SurvivalBlog’s News From The American Redoubt

This column includes a TTABs update! Our News From The American Redoubt column  is posted on Tuesdays. Here, we present news stories and event announcements from around the American Redoubt region. We also mention companies in the region of interest to preppers. The Redoubt region is perhaps the safest and most free place to live in these United States.


I just read that Viggo Mortensen had his home in Bonner County, Idaho burglarized during his absence. There were some odd circumstances. They involved a member of the family that formerly owned the house who, according to published reports, was acting irrationally.  Mortensen, who’s father recently passed away, hence he did not need this extra stress.

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A consulting client mentioned that he recently had some new AR-15 lower receivers custom engraved “PISTOL”. He highly recommended the company that did the work. The company is called Northwest Engraving, and they are located in Lewiston, Idaho. He described them in a nutshell: “Precision work, most of all at reasonable rates.”

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Moose moves quickly through Payette. In southern Idaho, moose, elk, and bear inside of city limits are novelties.  But in northern Idaho they  are more of a regular nuisance.

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A new listing near Sandpoint, Idaho advertised at (my #1 Son’s site) has gravity-fed spring water. There is so much water that there is also a micro-hydro power system. Those are two of the key attributes of a self-sufficient retreat. See: Northern Idaho End of the Road Safe Haven


Next, a reminder for our readers who live in Montana:  Be sure to vote on Thursday, May 25th, 2017.  That election is to fill Montana’s only congressional seat, which was vacated when Ryan Zinke was named Secretary of the Interior.  Of the three candidates, Greg Gianforte looks like the best choice.  Why? Because his main opponent, Rob Quist, is a Deep Blue Democrat loyalist who has publicly called for nationwide gun registration.

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Also, we read: Two problem bears killed near Missoula, Eureka

Eastern Oregon

Headline from Pendleton, Oregon: BENT raids three locations. (Its seems like narcotics news stories like these are much less common on the eastern side of the Cascades that they are in western Oregon.)

Eastern Washington – TTABS Update!

And next, TTABS has posted another one of his great Redoubt Trike Flying videos. This one was of a flight from Spokane Airport (GEG) to Bonnie Lake and Rock Lake. TTABS titled it:  Flying of the Essence. And as you can see, TTABS loves tree top (and even lower!) flying.  OBTW, his trike flying group has scheduled a Fly-In event for July 26th to July 30th, 2017, in Sandpoint, Idaho. By the way, almost 30,000 folks have enjoyed the most popular video posted by TTABS: Patriots – Surviving the Coming Collapse – Trike Flying. Because that video really encapsulates the unique look of the Palouse Hills region.

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Oh, while on the topic of aircraft:  Photos: World War II Bomber visits Spokane, offers tours


On to Wyoming, where wildlife, livestock, and the weather usually dominate the news headlines:  Famous bear 399 back home with new cubs

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Here is more evidence of the wide open spaces and light population density in the American Redoubt: Horses go missing after barrel race in Wyoming

The Redoubt in the Media

Spokane’s  Inlander “Urban Weekly” giveaway newspaper covered the prepper expo recently held in Prosser, Washington. The piece was titled: Here in the American Redoubt : In central Washington, even after Trump’s win, ‘preppers’ foresee potential disaster and violent confrontation with the left

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Lastly, Dave Oliveria, a columnist for the leftward-leaning Spokesman Review (Spokane) newspaper posted this in his regular Huckleberries column: Local American Redoubters have a catchy marching tune rather than a compound.  OBTW, I’d like to elaborate about the water toy platform (dubbed Tarzan) that he mentioned in the same column:  It will probably be condemned as an “attractive nuisance” by the city fathers of Sandpoint.  To explain:  Typically, cities often claim jurisdiction over lake waters to a distance of several thousand feet offshore.  I would grade the creators of the Tarzan structure “A” for Initiative, and “C-” for judgement.  Clearly, Redoubters have a “Can Do” spirit, with plenty of initiative. When we see that something is needed we often just do it ourselves, rather than begging the government.

Send Your News Tips

Please send your American Redoubt region news tips and event announcements to JWR. You can do so either via e-mail or via our Contact form.


  1. Re: The Idaho break-in no matter how many times I tell people to change the locks the day they get the house no one -not one person I know has done it. They all say the same thing “it’ll be all right”.
    You have no way at all of knowing who has a key unless you go out and buy new locks (for cash, in a shop you are not know in, or buy by post sent to a address of someone who is going to have a copy of the key off of you) and fit it your self, it’s not hard.

  2. may I ask why many people think this region is a great “survival” area? I’ve lived in Idaho. awesome country. but I guess my question is surviving what? I just think the west is vulnerable to a government wipe out for the natural resources.

  3. Down here in OC (Occupied California) the Jefferson movement is picking up steam. Two weeks ago people from 21 northern counties sued the Sec. of State for lack of representation and dilution of vote. We are now awaiting our 3 judge panel to be formed. Our solution th this harm is an Article 5 state split.For more information see

  4. This morning at 6:30 am, while in my bathrobe and trying to enjoy my cup of coffee in peace, one of those ultralight paragliding trikes came across my property at a nice leisurely pace, flying low. I guess I should get used to it with the capacity of the surveillance State, but sheesh! There is NO privacy anymore. Bet they got some nice photos of our place.

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