The Power of Steam – Part 2, by A.Y.

Monitoring and Maintaining the Water Level Remembering the most important thing, which is Do NOT EVER let the water drop below the top of the crown sheet, there are sight glasses mounted on the backhead (rear) of the boiler to monitor the amount of water, and these must be watched constantly. Most boilers have two sight glasses; both are connected to the boiler at the top and bottom and have notches in the glass to help observe how much water is in the boiler. They also have drains on the bottom for cleaning out trash in the sight glass. These …

The Power of Steam – Part 1, by A.Y.

You have bullets, beans, band-aids, bibles, bullion, and everything else you can imagine for when the cataclysmic end of society as we know it arrives. You bug out to your retreat and have everything ready to weather the storm of looters, power hungry officials, and no infrastructure, but have you considered an alternative way to pump water? What about an alternative way to power electric generators? An alternative way to power machinery? An alternative way to move heavy equipment place to place? A way to help rebuild your community, using some clean water and anything that will burn? I am …

The 100-Year Geomagnetic Storm and The Electric Grid – Part 2, by Tango Delta

Defense Strategies If you’re not ready for TEOTWAWKI, you’re probably asking, “Can’t we do something to keep the grid from going down?” The answer is “yes”. There are two approaches– early warning and hardening of equipment. In theory, early warning relies on the ACE and DSCOVR satellites, located one million miles from the earth, to measure the intensity and polarity of a storm and then issue warnings, which utilities would use to take steps to protect their equipment. In reality, large storms are too fast, allowing maybe 15 minutes of warning. Nuclear plants are supposed to be in “cold shutdown” …

The 100-Year Geomagnetic Storm and The Electric Grid – Part 1, by Tango Delta

An average of once every one hundred years the sun takes aim at earth and launches a ginormous coronal mass ejection(CME). Less than a day later, it arrives as a cloud of charged particles and hits the earth’s magnetic field. It has a southern polarity and, therefore, “couples” with the earth’s magnetosphere, creating swirling “electrojets” of charged particles 100km above the earth. These produce geomagnetically-induced currents (GIC) in the earth itself. These currents flow into the grounding mechanisms of large Extra High Voltage (EHV) transmission towers. The current then flows through the transmission lines and into the EHV transformers in …

The Power of Police and Rules for Encountering Them – Part 3, by APC

Detention: THE TRAFFIC STOP (continued) What if the officer pulls you over and sees a shotgun on the seat beside you? Assuming your state of residence does not allow the transport of long guns in this manner and what you are doing is illegal, then the officer has the right to search for more loaded guns. Keep in mind that he now can only search for places that might house an object the size of a long gun. Searching for objects the size of a pistol would also be reasonable under the circumstances. What would NOT be reasonable is searching …

The Power of Police and Rules for Encountering Them – Part 2, by APC

DEALING WITH THE COPS (continued) Before we go into the details of most police encounters, keep one rule in mind: You never need to talk to police for any reason. There is no legal mechanism that compels you to answer questions, testify, or provide verbal evidence about yourself or any activities you may have been involved in! Therefore, Rule 1: Never talk to cops! Of course, like with any rules, there are certain provisos: “Never talk to cops” means to not offer up information or evidence. It does not mean sit there and remain a mute, or fail to respond …

The Power of Police and Rules for Encountering Them – Part 1, by APC

The overwhelming majority of Americans are law-abiding citizens, who more or less support the basic premise of police and what services they are supposed to be performing. In fact, even with the current buzz about law enforcement in general becoming too militarized (i.e. using military grade weapons and vehicles), Americans still respect the police, who are essentially there for all of our protection. What most of us do not understand, however, is how to actually deal with police on their level. The average person has very little knowledge of what powers the police possess and an even smaller knowledge of …

A Story of Caution in Today’s Police State, by Lebannen

I have always supported our troops and our first responders. Down deep inside of my conscious, I honestly feel that serving is the greatest form of community involvement. As a fourth generation Army veteran, this is something that I was not only raised to believe but I lived every day. The structure, the camaraderie, and the deep-seeded need to protect others led me to my next chapter– law enforcement. I eventually found myself applying for an agency in my home state. I applied and was accepted for my military experience, high academic standards, sharp appearance, and life maturity; I entered …

Planning Who Shares Your Parachute – Part 2, by L.M.

Plan Charity During TEOTWAWKI, there will be millions without the basic necessities of food, shelter, water, and medicine. While you certainly can’t be expected to care for everyone, you should plan into your parachute a bit of charity. Our personal number is 10%. We store 10% more than we think we will need so that we will have some to give away as charity. Your charity portion will have to be carefully disbursed so that you don’t compromise your OpSec, but none the less you will fare better for having it. Unlike most things about TEOTWAWKI and preps, charity can …

Planning Who Shares Your Parachute – Part 1, by L.M.

Imagine that you are a passenger on a large commercial airplane headed to paradise. The people on board are excited, because they are embarking on the vacation of a lifetime. The skies are beautiful and things are going along just fine; then, suddenly, the plane develops engine trouble. There is a horrible metallic bang. The nose of the plane dips. The plane banks down and to the left, and smoke starts coming from the left engine. It is obvious to you that the plane is going to crash in just a few moments. Being the prepper that you are, you …

Our Founding Fathers Were Right, by a Florida Mom

Our Founding Fathers were right, about education, too. Have you ever wondered how a generation with one-roomed schoolhouses produced so many great thinkers? Have you wondered what types of books were available when Abraham Lincoln studied on his own? Unlike many instructional books today, the educational books our founding fathers used were designed for simplified teaching, and self-teaching. They used McGuffey’s Readers, Harvey’s Grammar, and Ray’s Arithmetic. These were not grade level books; they were progressive level books, and they produced great thinkers who became great men. Pioneers could only pack a few books with their belongings, so they picked …

The Long Good-bye, by Captnswife

Well, it has begun. Today, I closed my Paypal account. This is just the first step in the slow and admittedly painful process of disconnecting from the Internet. I’ve known it was coming for awhile, but I can’t say that made it easier. Honestly, I love this thing. The greatest joy in my life was the moment, at age six, I realized that because I could read I would never have to stop learning. The invention of the information super highway was beyond my wildest dreams. It’s the largest and most diverse library in the world, and it’s open 24 …

Understanding Unconventional Warfare As It Applies to Conservative Families, by Swamp Fox

Worldview Before reading a book, watching a youtube video, or obtaining any form of information from any source, a wise consumer will ask a few questions. What is the worldview of the individual imparting the information? Is the individual, who is imparting that information, qualified to do so? Is this person sufficiently capable of relaying this information through his or her chosen means of communication? It is said that one “cannot judge a book by its cover”. I disagree. As a man who has, from a very young age, frequented used book sales in search of hidden treasures among tattered …

Buying in Bulk, What We Have Learned – Part 2, by JSP

A couple of years ago I wrote the initial offering on this subject of buying in bulk for Survival Blog readers, without thinking there would be a second part. However, since then we have learned some new ways to leverage our buying power, I will share that below. Update on Part 1 First, I will give an update on the strategies in the original article. We continue to buy in bulk, as described in the article. Currently, we access wheat for $200 per ton and whole, clean, food grade, non GMO corn for $300 per ton. Much has been written …

“Lay Up” Before Being “Laid Up”, by Wandering Will

Lately, I have seen a growing number of articles stressing that everyone needs to get prepared NOW! They stress that this may very well be your last chance to get prepped up. Is this true? I don’t know, but like many of my friends I do feel that in many areas things are rapidly accelerating. Am I going to give a prediction on when the bottom will drop out? Not a chance. I do, however, feel it’s not a question of “if” but rather one of “when”. Waking Up When did it happen for me? I have always been a …