Announcing: Huckleberry Haven Retreat Properties Subdivision

I want to tell you about an opportunity to get your entire family, extended family, or ‘group’ squared-away with some strategic land in north Idaho. A good friend of mine is selling a 20 acre piece of land which has been legally subdivided into four 5-acre parcels in rural Bonner County, north Idaho. One parcel has an existing developed homestead already in place. The most unique thing about this land is that it is both remote and accessible. Normally remote land such as this is accessible only from a half-hour or more drive on bad/seasonal roads once you leave the highway. From this property you can see for miles over a nearby valley and across the valley to mountains peaks. In the whole view there is not a visible road, house, building, phone pole, nada — blessed privacy! Only at night can you view the light of a single home far in the distance. Yet you’re less than five minutes drive from a major US highway — very unique!
One five acre parcel, the homestead acreage, includes: a very unique, Joel Skousen-designed, underground NBC shelter; a comfortable 1,800 s.f. three bedroom house (southern exposure) with two bathrooms, master suite with walk-in closet, excellent kitchen with lovely views of the valley, and three independent heat sources. It also includes a 1,440 s.f. metal-sided barn that includes a 800 s.f. heated shop; a cozy 300 s.f. cabin with satellite Internet connection; chicken coop; hog pen; raised bed gardens with excellent soil; 180 degree shooting range/gravel pit; propane generator with 1000 gallon underground storage tank; large storage shed. Well and septic are in. Grid power is available and in use. Elevation is approximately 2,500 feet.
You can keep all 20 acres as a buffer, or sell one or more of the 5 acre pieces to like-minded family or friends.
The three ‘back parcels’ are accessed from a well-engineered private road which services only this subdivision. Each back parcel has its own nicely-built gravel driveway which connects to this private road. Each back parcel also has a building site cleared w/ lovely, strategic views.
Remainder of each parcel is heavily treed with cedar, birch, white pine, red fir, et cetera. (Gorgeous Fall colors!) There are wild berries, too (Both blackberries and wild huckleberries.) Abundant wildlife includes both whitetail and occasional mule deer. Occasional visitors include: elk, moose, and bear. For some odd reason the owners have never seen a skunk, nor raccoon here — a blessing.
The homestead parcel and two of the back parcels include significant frontage on a seasonal creek. There are year-round springs in some places.
FYI, there was a new ‘comprehensive plan’ enacted in Bonner County, which will preclude the future availability of additional 5 acre parcels in this area. Therefore these 5 acre parcels should be greatly desired (valued) in the future.
This is a four-season climate. The Sunset Western Garden book lists this as a Zone 2 area. The growing season is June 1 to September 1.
Similar 5-acre parcels in the county are currently listed in this county from $99,000 to $350,000 each! The seller is interested in finding a single buyer for the entire subdivision — including the three 5-acre parcels without houses and the 5-acre homestead, together for a price of $650,000 (firm). Time is of the essence. The seller expects to have an offer accepted within a month.

I have known the seller for more than four years, and I can personally attest that he is trustworthy and a devout Christian, and that he did everything thing “right” when he developed this retreat. I have personally seen all of the developments mentioned with the exception of the fallout shelter. I know the property quite well. (I spent several weeks living in the guest cabin.) I can also attest that the wild game is plenty “thick” at Huckleberry Haven. You will certainly never starve there!

For the privacy of the seller, and due to the nature of his preparations, I plan to act as an intermediary until I’m convinced that I’m dealing with a legitimate, qualified, and sincere buyer before I put you in touch with the seller or reveal the exact locale. Please e-mail me if you are genuinely interested in buying this property. Just put “Huckleberrt Haven” in the e-mail title and let me know if you have the desire and means to relocate in the next six months. No tire kickers, please.