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  1. As an elderly white Christian, I find it increasingly difficult to make any sense out of our present society. If I find it uncomfortable when encountering things that offend my norms, racial, sexual, or moral, I am at fault and may face legal or societal sanctions, but if I place someone else with a different viewpoint in a similar situation, I can be prosecuted for “hate” speech or some “bias” crime. BLM can riot because of a “police” matter that may well be justified, but if a group of “pick your own minority youth” attack and injure or kill an elderly white person, it is not a hate crime and only happened because “they” were somehow damaged by being under privileged. As an 80 year old, having been in the work force for 65 years, worked full time while attending college, having been married for almost 60 years, having served in the military for 4 years, and so on, I find it very difficult to emphasize with a 20 year old who blames all of the worlds problems on “white privilege” and insists that I pay their way and support their belief system. My reaction has become one of avoidance, there are many physical areas and many social interactions that I now just don’t willingly enter. I know that in the end God will sort it all out and I have the comfort of having lived a very comfortable Christian life, but I have very little faith in the future of this country. In my limited experience, I have found that many of the minorities I worked with and went to church with, attended their weddings, graduations, and funerals, etc, 30 years ago, and in todays language are called “uncle Tom’s”, were much happier and lead a much better life than the present “liberated” minority complaining about what they haven’t been given. I sometimes fear that a new generation and a new nation will painfully be taught the truth of Danial chapter 5. No matter what the law or how it is worded, some actions against God and his laws, have severe consequences in the long run. The old saying that you make your bed and have to lie in it, will prove its truth to yet another generation.

  2. A very truthful and honest opinion, thanks for sharing. I’m truly amazed at how, over the last several years, it has become normal and accepted to blame anyone or anything else for a person’s woe’s, and never once ask what the individual may have done to create the situation. Parents need to teach this lesson to their children. Mine sure did.
    I am in no way defending the “She was asking for it by dressing that way” crowd, but exactly as stated, if you flaunt or expose yourself in a suggestive way, do not be surprised when people notice it! After all, that is why you chose that ensemble, is it not? If you act and dress in a mature and professional manner, you likewise should be expected to be treated that way.
    It reminds me of the old tale about the scorpion and the turtle. To expect the scorpion to not be a scorpion, is the epitome of stupidity. Unfortunately, that’s the norm these days, and even encouraged by the world at large (sure beats acting responsible!)

  3. I am a home health nurse and go house to house all day visiting seniors. I hear those same comments over and over from women. Its good to see a woman put that on the blog. At the same time I say let us all protect our ladies and teach them how to defend themselves as well.

  4. Most of this starts with parenting. Many young parents stick a electronic device in their kids hands to entertain them so they don’t have to do the necessary hard work of being a good parent

  5. I think the current mindset of our nation is not one of being immoral, but amoral. There is no right OR wrong, which leaves many in a mental state where they go agasint their inherent instincts that warn them agasint danger and bad consequences. We have been constantly indoctrinated by both advertising and entertainment to “open our mind” and experiment with new ideas and ways of looking at things. Guess what? There is NOTHING new under the sun! It’s the same ‘ol same ‘ol. Putting a spin on sinful destructive behavior, or tolerating it as merely being different in the name of diversity is dumbing down our society. Why were not these women taught to be aware of sexual predator? Absent parenting? Teenage rebellion? Revolt against social mores considered old fashion and puritan? Rejecting God and religion? Whatever the reason, the devil loves a vacuum to fill with his propaganda. Blaming bad men exclusively is an excuse for absolve one’s personal responsibility not to see the warning signs and heed experience of others. Isn’t the number one rule of self-defense is to pay attention and avoid trouble?

    1. No, it is immorality, but the root evil was that both the right and left don’t want to distinguish between sins and crimes.

      Before, it was a crime to engage in homosexuality, now it is a crime to refuse to bake a cake for a Gay Wedding.

      Take Marijuana – and the whole war on Drugs that turned the nice, friendly police into the jackboot stormtrooper SWAT teams and brought on Civil Asset Forfeiture.

      Every bad behavior, even if it wasn’t really harmful had to be made a crime, then it had to be made a Federal Crime, yet we complain that the Federal Government is too big and intrusive.

      As to civility, it is now considered a proxy for weakness. The left has been using that because when the right would retreat without a fight at the accusation of being racist, sexist, etc. they would win easily. Today, if you do anything that even appears to be an apology, they double down and scream “See! See! He’s guilty! Purge him!”.

      But I save my last contempt for the generation of the author. Where were you all this time? You watched it happen. The Baby Boomers got their Abortion and No Fault Divorce and the Sexual Revolution. You got the family destroying Civil Rights movement and the Great Society. Look at Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, LA… You got the 1965 Immigration Act, and 1986 Illegal Alien Amnesty (that said it would protect the borders – still waiting).

      Clinton sent our jobs to China and Mexico. #MeToo, as long as he kept Abortion legal, he could (and maybe did) rape someone in the White House.

      And 9/11 – we have to get into two quagmires. We have to have the TSA porn-scan us and sexually assault us (Don’t talk to me about #MeToo – every airplane passenger is a #MeToo but no one is suggesting changing that). You ran up 10 Trillion in debt under Bush, another 10 under Obama.

      Where were you all this time? Even under Reagan I’ve been trying to do everything I could to shrink government. The left wanted more welfare, the right more warfare, and we got both. No one wanted freedom and liberty, there was always some reason they wanted bigger federal government to handle.

      Now if you call 911 you or your dog is likely to be shot and killed by the police, even for something minor. You traded liberty for security and have neither. Does it feel better to have loved ones or yourself shot by the police instead of a robber?

      If you wonder why things got so bad, look in the mirror. Yes, all it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Or fight for the wrong side because they will feel safer, not freer. Noting the age, your adult life where you could have fought was the last 40 years. Some are the last 20.

      Even the calls for warmongering. Empires never have liberty. They only have cronyism. Ask why empress to be Hillary isn’t in prison. Yet we want our soldiers to meddle in every country across the globe. Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya – they all worked out so well, though we were celebratin the removal of “brutal dictators”. Some cultures aren’t mature enough for liberty. Some (Islam) cannot have it. And they don’t threaten us directly. We fight them “over there”, now have a million refugees we let in ready to kill us “over here”. For 9/11 Ron Paul suggested letters of Marque and Reprisal. Instead we are still there killing a lot of innocent civlians – I mean “collateral damage”. We’re in Niger, and Yemen. Why? I know. Because the warmongers are cheering for a strong, winning, bullying empire. I’m not, because it means our liberty is lost.

      1. Thank You! I’ve been banging this same drum on this blog for months! Baby Boomers need to shrink silently into the corner and cease your constant whining and crying about the state of the world that you created! These “entitled Millenial brats” are YOUR children, taught and raised by YOU! You’re not fooling anyone, least of all me. You were in on the heist the whole time, now you’re just not happy with your cut.

        1. Jason:
          Sorry but GEN X came after the baby boomers then the Millinials.
          And while you and tz are so right on so many levels and I’m member of GEN X, when the GEN Baby Boomers could not supplant the Repulic with communism in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s they did one of three things:
          1) 1/3 stayed on there hippie communes.
          2) 2/3 sold and went back to college and became rich yuppies/preppies who do not give a dam about nothing but how to keep there money and so did most of there GEN X kids. You now know the as Democrates.
          3) the last 3rd went back to college and got teaching degrees and became a blight on our public school system and has been infecting our children with ‘bad’ everything ever since.
          And people back when I in school wondered why I became a ‘rebel’ and would not conform to become a socialist fascist!
          We can also sit here grip and complain about what a mess the whole dam system is or we can correct it! We can do this 240+ years ago certain individuals told us that we could never beet King GeorgeIII and we did! Our young people’s future and the future of this country is worth the fight!

          1. Jason & tz:
            Oh, and when you guy’s are done banging that drum BANG IT AGAIN AND AGAIN…………..
            God, county, corps! Semper Fi!

        2. Jason, please don’t paint everyone from a specific age group with the same brush. Anytime you start generalizing about a group of people – be it on the basis of age, race, sex, or whatever – you’re bound to be wrong in regards to many individuals. Yes, a lot of millennials are messed up. So are a lot of baby boomers, gen x-ers, and any other age group you’d like to mention because each generation is made up of individuals who decide how they are going to conduct their lives. I am a lifelong conservative who happens to be classified as a baby boomer. My children have all been raised to value hard work and none have ever had an entitlement mentality. Sure, I saw many of my generation raising their children to be entitled brats, but rarely did I feel it was appropriate to tell them how to parent their child; most people don’t respond well to that sort of interference, no matter how well-intentioned. The fact is, popular culture and mass media started exerting a greater influence on society during the baby boomers’ younger years. We didn’t have a guide book for how to navigate the extreme changes taking place in our culture. Those without a strong religious or other moral compass were often left foundering. As a result, a lot of people messed up their lives – and the lives of their children. That’s the sad place we find ourselves in as a society today. Pointing fingers at a generation doesn’t solve the problem, nor does it absolve anyone of taking responsibility for their own behavior – no matter which generation they belong to, and no matter how well or poorly their parents might have raised them.

  6. Our society no longer has a consensus around a biblical worldview – we cannot agree on right and wrong anymore. Evil is called good, and good is called evil. We are a nation worshiping at the alter of relativism, narcissism, and hedonism. Of course we cannot really claim this to be a surprise: 2 Timothy 3:1-9

    “3 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! 6 For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, 7 always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 8 Now as Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, disapproved concerning the faith; 9 but they will progress no further, for their folly will be manifest to all, as theirs also was.”

  7. Regarding being labeled as a racist, a bigot, etc., I suggest that if someone does try to categorize you, act mildly surprised, and ask them to explain themselves. Let them defend their beliefs first, rather than you going on the defensive at their accusation. And if you see a flaw in their argument, don’t immediately condemn them or go on the attack. Bring it to their attention, and see if they can justify themselves. (Such as; “So, are you saying we should give illegal immigrants priority treatment over legal immigrants?” or perhaps; “How would YOU define the term ‘bigot’?)
    In effect, give THEM the opportunity to explain their reasoning. If it has a solid foundation, then compliment them and let them know you’ve learned something new and interesting. If its foundation is shaky or non-existent, then you can shake your head and gently tell them that you just aren’t convinced that that is the right way to go.

  8. It starts with the home environment. The father needs to set the pace for his family. Sitting at the dinner table should be a must. A morning or evening devotion to set the tone for the day should be a priority. The 10 commandments back into society. Bringing the Lords prayer back into the schools.
    The thought of “what can I do to lift someone up today”. This (in my humble opinion) will turn our country around but it needs to be consistent.

    1. NM: i agree that the father is responsible for behaviors in the home. God holds him accountable. As a man i have come to realize that i have given in when i should have been firm. I am now stronger in my responsibility. I have also found that reasoning with an angry woman or children is as ineffective as it is with snowflakes.

  9. With the permission of our principal, my team of teachers did a little experiment. For one week we did not dress professionally. That meant no ties nor dress shirts for the men, and we ladies did not wear skirts but rather sloppy slacks, etc.
    The result?
    Predictably we lost respect of the students. When we returned to professional clothing, the discipline and order returned.
    So I am with you, B.H. How we dress and where we as women choose to go does determine to a great extent how we are treated.

  10. The entire point of the alt right is they don’t accept leftists premises & actually make them defend them. Don’t give the benefit of doubt because they fully plan it out to the point of teaching sex to kids in math class.

    If someone calls you a racist, don’t care about it because there is nothing you can say that will change leftists minds, as they think all white people are racist.

    There are 2 books written by Native American Vox Day that explain how to deal with leftists,

    “SJWs Always Lie” & “Cuckservative” one is free on kindle unlimited.

  11. All of the above comments seem to be right on the money. What our young people seem to forget is that there parents and Grandparents work hard for what they have. (Most did) I grew up on a farm and ranch we were up before the sun was up and went to bed when all the chores were done. There wasn’t any of this; “I don’t want to do that or other smart remarks”. Dad had a belt that go you attention or Mom had her switch. We weren’t abused, but we did learn to respect our elders. Looking back that was a great education.
    I played football and other sports in high school, but when the season was over “I had an after school job” and worked most weekends. My Dad got very ill after we left the ranch so Brother and I worked to buy our own school clothes, car and whatever else we needed and helped the folks out.
    We now in the age of laws against children working at a certain age, so we need welfare.
    I am d**ned tired of paying for lazy folks who don’t want to work and we get buy on what you can make working. It’s I am entitled to this or that and shouldn’t be required to work. My folks were a slave or mistreated because my skin is brown. That is Bravo Sierra. No more welfare except as the Bible say’s widows and orphan’s. James 1:27.
    The United States spend more than 300 Billion on illegal aliens a year on welfare,medical, housing and other government programs. Us that worked and paid Tax’s and social security can’t get a raise. It’s time we started looking after the people who served and work to make this country great.WE need to receive a little more return on our investment.
    Women should be respected if they act like a “Lady” those what act like someone with no “class” no matter what, should thing about what they say and do. Most of us old folks treat a “Lady” with respect and try and help when we can.When you speak with disrespect don’t except to be treated to good. We are tired of this behavior by both Male and Female’s. If you want respect earn it as we did.
    The Gman

    1. Do you not see that the very people you are complaining about are the children your own generation reared?? Do you think they ended up this way on their own?? Instead of complaining and pointing the finger at your children, you should be blaming yourself for not raising them the way you were raised.

  12. I knew a divorce lawyer who said that the first thing he would do with a new client is get her to put a restraining order on the soon to be ex and if there was going to be a custody fight to accuse the husband of inappropriate conduct with the children. I questioned his morality and he simply said that’s what lawyers do. I questioned why any woman would make false claims like this against her husband and he laughed and only after he could compose himself pointed out that there was both money and revenge involved and they would do it in a heartbeat.

    Years later my son was in a troubled marriage and his wife would accuse him of abuse and call the police whenever she wanted to run around and or was arguing with him. He would go outside and want for the police to show up and was never arrested for these false charges even when his wife ripped her own blouse so she could accuse him of doing it. I told him that he had to leave her and if he did not he would end up in jail on false charges. Sooner or later she would win this game. Lucky for him he got away without her putting him in jail. She did succeed with her next husband and she also ended up in a mental ward on a medical hold for her strange actions. Turns out she was bi-polar. Worst part is the suffering her two children go through because of her mental illness.

    This kind of thing is common. A lot of men end up in jail on trumped up charges and the women making those charges are mentally ill but often undiagnosed. Beware.

  13. B.H., I agree with what you are saying. If I could add one more lesson for daughters it would be ‘What to require of your man’. Young women today do not require men to be ‘real men’. The result: few young ‘real men’. It’s a simple supply and demand thing.

    It is a tough pill to swallow but the country that Americans think they live in simply no longer exists. Darker day are coming. At this point, the only way out is through. I know first hand what living in The Redoubt is like. God-fearing, home-schooling families are thriving there. My advice to parents is to move there now. They may still have to fight, but it will be Plan B and they won’t be fighting alone.

    1. Exactly right Brother…I am trying to get people to wake up to the point that you need to be around other people that share your beliefs to truly thrive and also for your children to find wives/husbands that are good solid people…

  14. I am a 72 year old blond, green-eyed Anglo woman who has experienced inappropriate behavior from both men and women over my working years. My answer was to avoid possible situations in the first place and put a stop to unwanted behavior immediately. Then – guess what – I got on with my life. I did not whine and complain (via twitter or whatever) and play the victim. People usually respond to firmly set boundaries and that is the job of the individual man or woman.

    1. I have heard that women who didn’t have a strong father figure to train them how a gentlemen should treat her will often not be able to turn away from improper advancements by men. Some women actually feel flattered by it. How that can be is beyond my understanding.

  15. I gave up trying to make sense out of the downward-spiraling morality of society.
    Morality is not what saves a person anyway; we all know that. The Blood saves us. Born again Christians, once saved by the Blood, then can behave in some pretty worldly ways. I too, a Christian, struggle with sin in my own life. Which is worse in the eyes of God: my tendency to over-drink (when I drink) or another Christian’s pot-smoking? Each is a sin, yet we are both saved.
    My problem therefore is not with another’s “morality”, my problem is what their actions are doing to society. Homosexuality is destructive to a society. Terrorism is destructive to a sociey. Government-administered welfare is destructive to a society. So without judging these people for their morals, I can say that they are damaging America.
    In my opinion that frees me to fight against their destructive behavior which is damaging my and my family’s home.

    1. So what you are saying is once you are saved by the blood of the Christ you are set. You can drink, cheat, steal and it doesn’t matter.
      “The Blood saves us. Born again Christians, once saved by the Blood, then can behave in some pretty worldly ways. I too, a Christian, struggle with sin in my own life. Which is worse in the eyes of God: my tendency to over-drink (when I drink) or another Christian’s pot-smoking? Each is a sin, yet we are both saved.”

      Sounds closer to Islam than Christendom.

      1. Grace is the gift of God to his children. Drinking and or smoking pot is not a pathway to hell. Islam is hell on earth, world of difference.

        The dumbification of our youth was the result of intentional programs in education, carried on by progressive communists like Bill Ayers and his followers. They vowed to work from within, and they achieved their ends. The soviets infiltrated our government and opened the doors for such things as this, and welfare. Knowing full well where it would go, social engineering is a science to them. Tavistock is a real place, with a real agenda, and real programs…… dumbed down, indoctrinated. We are seeing the fruits of their labor, rotten as it is.

        Then there’s the round the clock TV boob tube…… it’s grotesque. A tool that could have been used to teach. Instead it’s a propaganda tool, as is the fake news media.

        One can blame the generations alive as this developed, but who knew it was so entrenched. There’s been a great awakening of late. What we do now, is all that matters.

        Above all, this is a spiritual battle, the evil forces are quite evident to those with eye’s to see. And Grace abounds, to those who love him.

        1. Mark:
          Several of us have been talking about the very things you mentioned. Bill Ayers and his ilk have corrupted our society so much that it is A up hill fight to fix it but I believe that with the grace of god and some good old fashioned elbow grease we will make it happen!

  16. Oh the struggles we, who believe in God have in this world. Is life a quiz where the wrong answers end up being your demise? . I come from a prominent Jewish family, yet believe in the blood and grace of Jesus Christ, The back and forth I experience daily is enough to consume me.. I simply do not have the energy to worry about the regression of the world, let it devolved into chaos and destruction. temple? or go to Church?.. are we doomed if our choices are wrong?
    Will we be quizzed when the book of life is opened and God forbid we don’t have the correct answers or beliefs? or worse, our name is stricken because our belief is not exactly aligned?

    1. I’d suggest you find a good church, one that works directly from the Bible. The Grace is real, and it covers you completely, as long as your heart is aligned with Jesus as the Son of God. That’s the alignment that matters.

      1. So help me out. If you are drinking and “behave in some pretty worldly ways” how are you different from the common sinner? Every day you must walk the path of Jesus Christ. Continually prove you are worthy. It is not a one and done sort of arrangement. What you are advocating for is no less than the Koran. In that the ends are justified by the acts.

        For example, if you are “saved” then in a fit of drunkenness you mow down 20 people with your car, how are you not a murderer? If for Allah someone mows down 20 people how are they different?

        They are the same. They are apostates in the face of God and damned to the same fate. Professing salvation is false without the acts to sustain it. Help me understand where I am wrong.

  17. you are correct, if you cannot carry a sidearm of any sort because you do not live in the USA, carry, a knife,baseball bat, EDC steel pen,kubotan, make your own pepper spray free on YT,flashlight with hard strike skin tearing serrations, no women should allow aggressive intrusion on their bodies !, no gun ? learning martial arts ! very effective !, if need be, do not be afraid to apply deadly force ( yes to decide to take your opponents life ).

  18. while travelling recently I saw a news article about a American woman who was wearing just glitter over her breasts at a music festival in NZ recently, she had her breasts groped from behind by a man at the festival, she then chased after him and slapped him several times, she of course defended her actions as valid and it was her ” right ” to be undressed in this provacative way, has America and the West descended to this immoral level ? should children see this ? I certainly do not want to see this vulgarity, what about my right to not see this ? people near all defended this behaviour, God must truly be ready to rain down on us, surely he is not mocked, or am I so wrong ?, it saddens me that America has no real Godly values anymore. What do others think ?, is this the new normal for women ?.

    [ warning topless nudity]


  19. My daughter ,whom I love dearly, and I spent a lot of time together during her formative years. She is 30 years young now. She is a successful and strong young woman. Math degree and good with a gun. Free thinker and works on her own car no problem. My son the same way.As a recent post on SBOG.com. stated.”Be a man and raise a man.” My daughter is not a man, but she will give most of the milquetoasts out there now posing as “MEN” a swift lesson in what it means to man up!I’m glad to have her stop by and work the snow shovel when she can.

  20. I concur!
    These “accusations” can be easily turned into weapons now that the stage is set. Can’t help but wonder if peace between men and women is less attainable.

    Working on an article that relates to this topic. You’ve inspired me to finish it up and submit it for the treasured constructive criticism and brave the inevitable non-constructive judgment. Thank you!

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