Letter Re: Request for Advice on Backup Power for a Well Pump

Jim: Can you or one of the gang offer some advice? We live in a nicely secluded area, but are all electric. We have a well. Our well man says it is impractical and very costly to install a hand pump on our present well setup. What would be a practical procedure to utilize a small generator to power the water well when/if the power goes down for a week or so, for short term use. Do we need an electrician to hook things up, and exactly what? I realize, long-term, greater expense will be needed, and it is in …

Letter Re: Advice of Shotgun Shells and Shot Sizes

Dear Mr. Rawles: To amplify on some of your points is a recent reply to a reader letter, here is some data; Number 4 [bird] shot is .13 inch in diameter. Number 4 buckshot (BK) is .24 inch in diameter and weighs 20.5 grains. (one pound avoirdupois is equal to 7,000 grains, 437.5 grains is equivalent to one ounce.) OO BK is .33 inch in diameter and weighs 53 grains. We have several levels of power in buckshot loads. Lets look at 12 gauge 2-3/4 and 3 inch shells. 2-3/4 inch standard OO BK has 9 pellets at 1,325 feet …

Letter Re: A Company That Advertises on SurvivalBlog–and One That Ought To

Mr. Rawles: Concerning an advertiser on your site. I have done business with George over at The Pre-1899 Specialist and have had outstanding results. Without getting into specifics I bought from him and the Post Office managed to damage my order severely. I notified George and as always received a very swift and positive response. All was made right and I couldn’t be more satisfied. All was sent as advertised and in perfect (except for the gorillas at the USPS) working order. The prices were great too. I am looking forward to doing more business with George in the future. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Mike R. recommended this site about Ancient Turf Homes    o o o The high bid is currently $98 in the SurvivalBlog Bandwidth Fund benefit Auction. Please e-mail your bids before May 30th. Thanks to Kurt and Angie Wilson of Survival Enterprises for sponsoring this fund raiser!    o o o I just added another 30+ U.S. Army manuals to my mail order catalog.    o o o The Bush administration has released its “National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza Implementation Plan“