“Tyrants find great joy in creating all kinds of logical fallacies, mental gymnastics and morally relative sales pitches in order to convince a group of people that their wrong assumptions are right. The truth becomes foggy and evidence becomes unnecessary. In this state of mind, when individuals melt together into a mob, assumptions become cult dictates and “winning” becomes paramount. False assumptions and biases can be used to turn normal upstanding people into monsters, all because they refused to accept that their ideological position was flawed; all because they were afraid to feel embarrassed or admit they had been conned.” – Brandon Smith
The Editors’ Quote of the Day:
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Smith is right on. Try telling so-called conservatives that Trump is without conservative principles or that Republicans are just as great an enemy to liberty as Democrats.
FedGov needs to go. Forget MAGA. We need to MAA.
Correct, and was warned against by Jefferson & Washington as well as others. Parties are for party loyalty regardless, doesn’t matter if it meets Constitutional mandates. The entire gov is so corrupt and has been for the last 140 years the only way out is complete dismantling.
We are our own worst enemy in this in that we, the voters, have allowed this to happen, for whatever reason, and there are to many to mention. Constitutional principles have not been taught in schools since the 60’s and it’s getting worse. America needs desperately to return to the principles which made it great in the first place. The belief in God, His laws, and the principles laid out in our Declaration and Constitution, written by those who did believe in God and His laws.
Sorry, but who is Brandon Smith? Googling the name does not help.
Learn the Rules of Logic and Reasoning and when you apply them you will find most are fools or idiots or purposefully false or even criminally insane.