Preparedness Notes for Wednesday – February 6, 2019

Ronald Wilson Reagan was born on February 6th, 1911. He was an American politician and actor, who served as the 40th President of the United States from 1981 to 1989. Prior to his presidency, he served as the 33rd Governor of California from 1967 to 1975, following a career as an actor and union leader in Hollywood. Reagan implemented sweeping new political and economic initiatives. His supply-side economic policies, dubbed “Reaganomics”, advocated tax rate reduction to spur economic growth, control of the money supply to curb inflation, economic deregulation, and reduction in government spending. In his first term he survived …

Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread, by C.J.

Bread has been called the staff of life. Throughout history has become a staple to diets across the world. There are literally thousands of bread recipes to be found in cookbooks, online, and in grandma’s little recipe file. Most recipes are actually very similar with the only difference perhaps being a little more or less flour, salt, leavening, or other agent. The one thing in common with most rising breads is the process. Adding ingredients, kneading for a given length of time, allowing to rise then baking. Hoping to find at the end, a perfectly risen mass of wonderful bread …

JWR’s Recommendations of the Week:

Here are JWR’s Recommendations of the Week for various media and tools of interest to SurvivalBlog readers. This week the focus is on MagPul D-60 AR-15 drum magazines. (See the Gear section.) Books: I’ve mentioned this book several times since I started SurvivalBlog back in 2005. It was formerly published by the now sadly defunct Paladin Press. I consider it a classic, and I’m glad to see that it is back in print: Total Resistance. If you don’t already have a copy on your bookshelf, then you should! One reviewer had this to say: “Much of the minutiae may not …

Economics & Investing For Preppers

Here are the latest news items and commentary on current economics news, market trends, stocks, investing opportunities, and the precious metals markets. We also cover hedges, derivatives, and obscura. And it bears mention that most of these items are from the “tangibles heavy” contrarian perspective of SurvivalBlog’s Founder and Senior Editor, JWR. Today’s focus is on the Electrolux departure from Memphis. (See the Economy & Finance section.)  Pictured is the storefront of an Electrolux dealer, more than five decades ago. Precious Metals: Mark Lundeen; Market Update For Early February 2019 o o o Gold falls as stocks gain on strong …

The Editors’ Quote of the Day:

“If an earthly king was to issue out a royal proclamation, on performing or not performing the conditions therein contained, the life or death of his subjects entirely depended, how solicitous would they be to hear what those conditions were? And shall not we pay the same respect to the King of kings and Lord of lords and lend an attentive ear to his ministers, when they are declaring, in his name, how our pardon, peace, and happiness may be secured?” – George Whitefield