SurvivalBlog Readers’ & Editors’ Snippets

This weekly Snippets column is a collection of short items: responses to posted articles, practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. Note that we may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters. Today’s column begins with two news items from Philadelphia — “The City of Brotherly Love.”

New Philly car dealership has 60% of its cars stolen within a week of opening, owner says he “would not come to Philadelphia” if he could have a do-over.

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Philadelphia Journalist Who Mocked Concern Over Violent Crime In Democrat Cities Shot Dead In Home.

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Video: Breaking: ATF’s Forced Reset Trigger Ban Struck Down – Now What?

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Team Biden now denies that there were vaccine mandates.

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Blog reader H.L. sent this: Putin orders first ever nationwide nuclear drill, prepares nuclear bomb test at Arctic Circle.

Reader R.M. offered this suggestion:

“Today I was inspecting my IFAK, and, once I opened it, the tape therein leapt from the kit, landed upon the floor and rolled beneath some furniture.

It occurred to me that should that sort of thing occur while, oh, gosh, I REALLY NEEDED THAT KIT, that sort of rolling supplies thing might prove inconvenient.
My solution was to tether the roll with a length of 550 cord, and secure the cord to some loop within my IFAK.
In that event that the tape attempts to elope, again, perhaps when I  strongly feel the need for the contents, that tether ought to preclude the disappearance of the tape, leaving it swinging on the end of its leash.”

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Grizzly bear kills couple, dog inside Canada’s Banff National Park.

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Reader C.B. sent us this video link: Why Whole Home Surge Protectors Are Now Required and How To Install One! Siemens FS140.

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Eric Peters: Most Annoying New Car Feature?

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Reader J.O. wrote:

“I was surprised to see that all the electrical stuff is locked up now at many Home Depot stores, nationwide. For example, in Cottonwood, Arizona, population 10,000, I was told they have lost six figures last year in [copper] wire theft! So I waited for the clerk to unlock the cage. Then they walked me to the front register to pay. We’re talking even a 10’ roll of 14-2 wire! Crazy. ‘Try that in a small town’ is already happening.”

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A recent post from our friend and fellow blogger, Patrice Lewis:  A Question Of Heat.

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Further tightening the screws of repression: Trudeau Government Orders Podcast Platforms to Register with State Broadcasting Regulator.

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Reader A.B.: had these comments, regarding the recent two-part article:  My Generator: Hard Lessons Learned:

“1st lesson that should have been learned: Don’t rely on electricity for water.

2nd. Two is one one is none. Think in terms of redundancy: a second generator, PV solar power, and a non-230VAC pump.

3rd. He should have a relationship with his neighbors and or his local small engine repair shop.

4th. Most problems are short-term. Not all. Some are permanent. We just missed a second Carrington event by a couple days recently. We’re due for another close call in 2025.

5th. He should have developed the skills to fix it. If he connected a five-gallon can to it at just the right height the fuel in both containers would have stayed at the same level. Someone would have to monitor it and adjust the height but it would run.”

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Texas congressman Henry Cuellar carjacked at gunpoint in Washington, DC.

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800 Climate Spy Cameras Damaged or Stolen as London Revolts Against Green Agenda.

Please Send Us Your Snippets!

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