For those of you that have come to find SurvivalBlog.Com a daily read and would also find the Internet just not as fun a place without it, might I suggest an easy way to generate the requested donation of $36 per year (or just 10 cents a day) to keep it going strong.
Sell something on eBay or other commerce site (there are plenty!) [and take $36.50 of the proceeds] and send it to JWR. It’s an easy and effective way of killing several “birds” with one stone. First, you will be supporting your favorite web site. Second, the money you send in will not have to come out of your pocket directly. As an example, let’s say you have an older laptop that is just gathering dust and end up selling it for $100.00. You can take a portion of the proceeds minus the listing and selling fees (which are reasonable for the most part) and make the contribution. In this way, it will not cause a major financial disruption if you are following a tight budget. It’s a way of generating funds without having to feel it come out of your monthly paycheck. You will have the satisfaction of supporting what you value–
We all have extra “stuff” lying around our homes and garages, that are just taking up space. Its a great way to clean up the place and get some money out of it at the same time. Another advantage to this is that if you have never sold anything on eBay before it will give you the much needed incentive to do so. EBay is an easy and always growing worldwide market for anything you can imagine that can be bought or sold. For millions of people its the perfect home based business that is easy to start and requires but a few things which as a computer user and reader of this site, you probably already have like a PC and a digital camera, etc.
There are dozens of books and other media that can help you get started and avoid making major mistakes etc doing e-commerce, and without really knowing it, you have just started on your way to creating a way of having a second income. I have recently started back on eBay after an absence. I plan to do this full time as soon as I can get up and running as my “full-time” yet close to minimum wage job is probably now marked for a “downsizing” thanks to the economy and a host of other changes which I have absolutely no control over. Additionally, my education and experience are apparently not in demand. With that in mind, I have decided to start being proactive in the matter.
Although I have a background in communications, advertising and technology, it does not require this kind of knowledge to use the Internet to your advantage. All that is really needed are the THREE “D”‘s: DESIRE to change your current situation, DETERMINATION to learn new skills and develop new talents, and DEDICATION to stick with it and learn what is needed. Oh, and there is a fourth “D” that comes in handy as well, The desire to eliminate DEBT!
As readers of this site, I would advise considering doing something like this now so that you can be up and running with an alternative cash flow should a sudden shock come to our economy. Regardless, its time to start supporting this blog. Sincerely, – RBS
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