Preparedness Notes for Tuesday — May 28, 2024

Beginning May 28, 1942, 1,800 Czechs were murdered by the Nazis in retaliation for the resistance killing of Obergruppenführer (SS General) Heydrich. — On May 28, 585 BC, a solar eclipse, as predicted by Greek philosopher Thales, while Lydians at war with the Medes leads to a truce. This is one of the cardinal dates from which other dates in early history are calculated. — May 28, 1754, the Battle of Jumonville Glen. Forces led by George Washington killed French Canadian officer Joseph Coulon de Jumonville. — On May 28, 1900, Paul Kruger, President of the Boer Republic of South …

Christian Manliness and the Collapse – Part 1, by Dr. Joseph

The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty. Proverbs 22:3 Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. 1 Timothy 5:8 Blessed be the Lord my rock who trains my hands for war and my fingers for battle. Psalms 144:1 In this article, I am completing my previous arguments regarding martial virtue via melee weapons in a WROL, TEOTWAWKI, Mad Max scenario, through detailing the manly qualities need for survival in such times. [1] The evidence …

SurvivalBlog’s News From The American Redoubt

This weekly column features news stories and event announcements from around the American Redoubt region. (Idaho, Montana, eastern Oregon, eastern Washington, and Wyoming.) Much of the region is also more commonly known as The Inland Northwest. We also mention companies located in the American Redoubt region that are of interest to preppers and survivalists. Today, another look at the Greater Idaho movement. (See the Region-Wide section.) Region-Wide ‘Greater Idaho’ measure passes in 13th Oregon county. The article begins: “Residents in Crook County, Oregon, approved the “Greater Idaho” measure Tuesday that would require the county to proceed with efforts to secede …

The Editors’ Quote of the Day:

“The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In this way, the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed.” –  Pat Miller, in his book Willfully Ignorant