, so get busy writing …

Deluded American Fiat-Fooled Yellen-Era Serfs

I recently coined the acronym DAFFYS, to describe the majority of Americans. DAFFYS stands for Deluded American Fiat-Fooled Yellen-era Serfs. Most Americans are under the foolish delusion that they have “money” in their bank accounts. But it is not true money (gold or silver “dollars” as defined in the Coinage Acts of 1792 and 1834). Instead, much like the folding paper currency, those accounting entry digits represent “Federal Reserve Notes” (FRNs), with no intrinsic value. FRNs are issued “at will” (by fiat) by the Federal Reserve cartel. They are created out of thin air, through the process of fractional reserve …