Food Prepping With Freezer Bags – Part 3, by St. Funogas

(Continued from Part 2. This concludes the article.) The Final Answer: How Reliable Are Freezer Bags For Storing Food? The most important questions these experiments were trying to answer is how reliable freezer bags are as a food-storage method? Do they work for the short term? And how well will they work for the long term? Thinner sandwich bags are definitely a bad way to go. Pests had chewed through the plastic in just a few months. Pantry moths in my cupboard also had no trouble chewing through the foil packets of hot chocolate or getting under the lid of …

Food Prepping With Freezer Bags – Part 2, by St. Funogas

(Continued from Part 1.) Results of Cornmeal in Sandwich Bags As a side tangent, I wanted to know if weevils and their eggs in feed corn could survive being coarse ground into corn meal. Cornmeal is not ground as finely as wheat flour so I thought perhaps there was a small chance some eggs would survive. I put some weevily corn into the hopper of the grinder, added a bunch more weevils sifted out from some other corn, and ground it into meal. After grinding, half of the meal was put into a mason jar with a sealed lid, the …

Food Prepping With Freezer Bags – Part 1, by St. Funogas

As a followup to my article, “Just-in-Time Food Storage” (Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5) this article is to share with the reader the results of my freezer-bag food-storage experiments. The first article was for those who don’t currently have any food stored but plan on doing so at the last minute if it looks like the Schumer may be soon hitting the fan. While this wait-and-see method is highly discouraged and defeats the whole purpose of prepping, two methods were presented for those who’ll still be procrastinating anyway. Method 1: No special preps, just get some food! …

A Water or Fuel Level Sensor Circuit, by Mike in Alaska

We live up in the Arctic. Water is not always easily available in this area, various events can cause power to go out for weeks at time … what could possibly go wrong? The following design is for a fuel or water level sensor circuit. It uses a 66F002 MCU (Microprocessor Control Unit) with a built-in Analog to Digital flash storage read-only memory (A/D Flash EEPROM) using a sensor that has a prism built into a lens in the form of a sealed IR (Infrared) detector. When the sensor is bare (dry) the logic input to the MCU is logic …

Countering Drones – Part 2, by TacOps

(Continued from Part 1. This concludes the article.) Current Anti-Drone Applications As drones have continued to threaten civilian and government spaces, different groups have taken various approaches to down drones in their airspace. Both Ukraine and Russia have adopted a ballistic solution. Using cheap, Turkish-made shotguns has allowed them to supply mass Infantry units with counter-drone capabilities. They have found that #4 buckshot from a 12-gauge shotgun has had the most effectiveness against small drones – the ones dismounted Soldiers are most likely to encounter. However, 12-gauge shotguns have a maximum effective range of only fifty meters. Shotguns have benefits …

Countering Drones – Part 1, by TacOps

Drones are a hot topic in the news. From drones flying over New Jersey, Coast Guard ships, and other areas, to drone use in Ukraine, these have concerned many people. From the perspective of many in the prepping community, the question is how to prepare for drone attacks in a TEOTWAWKI situation. In this article, I will highlight a brief history of drone use, a background on the overall situation concerning contemporary events with drones, current anti-drone applications, and how to ultimately prepare to counter-drone reconnaissance and/or direct attacks. A Brief History of Drones Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV’s), now commonly …

3D-Printed Gun Components – Part 6 by M.B.

(Continued from Part 5. This concludes the article.) “All individuals are entitled to the utility to defend their humanity. Gun control has failed. You can’t stop the signal.” —from the original Deterrence Dispensed (now known as The Gatalog) website OPEN SOURCE FIREARMS “Open Source Firearms” is a term that I’ve used to describe those few firearms that are so popular that parts—as well as information about the firearms—are widely available. Moreover, these arms are so popular that even frames or receivers are being made by companies other than the one that first sold the firearms. An “open source” gun is …

3D-Printed Gun Components – Part 5 by M.B.

(Continued from Part 4.) I couldn’t find the command to flip the parts in the menus of Prusa Slicer, but a right-click on the object allowed me to “Mirror” it. It took a moment’s thought, to make sure I mirrored the hinge box and brace in the right dimension (X, Y, or Z). Once I figured it out and mirrored the two parts, I was able to print a right-folding brace! Have the Right Tools A small collection of tools will help you process a new print into a finished item. Power tools are seldom needed. Eye protection, and mask …

3D-Printed Gun Components – Part 4 by M.B.

(Continued from Part 3.) “Am fear nach gheidh Na h-airm ‘nam na sith, Cha bhi iad aige ‘n am A chogaidli.” (Who keeps not his arms in times of peace, Will have no arms in times of war.) – Scottish Gaelic Proverb (with a hat tip to James Tarr)   Other Filaments Nylon Reportedly, nylon ranges from challenging to very difficult to print. It is temperature-sensitive and can warp as it cools. It requires temperatures at or close to 300° C., which many 3D printers cannot reach without modification. It also gives off fumes during printing. This and its temperature …

3D-Printed Gun Components – Part 3 by M.B.

(Continued from Part 2.) Printable Frames and Receivers These projects generally use a 3D-printed frame or receiver, which is combined with firearm parts to create a finished firearm. Some of these designs can fire over 1,000 rounds without the frame or receiver failing. Projects in this category include a variety of AR-15 lower receivers, such as the UBAR2 and the Hoffman Tactical SL-15, a vast array of Glock frames, like the FMDA DD19.2,  Ruger 10-22 receivers,  and a variety of MAC11/9 lower receivers. There are also projects based on Smith & Wesson M&P pistols, Ruger pistols, Beretta pistols, CETME rifles, …

3D-Printed Gun Components – Part 2 by M.B.

(Continued from Part 1.) “The price of freedom is everyone gets it, but some people will misuse it. …is that a reason to prohibit everyone from having it?” – Ian McCollum GETTING STARTED WITHOUT A PRINTER! If you’re not sure if 3D printing is for you, then you may be able to try it without owning a printer! Start by finding a fairly small and simple object you’d like to print in a database like Thingiverse. Download it, along with a free slicer program, like Cura, or Prusa Slicer. Now contact your local public library. Some libraries offer 3D printing—often …

3D-Printed Gun Components – Part 1, by M.B.

Disclaimer This article covers information and activities that are legal under U.S. federal law and in the author’s state of residence. It is the reader’s responsibility to know and comply with applicable laws in their jurisdiction. Neither the author, nor SurvivalBlog, have any control over readers of this article. This article is therefore for informational purposes only. INTRODUCTION “Whether or not you live in England, the right of Free Speech is a universally treasured right, but sadly, a right that is still denied to millions of people around the world.” – Philip A. Luty, as quoted in L. Neil Smith’s …

WW3 Is Still On The Table: Europe Wants Boots On The Ground In Ukraine, by Brandon Smith

In the lead up to the 2024 presidential elections in the US the Biden Administration in collusion with UK, European and Ukrainian partners devised a plan to “Trump Proof” the war in Ukraine. In other words, they openly admitted that they wanted to prevent Trump from taking any actions that might force an end to the war and render a serious peace agreement. Part of that plan included the expanded use of long-range guided missiles supplied by western governments. These missiles require flight data from NATO assets along with NATO personnel to launch – Meaning, any strikes involving these weapons …

How Much Water? – Part 2, by R.E.

(Continued from Part 1. This concludes the article.) Back to First Principles What would be really useful would be a series of lights which would reflect how full the tank was, and if in addition to that, an audible alarm for high water-level. Perhaps I could build something like this using basic off-the-shelf electronic components and my rather rudimentary knowledge? Like most reading this, I am no engineer, and no electrician. My only personal asset seems to be that, I like to tinker with stuff. So, I dug out the multimeter and an old breadboard and began to experiment. To …

How Much Water? – Part 1, by R.E.

Over the past several years we have experienced significant disruptions to our normal routines of life. In the big cities, the heavy hand of government. The ‘two weeks to flatten the curve’ turned into years with numerous stay home orders, social distancing, lockdowns of churches, face mask ‘requirements’ and ‘vaccination’ mandates. Vaccine passports, at one point it was said were required for travel between provinces and crossing the Canada-US border. Police were pulling people over on the roadways to check whether or not your reason to be out and about was considered ‘essential’. It all culminated in million-person waves of …