The War On Human Life – Part 2, by J.B.H.

(Continued from Part 1.) Drug Addiction and Homelessness To this point, I have talked about the attack on babies to prevent their existence or to terminate them after they come into existence. How about adults? In many major US cities there is an epidemic of drug addiction and resulting homelessness. The news frequently covers the resulting tent cities, crime, filth, etc. But the toll on the addicts themselves is enormous. I recently heard that at the height of the 1960s drug culture, there were approximately 6,000-8,000 drug overdose deaths a year. It is estimated that 100,000+ people died of drug …

The War On Human Life – Part 1, by J.B.H.

This essay expresses some thoughts that rattle around in my head pretty much every day, lately. There is likely little in it that SurvivalBlog readers are not familiar with in a certain way. However, I would like to express what I feel and perhaps fear is a central theme in virtually all the topics we discuss and the events we witness in today’s world. As a warning upfront, it is entirely possible that I am taking disjointed, some might say random trends of our time and desperately attempting to make sense of the nonsense by packaging them in one neat …

Designing a 7.62×39 Handload, by Tunnel Rabbit

At this moment I am anticipating the arrival of an antique Mauser rifle that has been fitted with a new barrel chambered in 7.62×39. By the grace of God, I was able to obtain an antique custom rifle in the ubiquitous 7.62×39 from Elk Creek Company. This will be a scoped rifle that might use the same ammunition that I already stock for my semi-automatic rifles that use 7.62×39 ammunition with bullet diameters of .310 inches. An Expectant Father Waits for the Arrival As I wait for it to arrive via UPS, I am writing this article and thinking ahead …

Providing For Your Family During Power Outages – Part 2, by B.S.V.

(Continued from Part 1. This concludes the article.) Unfortunately, there isn’t a good level of sun available during heavy rains. We were also beginning to lose sunlight so solar wouldn’t be all that helpful even if the skies were clear. Evaluating the EB70S powering the television, I could see that it was going to lose power overnight. We didn’t need it for information any longer, but as we were still trapped inside from significant rain, it was now our primary source of entertainment. Of course, in a dire situation we could ration that power consumption to make it last multiple …

Providing For Your Family During Power Outages – Part 1, by B.S.V.

For the last several months I have been thinking of writing an article for SurvivalBlog, but there have been so many great articles by so many knowledgeable people that I have spent most of my time learning from SurvivalBlog rather than writing for it. That changed last week (as I write this). I live in North Texas and was impacted by the storms that came through. A lot of news has, rightfully, focused on those areas where tornadoes caused damage – and there were enough of those to keep the news cycles busy. However, the news coverage was virtually non-existent …

Come Home, Now!, by M. Paul

This article is addressed to my adult children and their families. It should be useful to those readers who have family members who are spread out across a region of the country. It is intended to provide information and logistics for improving the odds of successful transport for those who may be planning to come “home” when there are natural disasters, or the Stuff Hits The Fan (SHTF). Disasters, in my judgment, can range from large storms, tornados, large fires, and floods, all the way up to EMPs, world war, or deep societal breakdown. Each of these, to varying degrees, …

Deciphering The Liberal Dog Whistles – Part 2, by G.R.

(Continued from Part 1. This concludes the article.) ‘Rise of Extremism’ Liberals are using a Bulls Eye target to identify those they define as ‘Extremist.’ At the center of the target is Donald Trump, the Alpha Male of the Ultramaga animals. Around him are his former assistants that liberals are trying to eliminate with ‘lawfare’: Guiliani, Bannon, Stone, Navarro, etc. Then come the now incarcerated J6 invaders, and finally comes all 85 million Ultramagas that infest America. Now it is open season for every animal shown on the target, using everything available to quickly eliminate them before the November 2024 …

Deciphering The Liberal Dog Whistles – Part 1, by G.R.

I started writing this two months ago, but every time I thought it was finished some new egregious event would occur that forced me to add or modify the following statements. So, I am shutting off any new additions, knowing there are more to appear. Anyway, there are several words or phrases that liberals bandy about and when we hear them, we should be very wary of. I will list a few of them here and explain what they really mean and how we SurvivalBlog readers can counteract them. ‘Ultra MAGA’ The liberals despise the phrase Make America Great Again, …

On Police and Faith Based Safety Teams, by Robert E. Downing 

Editor’s Introductory Note:  This guest article was selected by JWR.  It was first published at the Sheepdog Church Security website. It is reposted with permission. — Let me start this article by saying that “I like the police”. No, that’s not strong enough – “I love the police”. On a couple of occasions, I worked as a consultant to help one of our local police departments and sheriffs’ departments work more efficiently together. I was extremely impressed with the professionalism of the officers on these projects. And, contrary to what the news would have you believe, these officers showed a …

How to Install a Woodstove in an RV or Small Cabin, by Tunnel Rabbit

As the collapse occurs, slowly or suddenly, friends and family will need to be provided housing at a retreat location. Most retreats are not large enough to adequately house all the family and close friends that you’ll want to help with security and food production. They can park their recreational vehicle (RV) on your property, or perhaps locate a large storage shed that is converted into a small cabin. In either case, in all but the southeastern United States, these shelters will need a wood stove installed. This discussion focuses on installing a wood stove in an RV as that …

Christian Manliness and the Collapse – Part 2, by Dr. Joseph

(Continued from Part 1. This concludes the article.) The Philosophy of Manliness Let us start with a reference to one of the few righteous feminists, Camille Paglia. In her book Sexual Personae [11], she distinguishes between the Apollonian male principle of order and civilization, and the Dionysian female principle of nature = chaos. As she says, “[c]ulture and civilization are created by men in an attempt to control that force.” We see this clearly in the feminist attack upon male “logic,” and the savage postmodernist assault upon scientific rationality. Yet, as she observes, “if civilization had been left in female …

Christian Manliness and the Collapse – Part 1, by Dr. Joseph

The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty. Proverbs 22:3 Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. 1 Timothy 5:8 Blessed be the Lord my rock who trains my hands for war and my fingers for battle. Psalms 144:1 In this article, I am completing my previous arguments regarding martial virtue via melee weapons in a WROL, TEOTWAWKI, Mad Max scenario, through detailing the manly qualities need for survival in such times. [1] The evidence …

Improving Local Security – Part 2, by Tunnel Rabbit

(Continued from Part 1.  This concludes the article.) Using military field telephones as our primary communication method solves a number of training issues. And they are the most sustainable communications technology for an austere environment. Most importantly, field phones defeat several significant threats. And take note that using the same inexpensive insulated wire, we can operate remote transmitters, a P.A. or intercoms at gates, hard-wired trip wire alarms, and low voltage DC lighting as a part of our security operation in a fixed location. Low-cost and durable WD1A wire can also be used as tanglefoot, anti-vehicle, to construct HF antennas, …

Improving Local Security – Part 1, by Tunnel Rabbit

In anticipation of a worst-case scenario that is well depicted in the Bible’s book of Revelation, I fortunately relocated in 2005. I live on the edge of the wilderness in a mountainous and heavily forested part of western Montana. Simply being located in this remote region of the country, and given its terrain, greatly increases my  odds of surviving The End Times, if that is possible at all. When Will the Country Explode with Violence? The debate over a slow decline versus a fast decline is now academic. We are indeed seeing a ‘quickening’, a higher frequency of attacks on …

The Unifying Principle: Why The Political Divisions In The US Today Cannot Be Mended, by Brandon Smith

Recently, I was watching a short documentary about the history of political discourse and division in the US and it got me thinking about how the internal conflicts of the past might relate to the rampant social battles Americans are dealing with today. From early disagreements between various Founding Fathers on hot-button issues like the Sedition Act, central banking, and standing armies, to epic and disastrous conflagrations like the Civil War, America has never been “of one mind” on everything. Overall, though, the longstanding assumption is that even when we slip and fall into disarray Americans will find common ground …