Notes for Tuesday – March 08, 2016

March 8th is the birthday of famed revolver shooter, big game hunter, and gun writer Elmer Keith, who co-designed the S&W .44 Magnum and .41 Magnum cartridges. He authored the book Sixguns, which is still considered a standard reference. His fascinating life story is told in his last book, “Hell, I was there!” Keith spent the second half of his life on a ranch near Salmon, Idaho. (Keith was born in 1899 and died February 12, 1984.) o o o Pantry Paratusis currently offering 50% off oxygen absorbers (as well as a few gifts) for signing up for their bi-weekly …

Letter: Political Debates and Survival

Mr. Rawles: I made the mistake of tuning in to last Thursday’s GOP debate, where I saw no adults on stage, let alone statesmen or leaders capable of putting our nation back on track and ending the erosion of our liberties, much less restore that which we have lost. I have come to the conclusion that the White House is now Hillary’s to lose, and there is little hope, barring divine intervention (which I do not discount and will continue to pray daily for) of preventing a Clinton regime. Discouraged, I went into town the next morning, and, as is …

News From The American Redoubt:

Eastern Oregon has lost a great defender of the Second Amendment: Don Curtis (RIP.) A SurvivalBlog reader wrote to mention some details that were not included in the newspaper obituary: “Don was one of the few remaining Charter Members of Snake River Sportsmen (SRS). He served as our Training Officer on the Snake River Sportsmen Board for many years; in fact since the founding of SRS some thirty three years ago I believe he held that position. Don was a Competitive Shooter participating on the National level in both Small Bore Rifle and High Power Rifle. He, in years past, …

Economics and Investing:

K.F. submitted this article. It was written about a month ago but is very compelling: Facing the Next War: Financial Systems o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: German Banks Told To Start Hoarding Cash In The Past Year, The U.S. Added 360,000 Waiters And Only 12,000 Manufacturing Workers Jim Rogers: There’s a 100% Probability of a U.S. Recession Within a Year. (Text with accompanying video.) Items from Professor Preponomics: US News Which States Rely Most Heavily on Federal Spending (Mises Wire) 9 Charts Showing Americans Never Recovered from the Great Recession: If You are Wondering Why People are So …

Odds ‘n Sods:

J.F. was the first of many readers to mention this essay by Bill Buppert: The Evil That Men Do: Willful Submission To Illegitimate Authority o o o Several readers suggested linking to this article: Probable cause: Pursuing drugs and guns on scant evidence, D.C. police sometimes raid wrong homes — terrifying the innocent o o o Pat Cascio flagged this bit of BHO Hive Mind insanity mentioned in The Army Times: BCT banishes combat patches, badges to boost morale. o o o JWR spotted a useful video from Wranglerstar: Bucking & Splitting The Big Wood. Note his economy of motion. …

Sarah Latimer: Unrealized Expectations – Part 2

In continuing with the idea of not relying upon others for the “sweet” wants and needs we have, here are a few more ideas that you can provide for yourself (and feel quite good about your independence in doing so!): Fresh and Dried Fruits and Vegetables– Want organic, highly nutritious fresh or dried fruits and vegetables year around, economically? Plant fruit trees and bushes and grow a garden as well as consider using a greenhouse for winter produce. Then, can, freeze, dehydrate, and/or freeze dry your excess produce for later seasonal use. We are still enjoying freeze-dried cubed tomatoes from …

Sarah Latimer: Unrealized Expectations – Part 1

A simple reach to touch and squeeze my hand, followed by a slight smile in the corners of what are usually distant eyes that at that moment were deeply focused on mine, brought me to tears. Last week, after my husband had prepared a sandwich lunch for his mother and me and I had fed her, done her hair, and given her a manicure, I prayed with her. I just gently touched her arm with one hand and went to our Heavenly Father with praises, intercession, and petitions in our Savior’s name. “Mom” is on hospice care and in the …

Notes for Friday – February 26, 2016

This day, February 26, is the birthday of Major-General Orde Charles Wingate (born, 1903, died 24 March 1944), an eccentric British Army officer who organized special military units in Palestine in the 1930s, and in Abyssinia, Sudan, and Burma during World War II. He is most famous for his creation of the Chindits, airborne deep-penetration troops trained to work behind enemy lines in the Far East campaigns against the Japanese during World War II. o o o Today, we present another entry for Round 63 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The nearly $12,000 worth of prizes for this round …

Letter: Passports

Hello, We keep reading about having “current passports”. Could you please explain the ‘necessity’ for this? Where might we go? What might it be needed for? Be well! – RM HJL Replies: It can be summed up in one of the survivalist’s creeds (actually, I first heard this from a skydiver): It is better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. If you don’t have a passport, you have effectively removed the legal means to travel to many foreign countries for a variety of reasons.

Economics and Investing:

Gold Will Overwhelm Dent o o o Items from Professor Preponomics: US News Where Negative Rates Will Lead Us (Mises) Excerpt: “Despite zero-interest-rate-policy (ZIRP) and multiple quantitative easing programs — whereby the central bank buys large quantities of assets while leaving interest rates at practically zero — the world’s economies are stuck in the doldrums. The central banks’ only accomplishment seems to be an increase in public and private debt.” CAGW Releases February 2016 Wastewatcher (Citizens Against Government Waste) Obamacare’s Cerberus, Status Quo for Obama’s Last Budget, Solar Wars: Revenge of the Subsidies, Spring Cleaning at the Federal Government, Rethinking …

Odds ‘n Sods:

No introduction needed. The title says it all: A Warning To The Feds On Incremental Prosecutions Of The Liberty Movement – Sent in by RBS. o o o Federal Court Rules You Can Be Arrested Simply For Filming The Police – H.K. JWR’s Comment: This court ruling is yet another reason why all SurvivalBlog readers should get a free set of press credentials from our spin-off web site. o o o Interesting Russian link with Caching Tubes from WWII Still Intact. Sent in by L.I. Editors note: Google translated link o o o Where there is a will, there …

Notes for Thursday – February 25, 2016

February 25th is the birthday of bluegrass music legend Ralph Stanley (born 1927). His harmonizing and high tenor soloshave an almost haunting sound to them, but I must mention that I was disappointed to hear that he once made a campaign commercial for BHO, back in 2008. Something tells me that he now regrets having done so. o o o Today, we present another entry for Round 63 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The nearly $12,000 worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Tactical Self-Contained 2-Series Solar Power Generator system from Always Empowered. This compact starter …

Economics and Investing:

The Subprime Auto Loan Meltdown Is Here – Sent in by RBS o o o Japan’s Negative Interest Rates Are Driving up Sales of Safes – Sent in by G.P. o o o Items from Professor Preponomics: US News Central Banks Should Stop Paying Interest on Reserves (Mises) Excerpt: “In 2008, the Federal Reserve began paying interest on reserve balances held on deposit at the Fed. It took more than seven decades from the US leaving the gold standard — in 1933 — for the fiat regime to do this and thus revoke a cardinal element of the old gold-based …